Readings for next Sunday, 6thDecember, Advent 2; First reading: Isaiah 40.1-11; Psalm 85.1-2, 8-13; Second reading: 1 Peter 3.8-15a; Gospel: Mark 1.1-8
Prayer and Pastoral Care
Please pray this week for – Margaret and Anita; Anne; Margaret and Jennifer; Sue; Brian; Fran and Bill; Loraine and Gord; Toby- Lindsey- Erin- Theresa and family; Victoria plus Karen and Debbie; Nelson; Ray; Margaret; Pat and Sean; Brenda; Laurel and Rob; Nancy June; Susan; Stephanie and Ron; Scott and Logan; Beth; Mary Anne; Don and Shirley; Cathy and Susan; Charles and Pauline; Irene and Yoli; Izzy; Phyllis; Jen; Alison; Donna; Wendy; Jamie and Cathie plus Keith and Cate; Diane; Fred and Marlene; Davina and Sangceta; Brian; Sheila; Matt; Jennifer; Baby Charlie and Margaret. AND for those who are in need of prayer but have no one today to remember them by name; and those known to each of you alone.
Correction: Rest in Peace, Diamond Micks (mother of parishioners Gord [Loraine] Micks).
A Prayer from your Anglican Fellowship of Prayer -AFP in Huron
Oh God of all comfort, we pray for those who have been, who are, and who will be, affected by all that encompasses Covid-19. The physical, mental, spiritual, emotional, and financial burdens are great. And we know that not everyone is affected equally, or justly. We pray especially for those who are risking their health for the care of others. And we pray mightily with, and for, those whose voices often go unheard in times like these. May they know especially that they are heard, they are held, and they are loved. May they know Your truth. And your protection. And may they know your abundance in a world full of poverty. We thank you Lord for all your many blessings we have received and will receive and especially for the love we have from and for you. By Your name we are beloved, we belong, and we are beautiful. Amen
Pray for all those entering into Advent, the time of waiting and expectation, during Covid, when the world is upside down, and especially for Bishop Todd and our priest Bill.
Pray with Thanksgiving for The Rev’d. Jack Beedle, who celebrated 25 years of priestly ministry on 30th November. Jack and Diane have been faithful servants of St. Jude’s before and after his parish responsibilities, and continue to be valued and valuable members of St. Jude’s.
Cycle of Prayer for December – Transformation – Transforming Society: “To seek to transform unjust structures of society”, to challenge violence of every kind, and to pursue peace and reconciliation, is a call to go beyond charitable giving and help change a world that creates human needs. To join in God’s work in building the Kingdom by transforming society. Prayer: Lord, let the fire of your goodness and justice burn into us and through us that we may seek to transform the unjust structures of society. Let your glory fill this place. Let your glory fill this world!
We honour ministries in support of TRANSFORMING SOCIETY, the Fourth Mark of Mission. Support for: New Comers To Canada, and LIRSA, North East Neighborhood Group, Marriage Canon Work- Marriage inclusivity, Pride walk, Crisis Response, PWRDF, London Food Coalition, IJM (International Justice Mission) Prayer Partner.
Community Breakfast Program – We are putting together Christmas gift bags for our Saturday Community Breakfast guests, and will give them out at the breakfast on December 19th. The bags will include gloves, socks, hats, toiletries, treats etc. In our ongoing efforts to care for one another, we have a couple of shoppers who will purchase the items rather than have multiple parishioners out in the stores. Financial donations towards the bags however would be very much appreciated. Thank you! Needed – We have a couple of six year old boys who come to the Breakfast Program in need of jackets, running shoes, boots, jeans. If you can help, please bring your donations to the church, or let us know and we can pick them up. Thank you. The next take out breakfast is this Saturday, 5th December, 9:00 a.m. – 10:30 a.m.
Christmas Share – St. Paul’s Social Services is busy preparing for extra demands during the Christmas season, and welcomes your help. They prefer donations by cheque, which they use to buy gift cards for their guests. If you were to buy and send gift cards from our FundScrip Program, this would be very helpful as well. Mail to 472 Richmond Street, N6A 3E6, or you can donate on-line at “St. Paul’s Social Services.” They also ask for our prayers as they continue this valuable, but exhausting work.
PWRDF Christmas Cards – are available in packages of 12, for which they ask a minimum $25.00 donation to the work of PWRDF. They have two styles to choose from. Just Google “PWRDF” and you will get a choice of links, choose “PWRDF Christmas Cards”.
Advent Turkey Dinner – Was a sell-out and another great success for our Fund Raising Committee. Huge thanks to Derek and all his crew for a lot of work!
FundScrip – (see above) Rick is now taking your orders for cards, and this is a hint that they make great Christmas gifts, stocking stuffers par excellence! Leave your cheque at his home, 17 Daleview Crescent, by Sunday 6th December. The cards should be here by the following Friday.
ACW – Apple pies are still available can be purchased for $10.00. Contact Glenda Hayward at [email protected] or 519-951-8154 to order, or purchase after the services on Sunday. Due to their popularity, we have to set a limit of two per family. We will be making meat pies again before Christmas, and apple again in the New Year.
The Wednesday Craft Group – has crafts and jams available for sale! For pictures of these, please go to the church website (look under Update for 4thNovember). See the crèche Dave Cornelius made. It’s beautiful! Most of you know what we have but these are some ideas : kitchen towels, dish clothes, scrubbies, aprons, hot pads, micro bowl cozy, long dusters, catnip mice, cloth books, quiet books, crib quilts, knitted kids toys, knitted hats, scarves and throws, pet beds from sweaters, pet blankets, soup mix, chocolate chip cookie mix and much more. We do have a Christmas hanging, advent calendar, tree skirt and wreaths as well. We have some jam for sale thanks mostly to Dave Cornelius ~ grape, strawberry, plum, 1 cherry, 2 marmalade, and Governor’s sauce. Nancey and Cherie are willing to meet people one on one by appointment. Please call Nancey 519 453 2858 or Cherie 519 850 0582.
Chancel Guild
A message from the Chancel Guild – With the coming of the festive season that celebrates the birth of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, we look to our parish family to make a donation towards the cost of Christmas flowers and greens that will decorate our sanctuary and church. This year especially, even as so many of us cannot be at the church celebrations, we are still going to celebrate through the beauty of floral decorations, and we invite you to be a part of that. Donations can be a gift of happiness, thanksgiving or as a memorial. Please provide your donation and dedication by Monday December 14h. Your gift will be recognized at the services, and with the Update before Christmas Eve, to be published on December 23rd. Since we don’t have the usual special envelopes this year, please just use an ordinary envelope, but mark it clearly for “Christmas flowers”.
Family Newsletter – Cathy is working hard on the December edition, and welcomes your contributions – Christmas, of course! Memories, ideas, plans, suggestions, poems, etc. Email your ideas to the church, or direct to Cathy at [email protected].
Another need – A home is needed for Lola, a 4 year old black and white spayed female cat with her claws. If you have a place for Lola, please call Jane Scott at 226-997-8060.
The Family Law Information Centre – wanted to pass along information that they are providing free legal advice and remote services for those in need. Contact Lana, Information Coordinator 519-660-3001, at the London Courthouse.
~This week’s picture is of the beautifully decorated Christmas tree located in the Narthex ~
Have a great day and stay positive! ✝