Readings for next Sunday, 20th December, Advent 4; First reading: 2 Samuel 7.1-11, 16; Psalm 89.1-4, 19-26; Second reading: Romans 16.25-27; Gospel: Luke 1, 26-38
COVID-19 numbers locally have necessitated cancelling our in-person services for at least the next four weeks. Fr. Bill is arranging to record and send out services of Morning Prayer each week.
Prayers and Pastoral Care
Please pray this week for – Gord and Terri; Betty and Ruth; Margaret and Anita; Anne; Margaret and Jennifer; Sue; Brian, Fran and Bill; Loraine and Gord; Toby – Lindsey – Erin ‑ Theresa and family; Victoria plus Karen and Debbie; Nelson; Ray; Margaret; Pat and Sean; Brenda; Laurel and Rob; Nancy June; Susan; Stephanie and Ron; Scott and Logan; Beth, Mary Anne; Don and Shirley; Cathy and Susan; Charles and Pauline; Irene and Yoli; Izzy; Phyllis; Jen; Alison; Donna; Wendy; Jamie and Cathie plus Keith and Cate; Diane; Fred and Marlene; Davina and Sangceta; Matt; Eileen and Rev=d Peggy Fido; Jennifer and Margaret.
AND for those who are in need of prayer but have no one today to remember them by name; and those known to each of you alone.
Rest in Peace – Mr. David Doney, (husband of the Reverend Shirley Doney). May David find rest eternal and rise in glory; and Shirley, family and friends find strength and comfort as they mourn.
Pray for – the workers involved in the new building collapse. May the souls of the departed find peace and rise in glory, the injured have healing and be free of pain, and those who survived be free of fear and survivor guilt and find comfort. Pray with thanksgiving for the skills and compassion of the rescuers and first responders, and that friends and families find comfort and peace.
Pray for – the community as we move into COVID-19 RED restrictions. For the essential and front line workers who give of themselves so others may have needed care, support and services. Pray for all infected with this dreaded disease, that they will have healing, and for those in isolation, that they have hope.
Pray for – our Southern neighbours as the ongoing saga of their election mired with misinformation and falsehoods causes undue stress and antagonistic behavior. May calm and unity become a reality.
Pray for – Bishop Todd, Fr. Bill, and other clergy as they are further impacted by a step backward as we again have only on line services during this special season of light.
Cycle of Prayer for December – Transformation – Transforming Society “To seek to transform unjust structures of society”, to challenge violence of every kind, and to pursue peace and reconciliation, is a call to go beyond charitable giving and help change a world that creates human needs. To join in God’s work in building the Kingdom by transforming society. Prayer: Lord, let the fire of your goodness and justice burn into us and through us that we may seek to transform the unjust structures of society. Let your glory fill this place, Let your glory fill this world! We honour ministries in support of TRANSFORMING SOCIETY, the Fourth Mark of Mission. Support for: New Comers To Canada; LIRSA; North East Neighborhood Group; Marriage Canon Work- Marriage inclusivity; Pride walk; Crisis Response; PWRDF; London Food Coalition; IJM (International Justice Mission) Prayer Partner.
The Wednesday Craft Group – Crafts and jams available for sale!! Pictures of these are posted on the church website – These make great gifts : kitchen towels, dish clothes, scrubbies, aprons, hot pads, micro bowl cozy, long dusters, catnip mice, cloth books, quiet books, crib quilts, knitted kids toys, knitted hats, scarves and throws, pet beds from sweaters, pet blankets, soup mix, chocolate chip cookie mix and much more. We have a Christmas hanging, advent calendar, tree skirt and wreaths as well. We have some jam for sale ( thanks mostly to Dave Cornelius!). Grape, strawberry, plum, 1 cherry, 2 marmalade, some apricot, and Governor’s sauce. Nancey and Cherie are willing to meet people one on one by appointment. Please call Nancey 519 453 2858 or Cherie 519 850 0582.
Christmas Share – St. Paul’s Social Services is busy preparing for extra demands during the Christmas season, and welcomes your help. They prefer donations by cheque, which they use to buy gift cards for their guests. If you were to buy and send gift cards from our FundScrip Program, this would be very helpful as well. Mail to 472 Richmond Street, N6A 3E6, or you can donate on-line at “St. Paul’s Social Services.” They also ask for our prayers as they continue this valuable, but exhausting work.
Community Breakfast Program – We are putting together Christmas gift bags for our Saturday Community Breakfast guests, and will give them out at the breakfast on December 19th. The bags will include gloves, socks, hats, toiletries, treats, etc. In our ongoing efforts to care for one another, we have a couple of shoppers who will purchase the items rather than have multiple parishioners out in the stores. Financial donations towards the bags, however, would be very much appreciated. Thank you!
Chancel Guild
Christmas flowers – The Chancel Guild would like to thank the parish members for their donations. They had begun to decorate the Church for the Christmas season so that it could be included in the video of the Christmas Eve service as it is being prepared, but with the cessation of in person services decided to suspend further decoration. The balance of donations received will be used for future festivals. A list of donors with their dedications will be published and will be included with the pre-Christmas Update.
Correction – and apology to Joanne Lubansky Johns, whose moving thought about Peace was published in last week’s update and wrongly attributed to Cathy Ferguson. It was intended for Cathy’s Family Newsletter, as you will all have seen. Sorry Joanne! Too many crossed wires!
Let’s Celebrate!!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY – this week to Sarah Ferguson (14th December); Doug Wells (16th); and Justin Grignon (18th). Hope you had/have a happy day!
HAPPY ANNIVERSARY – Daphne and Roger Rawluk, who celebrate their wedding anniversary on December 17th.

Have a great day and stay positive! ✝
This week’s picture is the alter with beautiful poinsettias 🌸