A Message to the Diocese from Bishop Townshend

Dear friends,
Many of us are deeply missing the opportunity to gather as church to worship God.  Premier Ford’s statement today that worship services may resume in many parts of our province has been greeted with both hope and anxiety by many Anglicans.  Ten days ago, together with the provincial House of Bishops, I decided that we would not be making any changes in how we use our church buildings for worship until after Labour Day, September 7.  Nothing has changed: church buildings may be used to offer online worship (no more than five people present to lead the service, following all current church guidelines) and to provide essential ministries such as food sustainability ministries or 12-step programs.  No indoor gatherings for worship will be held in churches in the Diocese of Huron until after Labour Day at the earliest. This will provide us with the opportunity to plan well for September, and to get some summer rest.
Some parishes have been wondering about holding outside worship during this good weather.  That is currently under consideration.  I will have more to say about that in a week or two.
Thank you for your patience and understanding as we prioritize the safety of all.
Yours in Christ,
The Right Reverend Todd Townshend
Bishop of Huron