Fr. Bill’s powerful sermon from last Sunday bears re-watching, several times, and reflecting on. It can be found on the church’s website, or in YouTube at Words to remember: “How shall we love thee, holy hidden being, If we love not the world which thou hast made? O give us broader love, For better seeing”
Sadly, all our lives we have become used to hearing or reading of acts of terrorism, around the world – around the world – but suddenly it is here, in our midst, and we are reeling from this shock. Which makes Fr. Bill’s sermon of last Sunday even more appropriate and timely.
A Facebook post from Bishop Todd: A friend helped me find this beautiful passage from the Qur’an. I t speaks well to all of us – especially now to those of other faiths – about our unity, even in diversity. “People, We created you all from a single man and a single woman, and made you into races and tribes so that you should recognize one another. In God’s eyes, the most honoured of you are the ones most mindful of Him: God is all knowing, all aware.” (translated from Syrah 49:13)
Readings for Sunday 13h June, Pentecost 3 First reading : 1 Samuel 15.34 – 16.13 Psalm 92.1-4,11-14 Second reading: 2 Corinthians 5.6-10,14-17 Gospel : Mark 4.26-34
Prayer and Pastoral Care
Please pray this week for: Joyce; Pat; Cyndi; Anne; Joyce; Jan and Bob; Phyllis; Dave and Marylynn; Victoria; Karen; Debby; Margaret and Anita; Nelson; Ray; Karen; Lauren and Nancy; Darlene and Jane; Ruth; Nancy June, Stephanie and Ron, Scott and Logan, Beth, Mary Anne, Izzy; Jen; Alison, Jamie and Cathie; Fred and Marlene; Davina and Sangeeta, Brian, Sandra; Mary; Liz and Charlotte, Clarion and Brenda and Lester; Meredith; Precious; Betty; Laura; Vanessa; Viora; Ellena and Rev’d Kim, Jerry; Diann and Ann; Bob; Jack, Julie, Janie, Cindy, Cody AND those who are in need of prayer but have no one today to remember them by name; and those known to each of you alone.
Rest In Peace Salman Afzaal, 46, Madiha Salman, 44, daughter Yumna Afzaal 16, and grandmother, 74, (family members brutally murdered for being Muslim). May their souls find peace eternal and may their seriously injured son Fayez, 9, in hospital, find strength, healing and support as he faces physical, emotional and trauma challenges. May all the citizens of their mosque and the whole London community find comfort as they grieve, and use this tragedy to strengthen the teaching of “love not hate” and love of neighbour regardless of any and all differences. We are stronger in our diversity.
As Jesus taught us, we also pray for Nathaniel Veltman, the young man who has been charged in the deaths of this family. O God, deliver us all from hatred, cruelty and revenge; and enable us to stand before you, reconciled through your Son Jesus Christ our Lord.
Pray for all who suffer and are victims of prejudice, racism, and hate for being who God made them to be. All the indigenous people and survivors who are suffering grief and trauma from the discovery of 215 unmarked graves at a former residential school. May they find comfort in the outpouring of support and renewed willingness of people wanting to listen and understand in order to take meaningful action.
Pray for all persons impacted by the world pandemic. Even as Ontario numbers improve, other regions continue to be overwhelmed. May Ontario remain committed and vigilant to follow the ongoing and ever changing directives of public health. People are fatigued, but let them find strength and hope as restrictions slowly lift.
Pray with thanksgiving for the global and local brave front line workers, first responders, care providers, disease specialists, and vaccination roll-outs. Let us remember that the sharing of knowledge, supplies and resources are needed so the whole world may move forward and end this pandemic.
Hope is like the deep roots of a tree that support its weight and keep it upright, or like an anchor that holds a boat steady in its place against the wind and waves. When we hope in God, we lean upon a sure foundation; we stand strong in an unshakable fortress; we hide ourselves in the cleft of a rock which shelters us from the storm. (Br. David Vryhof, SSJE)
Cycle of Prayer for June Treasure – Safeguard and Renew the Earth As Christians we are called to “Safeguard the integrity of Creation.” Our world is a gift from God. We bear the responsibility for caring for the world and the Earth’s resources. Prayer: Lord, you came into our lives to redeem all that is good. Guide us in our turn to renew and sustain the life of your creation. Let your glory fill this place. Let your glory fill this world! We honour ministries in support of Safeguarding and renewing the Earth, the Fifth Mark of Mission, including Stewardship; Environmental Team, Buildings and grounds, Lock-up Security group, Finance and Audit groups, Committee of Stewards, Treasurer, FundScrip, Garage sales, Broadway Singers partnership.
Community Breakfast Program With the advent of this hot weather, the following are needed by our guests: seasonal footwear in a variety sizes such as walking sandals for men & women: hair elastics / bands / scrunchies; caps/hats for men, women and a few children; capris – all sizes especially medium and large; shorts of all sizes with our most requested by men size 30, 32, 34, 36; sunscreen – for kids which can be used by adults; sleeveless shirts men; razors, and shampoo. Donations can be dropped off the Friday afternoon before the scheduled breakfast at the Adelaide entrance. We are planning to serve fresh strawberries for the breakfast on the July holiday weekend – donations towards the berries are much appreciated and if you would like to help prep the berries on Friday July 2 nd , please contact Glenda at [email protected] or 519-951-8154. Thank you! The next take out breakfast is Saturday, 19th June.
The Outreach committee Ministry for June is CMHA, Middlesex Mental Health. Due to the pandemic we will not be collecting articles for donation, but a financial donation would be welcome. Financial Donations and information: Address: 534 Queens Ave, London, ON N6B 1Y6
The committee would sincerely like to thank everyone at St. Jude’s for their support of our Outreach work. Should there be a specific charity or organization you wish to suggest we support, please let us know at [email protected]
Let’s Celebrate!!
Happy Birthday this week to Carol Calder (10th June), Sharyn Ulrich (11th ) and Christina! (12th ). Hope you all have a happy day, and are staying safe!!
Happy Anniversary to Sharon and Geoff Viglianti, who celebrated their wedding anniversary on 6th June, and also to Gladys and Tony Lave, who celebrate on 11th June.
We’re all tired of this lockdown, but be patient and hang in, things are getting easier, but this is no time to let your guard down! Keep wearing that darn mask, and hand sanitising, and, get the vaccine!!