“Christ is Risen; He is Risen indeed”! Alleluia!!

Readings for next Sunday, 24th May, Easter 7
First reading: Acts 1. 6-14; Psalm 68. 1-10, 32-35; Second reading: 1 Peter 4.12-14; 5.6-11; Gospel: John 17.1-11

Keeping In Touch – Virtual Coffee Hours. Fr. Bill will be arranging another virtual coffee hour soon, possibly an evening one. If you have not yet participated and would like to, please send an email to Fr. Bill billward@diohuron indicating you would like to participate, and you will be included. Those who have already participated will automatically be included and do not need to send another email. Details of day and time will be announced soon.

Prayer and Pastoral Care

Please pray this week for: Loren, Tobin; Norma; Wes and Joyce; Mary Anne and Ray; Margaret; Pat and Sean; Brenda; Laurel and Rob; Ruth; Yvonne and Suzette; Cooper; David, Cindy, Norma June; Nancy June, Barry; Donna, Sarah, Mike and family; Steve; Norma, Susan, Stephanie and Ron, Scot and Logan, Beth, Mary Anne, Cate, Colleen plus Rev’d Kim and Brock, Don and Shirley, Keith and Betty, Sigrid, Sally, Elizabeth, Nelson; Cathy and Susan; Terry and Mike; Courtney and Dan and kids; Mike, Pepito, Joe, Elaine and Warren, Marg, Loraine, Loraine, Alex, Andy and Grace, Judi and David, AND for those who are in need of prayer but have no one today to remember them by name; and those known to each of you alone.

Rest in Peace – Capt. Jennifer Casey with the Canadian Snowbirds. May the soul of Jennifer find rest eternal and her family, friends and teammates find strength and comfort.

Pray for – the Canadian Snowbirds team, especially the injured Capt. Richard MacDougall, as they deal with the tragedy of this accident.

Pray for – all lives impacted by COVID 19, directly and indirectly; persons infected, in quarantine, waiting test results, front line staff providing care and support, all essential workers – putting self at risk to serve others, those suffering economic and work related impacts, those self isolating and exercising physical distancing; those living with fear and discrimination. May we never lose the need to value and appreciate each other and all of humanity since we are in this together.

Pray for – all those who are being put at risk of domestic abuse, all around the globe and here at home in Canada.

Pray for – Priests, especially Fr. Bill and Bishop Todd, who are struggling to offer liturgy in this surreal pandemic season.

Cycle of Prayer for May Transformation – Transforming Society

“To seek to transform unjust structures of society”, to challenge violence of every kind, and to pursue peace and reconciliation, is a call to go beyond charitable giving and help change a world that creates human needs. To join in God’s work in building the Kingdom by transforming society.
Prayer: Lord, let the fire of your goodness and justice burn into us and through us, that we may seek to transform the unjust structures of society. Let your glory fill this place, Let your glory fill this world!


FundScrip. Rick Kelly has had inquiries and received a couple of orders for Fundscrip cards, and will take orders if you drop your order, along with a cheque, in his mail box. If you have any questions please call Rick at home. (519) 660-4704. He will advise on card delivery later.


Breakfast The next regular Community take out breakfast is on Saturday 30th May, 9 – 10.30 am. People have been very generous supporting this program, but if you would like to join them, mail in a $5.00 donation, clearly labelled to the Community Breakfast Program, this will provide a guest with a take way breakfast-in-a-bag. Or, just drop your donation into the Church mailbox (label the envelope clearly).

Let’s Celebrate!

Happy Birthday! This week to Shirley Walmsley (19th May) and Mary-Lou Smithers (23rd). Hope you had/have happy days!!

Happy Anniversary! To these happy couples this week: Joan and John Maddox (17th May), Anne and Ray Duffield (20th – today!!), Mariam and Mathew George, and Victoria and Sidney Siu (22nd) . (Boy, May was a popular month for weddings)

And this week’s picture – Cate, Sheila and Cathy, dressed up for fun and spring to serve breakfast to our guests on Saturday May 16.

Even though restrictions are being slowly eased, it makes sense to be cautious. Stay home as much as possible and stay safe, everybody!