Readings for Sunday December 12th, Advent 3

First reading: Zephaniah 3.14-20 Canticle 3, Song of Thanksgiving. Second reading: Philippians 4.4-7. Gospel: Luke 3.7-18

Prayer and Pastoral Care

Please pray this week for:

Elaine; Pat; Roger; Barb; Margaret, Phyllis; Dave and Marylynn; Nelson; Ruth; Nancy June; Stephanie and Ron; Scot and Logan; Beth; Izzy; Jamie and Cathy; Davina and Sangeeta; Brian; Sandra; Liz and Charlotte; Clarion and Brenda and Lester; Precious; Laura; Vanessa; Bob; Stephanie; Alex; Nirupa and Jim; Simon; Sean, Mary, Gus; Pat; Norma, Nasriene, Jim, Karen, Grace, Len, Jane, Ruth, John and Kelly. And for others known to each of you alone and also those who have no one to remember them by name.  

Rest In Peace :

Alex Stemp (the 8 year old Brownie killed in last week’s car accident). May her soul rise in glory, finding rest eternal in the loving arms of the Lord, and parents and her brother the rest of the family and friends find strength, and in time some peace. We also pray for her Guiding leaders and fellow Brownies injured in that accident physically and, especially, emotionally, who will carry the memory and scars forever. May they receive the support they need to heal.

Let us Pray for :

Doctors, nurses, all heallthcare professionals, and for all who care for others. Watch over them in these times of anxiety and stress. Keep them safe in the dangers they must face each day. Guide their actions and decisions as they care for the sick, and help them to know that they are loved by You, in whom we are healed and set free forever.”

Let us Pray for :

All those working to address the new Covid variant Omicron, as yet another twist is put into the mix. May all continue to follow the best principles of public health, while remaining optimistic about global pandemic management. We know that vaccination is needed to reduce variant mutations, so may the world work together to support full global vaccination.

Let us Pray for :

The people of BC and Newfoundland as some continue to wait for waters to recede, not knowing what will remain of their homes and lives, for others slowly returning to discover the devastation and consider their way forward, for neighbours helping neighbours, for the military supporting, protecting and some infrastructure stabilization. May they all have the strength, resilience, and fortitude to rebuild their lives and bring forth new ways of being.

Let us Pray for :

The clergy, especially Bishop Todd and our priest Bill, as they support the people through this Covid Advent time. May they be guided by the Holy Spirit and find the way to balance their calling and their personal rest and renewal.  

Cycle of Prayer for December Transformation – Transforming Society

“To seek to transform unjust structures of society” , to challenge violence of every kind, and to pursue peace and reconciliation, is a call to go beyond charitable giving and help change a world that creates human needs. To join in God’s work in building the Kingdom by transforming society.

Prayer: Lord, let the fire of your goodness and justice burn into us and through us, that we may seek to transform the unjust structures of society. Let your glory fill this place, Let your glory fill this world! We honour ministries in support of TRANSFORMING SOCIETY: the Fourth Mark of Mission. Support for: Newcomers To Canada, LIRSA, North East Neighbourhood Group, Marriage inclusivity, Pride walk, Crisis Response, Addiction groups, PWRDF, London Food Coalition, IJM (International Justice Mission) Prayer Partner.  

Learning Together

Bible study.

Fr. Bill’s on-line Bible study, via Zoom, continues on Thursday 9th December at 7.00 pm. Fr. Bill has sent the link to the parish, and all are invited to join in.

Diocesan activities
Actively Waiting. We are all invited to take part in a diocesan Advent series, which continues on December 15th. This is a Zoom meeting, and you must register at the diocese. If you haven’t already signed up you can still do it by calling
519-471-1430, or email: [email protected].


2022 Church Calendars

Church calendars can be purchased from any Chancel Guild member for $10.00, a real bargain price that hasn’t changed in years!! They will be available in the Narthex on Sunday, but please don’t leave money in the box if you can’t see a Guild member, save it until you do. If you can’t come to the in-person services on Sunday, and you would like a calendar, come to the office (Monday to Friday, 9 – 1) and Kathy will be glad to get you one.  

St. Jude’s Cookbook

Going forward, cookbooks will no longer be for sale after Sunday services. They are now available by contacting the office from Monday to Friday between 9am and 1pm at 519-660-6198, or by email at [email protected] . At $15.00, they make a great Christmas gift!! You may still purchase them by contacting Faye Geoghegan (519-667-0996 or [email protected] ) or Janette Newcombe (519-660-1486 or [email protected] ) .  

PWRDF Christmas Cards

Christmas cards are still available, and can be ordered from . They come in sets of 12, and a suggested (tax deductible) donation is $25.00 per pack. Don’t delay!!


Breakfast Program

The next take away “Breakfast in a Bag” is Saturday, December 18th .  

An appeal from the Diocese

A lady in Toronto is helping an Afghan refugee family get established in London. She has known the family, (which consists of two parents, their son and his wife, two children under 10 and another due this month) for 12 years. They are already in London, staying at a hotel. The housing they had lined up before moving has fallen through, and they need help with finding new housing.   Please contact Ken Brooks at [email protected] if you can help.

Let’s Celebrate

Happy Birthday!

This week to Marjorie Leitch and Bryan Smith, both on 9th December, and Kristen Robak (11th ). . Hope you all have a happy day!!  

The fourth “wave” continues, as we all will know, and now a new variant! Each parish must follow the rules regarding proof of vaccination for in-person services, and we must continue to be careful. Don’t forget to get your booster as soon as you are eligible!