Readings for Sunday 28thFebruary, Second Sunday of Lent; First reading: Genesis 17.1-7, 15-16.; Psalm 22.23-31; Second reading: Romans 4.13-25.; Gospel: Mark 8.31-38
Message From Fr. Bill
With the anticipated announcement that our region will be moving to the yellow or orange level allowing for limited in-person worship, and based on feedback from the Wardens and our COVID protocol coordinator, we have decided to delay a return to in-person worship until March 21st. In the event that case numbers increase, the start of in-person worship will be delayed further. Should case numbers stay at their current levels or decrease, we will move forward with a return to in-person worship beginning on Sunday March 21st. There will only be one in-person liturgy offered at 9:30 a.m., and registration will be required with a maximum capacity of 50. We will continue to record the Sunday liturgy and make it available for those not comfortable or able to return to in-person worship.
Prayer and Pastoral Care ✝
Please pray this week for – Diane; Phyllis; Margaret and John; Alysa plus Greg and Susan; Lauren; Nancy; Thampi and Babu; Dave and Marylynn; Pat; Karen; Victoria; Len; Darlene; Jane; Margaret and Anita; Fran and Bill; Nelson; Ray; Ruth; Nancy June; Susan; Stephanie and Ron; Scott and Logan; Beth; Mary Anne; Izzy; Jen; Alison; Jamie and Cathie; Fred and Marlene; Davina and Sangeeta; Matt; Brian; Bob; Gwen and Harland; Jack and Julie. AND for those who are in need of prayer but have no one today to remember them by name; and those known to each of you alone.
Rest in Peace – Laurel Hammond. (Former St. Jude’s member). May the soul of Laurel find rest eternal and rise in Glory. Pray for Spouse Rob and adult children Danielle and Evan for strength and comfort as they mourn.
Pray for – the family of St Jude as we enter into Lent without being able to gather and share liturgy and fellowship.
Pray for – Bishop Todd, our priest Bill, and all clergy, as they feel the stress and weight of supporting Christians during this Holy Lent, when true connections, traditions and supports are limited or missing.
Pray for – all citizens impacted by the COVID19 pandemic as the worry and relief of vaccine availability and roll out remains a moving target. May we be ever mindful of the needs to prioritize the most vulnerable in society and in our world.
Information from International Justice Mission, our Prayer Partner – Praise God that the motion to make February 22nd “National Human Trafficking Awareness Day” in Canada was passed by the House of Commons, unanimously! In so doing the government recognizes that “a critical step in the fight against modern slavery and human trafficking is to increase public awareness.” Pray that this national awareness day will help equip Canadians to identify human trafficking and act to end it.
February is Black History Month – Pray for the many people working to bring this history to all people, and for the lives of all those who have contributed and made contributions to making that history (past and present) in the first place.
World Day of Prayer – Always the first Friday in March, and this year will be via Zoom. The login information is below. Topic: World Day of Prayer Service Time: March 5th, 2021, 02:00 PM Eastern Time To join Zoom Meeting use this link: Meeting ID: 875 3668 8602, Passcode: 642446 ~ Connecting by Phone, use 1 647 558 0588 Canada, Meeting ID: 875 3668 8602. This year the World Day of Prayer country is Vanuatu (small multi islands East of Australia). Sharon has digital copies of the service booklet, donation information, and even appropriate coconut “mug” cake recipe! Let her know if you want any information forwarded. Rowntree United is looking after the Zoom set up and will be using the WDP video so it should be a good experience. Hope you can join.
Anglican Fellowship of Prayer, Canada – AFP will be hosting a one‑hour time of prayer on March 15th, April 19th, May 17th, and June 21st, all at 1:00 pm Eastern time. We are inviting people to join us for some or all of the hour. It will be a mixture of biblical readings, reflection, music, intercession, silence and other types and kinds of prayer. You are welcome to actively participate or simply listen and pray quietly. We will use the Zoom way of gathering people together. To join on computer, please use: (this is all one address, and will be used for all meetings) Meeting ID: 820 0140 8803 Passcode: 359803 You can also join us by telephone at one of these numbers (with the same meeting ID and passcode): (778)907‑2071, (204)272‑7920, (438)809‑7799, (587)328‑1099, (647)374‑4685, (647)558‑0588
Cycle of Prayer for February – Tell – Evangelism – “To proclaim the good news of the kingdom” is to share the news that Christ God is reconciling the world to himself in words. Prayer: Lord Jesus Christ, let your presence fill our hearts and overflow in our actions, that we may proclaim the good news of your kingdom. Let your glory fill this place. Let your glory fill this world! We honor ministries in support of EVANGELISM the First Mark of Mission ‑ Liturgical Ministries: Priests, Licensed Lay Readers, Servers, Intercessors, Readers, Lay administrators, Chancel Guild, Seminary Student and Seminary Student Committee, Prayer and Eucharistic Services in Area Long Term Care Homes, Funeral Home Services, On Line Worship Services and all the liturgical technical support people.
Bible Study
Lectio Divina Bible study – Fr. Bill invites the parish to a series of studies via Zoom, “Wilderness Wanderings”: do the wilderness wanderings of the Israelites have anything to teach us about our search for meaning in the midst of a pandemic? This Zoom study will be at 7.00 pm on Thursdays during Lent, beginning on March 4th. To join, click on this link: Meeting ID: 822 4787 9432 Passcode: 593098
Deanery Lenten study – The London Deanery invites us to join, via Zoom, a series called “Unbinding Heavy Burdens; a Lenten Journey”, beginning tonight, 24th February, and continuing on each Wednesday in March. Each session will begin at 7.30 pm. The featured speakers are Diana Butler Bass and Bishop Todd Townshend. You can register for this series by emailing [email protected] or call 519-471-1430.
“Encounters with Christ” – a Lenten sermon series from the diocese, on Thursday mornings in Lent at 10.00 am, began on Wednesday 17th February and continues each Thursday in Lent. This is a Zoom meeting series, and to register email [email protected].
Coffee Hour☕
Join Allie McDougall in a Zoom coffee hour every Wednesday morning at 10.00 am. The Zoom meeting ID will remain the same for each session. Follow this link: or call in at +1 647 558 0588 to join!
Community Breakfast Program – The next take out breakfast is Saturday, 6thMarch.
HAPPY BRITHDAY! – This week to Andy Suga (23rd February), Shirley Shaw (24th) and Cheryle Anne MacBelford (25th). Hope you all had/have a happy day, but stay safe!!
HAPPY ANNIVERSARY! Jan and Bob McKenzie, who celebrate their wedding anniversary on 27th February.
Things are beginning to look a little better, but still be cautious, do as directed, stay home and stay safe until this lockdown can be lifted.