Readings for Sunday 25th July, Pentecost 9 First reading : 2 Samuel 11.1-15. Psalm 145.10-18 Second reading : Ephesians 4.1-16 Gospel : John 6.24-35

This Sunday, 25th July, an in-person services continue at the church at 9.30 am, with limited numbers and pre-registration required.

This Thursday July 22nd is the Feast Day Of Saint Mary Magdalene. Mary is the Apostle to the Apostles Collect for this feast day: Almighty God, whose Son restored Mary Magdalene to health of mind and body and called her to be a witness of his resurrection, forgive us and heal us by your grace, that we may serve you in the power of his risen life; who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen

Sunday School stuff! (From Cindy Warner) Calling all kids to join us this summer as we Track Down the One True God! We will have treasure maps to follow, stories and clues to help us, and maybe even a treasure at the end of the summer! Hope to see you all as we begin our Mystery Island Summer Adventure!  

Children and Calls to Action

A message from The Rev’d. Canon Gerry Adam (director of Huron Church Camp) In some of my reading I found the attached resource for talking to children about the calls to action. The camp staff and I will be exploring them this summer. Here are a couple of links to book lists for families and children, one that Wendy Mencel shared over Facebook a few weeks ago. We have a number in our camp library, others I have given to my grandchildren. / and finally a favorite of mine that does not appear on either list:


Ministry of the Month Our focus is the Environment. For several years we have supported an Interfaith Tree Planting event in the Fall, but at this point in time we have no information on a 2021 event. However, Reforest London has already been advertising some spring 2021 events, so hopefully we will get more news later in the summer about this Fall event. In the meantime, don’t forget the slogan, “reduce, reuse and recycle” as we work on reducing our dependence on plastic containers and look forward to using blue boxes at church, as well as at home. Please keep the environment in your prayers

St. John the Evangelist Community Dinner program We are looking for a few volunteers to help with the St. John’s community dinner on Saturday August 14th . It will be a take away summer supper in a bag. Volunteers can contact Glenda at 519-951-8154 or [email protected] Thanks.

Community Breakfast Program Thank you to all who support the programme in so many ways – financially, baking, clothing, shopping, making and donating masks, toiletries, and serving at the breakfast. These are contributions very difficult to measure but the programme could not succeed without them. We served 77 breakfasts last Saturday despite the rainy weather. In addition to the financial requests, this month our guests are in need of: Scent-free or mild soap, Body wash, Shaving gel, Razors for men and women, Shampoo, Conditioner, Deodorant for men and women, Tooth paste, Tooth brushes, Moisturizer (mild or scent free), Lip balm, Clothing for a 12 year old girl (tall and slim) and a 6 year old boy. The next take out breakfast is Saturday, 31st July.

Prayer and Pastoral Care

Cycle of Prayer for July and August Living the Marks of Mission WHEN YOU listen with all your heart, honour your elders, encourage young people to be active in church often and loudly, choose good over evil , welcome the stranger, write to the government about the issues that matter, invite a co-worker to church, help your dad do housework, get messy with school kids, say “Thank the Lord” and mean it, tweet your blessings one by one, introduce your grandkids to nature, read and share God’s word, Pray, THEN YOU ARE LIVING THE MARKS OF MISSION.

A Prayer request from Brazil via Huron Diocese: The people of Brazil, including in our Companion Diocese of Amazonia, have been greatly impacted by COVID-19. Recently, Rev. Cláudio Miranda (the Dean of Santa Maria Cathedral) and his wife Léia have contracted the virus and both were hospitalized. Léia has been released from the hospital and is continuing to improve at home. While he is improving, Dean Cláudio is still in hospital. Please keep them, the people of Amazonia and all of Brazil in your prayers.

Alpha Some of you may have participated in the Alpha series that was offered at St Jude’s a couple years ago. Sharon has maintained a connection with Alpha Canada, which requests: “Would you please keep Alpha Canada in prayer as we endeavour to encourage our pastors, priests, and church leaders.” “Heavenly Father, thank you for your steadfast love and grace. We praise you that your mercies are new every morning, great is your faithfulness. We come to you today asking that you would give us a heart and compassion that is a mirror image of yours. As we endeavour to encourage and lift up those who serve you Lord, we pray for the presence of your Spirit, listening ears and the prayers that are formed by you. Go before us, in Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.”

