We Pray for our fellow Canadians in BC suffering from significant rain with flooding, and mud slides. May all who have have been impacted find support and comfort in their time of need. We pray that all the displaced, isolated, and fearful people find a safe haven and the resilience to manage these weather related events.
Readings for Sunday 21st November, The Reign of Christ, (Pentecost 26) First reading: 2 Samuel 23.1-7. Psalm 93 Second reading: Revelation 1.4b-8. Gospel: John18.33-37
Congregational singing is back!! Masks continue to be worn while we join with Christina in singing our praises.
Learning Together
Bible study Fr. Bill’s on-line Bible study, via Zoom, continues every Thursday at 7.00 pm. Fr. Bill has sent the link to the parish, and all are invited to join in.
Actively Waiting Deanery Advent series begins 24th November and continuing on 1st, 8th and 15th December. This is a Zoom meeting, and you must register: call 519-471-1430 or email: [email protected].
The Church Cracked Open – by Stephanie Spellers. Fr Bill interested in book study with interested folks to look at what it means to be a follower of Jesus in the world today and who we are as a church family? Books are available through Fr Bill.
Prayer and Pastoral Care
Please pray this week for: Barb; Debbie; Margaret, Pat; Phyllis; Dave and Marylynn; Victoria; Karen; Nelson; Ray; Ruth; Nancy June; Stephanie and Ron; Scot and Logan; Beth; Izzy; Jen; Alison; Jamie and Cathy; Davina and Sangeeta; Brian; Sandra; Liz and Charlotte; Clarion and Brenda and Lester; Precious; Laura; Vanessa; Stephanie; Alex; Paul; Nirupa and Jim; Simon; Sean, Mary, Gus; Pat; Norma, Nasriene, Jim, Karen, Grace, Ruth and John. And for those known to each of you alone and for those who have no one to remember them.
Rest In Peace: Bill Davis, Mary Helen Belford, Margaret Shaw. May the souls of Bill, Mary Helen and Margaret find rest eternal and rise in glory, and family and friends find strength and comfort as they mourn.
We Pray for Climate Justice in this and in every corner of our globe. May the power brokers accept the challenge to be true leaders in stewardship making their legacy one of preservation and protection of all life and eco systems, with stability of weather patterns for the long term rather than profit in the short term. Further, we pray that the agreements reached at COP26 exceed the expectations.
We Pray for the realization of the value of every human being as a beloved child of God. May the will to support the dignity of every person regardless of race, creed, gender, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, and ability be strong. Help us to advocate for true affordable and appropriate housing and food security, with fair and equitable sharing of the gifts from the creator.
We Pray for the support for public health guidelines in addressing the COVID19 global pandemic. May the love of neighbour drive action for the protection of the most vulnerable in society. We earnestly pray that those who put their personal perceived freedom and rights ahead of the care and protection of others re-examine their motives and hearts.
Cycle of Prayer for November Tend – Service “To respond to human need by loving service” is a central aspect of Christ’s call. Loving service means finding real needs and offering service that is truly loving, so all are changed by the encounter. Prayer: Lord you came to service and not to be served, fill us with the compassion and insight to respond to human need by loving service. Let your glory fill this place. Let your glory fill this world. We honour ministries in support of SERVICE: the Third Mark of Mission including the ACW, Nearly New Shop and Outreach.
St. Jude’s Cookbook Just in time for Christmas, the new St. Jude’s Cookbook is here. Please support this fundraising venture for our church by purchasing these cookbooks for yourself and for gifts. Only $15.00 each! Many thanks to the committee who gave of their time and talents to put this book together. Cookbooks will be for sale after the services on Sunday, and may also be obtained by contacting Faye Geoghegan at 519-667-0996 or by email at [email protected] , or Janette Newcombe at 519-660-1486 or by email at [email protected].
2022 Church Calendars can be purchased from any Chancel Guild member for $10.00, a real bargain price that hasn’t changed in years!! They are available from Chancel Guild members.
Crafts and Deli Sale next Saturday November 27th from 9am until noon. Covid precautions will be in place. The tables, with any remaining goodies, will be left in place after the Saturday sale so that anyone coming to the services on Sunday, will still have the opportunity to buy things.
PWRDF Christmas Cards are now available, and can be ordered from https://pwrdf.org/christmascards2021/ . They come in sets of 12, and a suggested (tax deductible) donation is $25.00 per pack.
Women’s Coffee Hour meets on the second Wednesday of the month, and the next one is December 8th at 10 am, starting in the St. Alban Room, but if numbers make it necessary, moving to a larger room.
Let’s Celebrate!
Happy Birthday! This week to Jonathan Sandron (16th) and Andrew Wenaus (18th). Hope you had / have a happy day!!
Happy Anniversary to Michelle and John Grignon (15th), Ruth and Cliff Giles (17th), Shanto and Annu Sydney (19th) and Sheno and Chinnu Sydney (19th). Congratulations!
The fourth “wave” continues, as we all will know, and the diocese has mandated the precautions that each parish must follow regarding proof of vaccination. Fr. Bill has emailed these to the parish.
Photo of BC flood from CTV website