Alleluia! Alleluia! Christ is risen! Alleluia! On this 6th Sunday of Easter we worshipped together safely in our homes via Zoom. Great to see familiar faces without masks and while we muted the sound, we could see that parishioners were singing along with Christina. Many thanks to Bryan and Fr Bill for organizing and recording the service that can be shared with those without access to Zoom. The Gospel message – ” This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you.” What a vital message to live by, especially during these tough times when it is so easy to find fault, cast blame, be fearful, and lose hope. Fr Bill reminds us that our God, our Jesus is about love, about hope, and about walking with us through the trials. God’s peace and Happy Mothers Day!
Morning Prayer Service
by Church of St. Jude | May 9, 2021 | Uncategorized