Please pray this week for: Joyce; Pat; Anne; Jan and Bob; Phyllis; Dave and Marylynn; Victoria; Karen; Margaret and Anita; Nelson; Ray; Darlene and Jane; Ruth; Nancy June, Stephanie and Ron, Scott and Logan, Beth, Izzy; Jen; Alison, Jamie and Cathie; Fred and Marlene; Davina and Sangceta, Brian, Sandra; Mary; Liz and Charlotte, Clarion and Brenda and Lester; Meredith; Precious; Betty; Laura; Vanessa; Viora; Diann and Ann; Bob; Maiyada; Susan, John and Barb, Margaret, Bruce; Doug; George, Jack, Julie, Janie, Cody, Ruth, Martin and John. AND for those who are in need of prayer but have no one today to remember them by name; and those known to each of you alone.

Please pray for: All who spread the Gospel, especially our church leaders, Anne, our Metropolitan, Linda, our Primate, Mark, National Indigenous Archbishop, Marinez, Bishop of Amazonia, Todd our Huron Bishop and Bill our St Jude’s Parish Priest. May they know their ministry is appreciated and God grant them refreshment and rest for they have laboured long and hard to be shepherds to the people of God.

Please pray for: All impacted by severe weather events: significant forest fires out west, flash flooding in Europe, the tornado in Barrie, wild winds and severe drought spread over the globe. May those who have died Rest In Peace and rise in glory, and the missing and lost be found. May those who have lost loved ones, homes, and their way of life from these impacts of climate change find strength, resilience and a way forward. O Lord support the the world to make climate Justice a priority.

Please pray for: With the Olympics beginning in a few days, and Covid numbers soaring, we ask that you be with the athletes, support personal, organizers and volunteers. Support leadership to make the right decisions for the well being of all, and as always may public health guidelines be respected.

We give thanks for: the front line and essential worker, care givers, and all who work to support their fellow citizens during this pandemic, at home and abroad.

Please pray for: Our world, as we continue battle the Covid virus, where there is such a variability of global infections rate. We ask that where false and misleading information is circulated, truth will prevail, and people come to see that public health guidelines and vaccinations are showing care for self and neighbour. Where there is vaccine hesitancy bring trust in the science; where there is poverty may support through food, medical supplies and equipment be shared, and especially a fair and equitable distribution of vaccines prevail.

Please pray for: The memory of those bodies that rest in unmarked graves on former residential school properties. Give them joy, in the fellowship of the heavenly Church, where God reigns forever. May their relatives find strength and comfort as they mourn. Lord, help the non-Indigenous people, in this country, learn and better understand our history. Today, we give thanks for the work of Cate preparing the St Jude’s “Family” newsletter. Help us to use this excellent resource to start the journey of becoming a learning church, regarding our Indigenous Siblings.

Please pray for: The willingness of all the organizers and other volunteers in our biweeklyk breakfast programme, and for all the guests that come to be fed and find a safe and accepting place of support. May they know they are valued children of God.


Rick will be taking orders for cards next week.


Thanks to all for your contributions of rhubarb this year. 46 pies were made today and more to follow next week. Picture of rhubarb pie on this week’s post celebrates the season.

Let’s Celebrate!

Happy birthday this week to Mae Goodfellow (18th July), Patricia Morley-Forster (19th ) and Ken Newcombe (20th). Hope you had/have a happy day, and are staying safe!!

And, congratulations to Laura and Doug Fairbairn, who celebrated their wedding anniversary on 18th July!

We’re all tired of this lockdown, but be patient and hang in, things are getting easier, but this is no time to let your guard down! Keep wearing that darn mask, and hand sanitizing, even if you have had your second shot. If you haven’t, it’s much easier now, so go get it!