Readings for Sunday 6th February 2022 , Epiphany 5 First reading: Jeremiah 1.4-10. Psalm 71.1-6 Second reading: 1Corinthians 13.1-13. Gospel: Luke 4.22-40

This Sunday a service of Morning Prayer at 9.30 am followed by the 2022 Annual Vestry Meeting, conducted via Zoom. Future availability of in-person services will be decided at the Annual Vestry Meeting.
Nominations and Elections for Vestry
Contributing parish members 16 years and older are eligible to stand for membership of Parish
Council, and also People’s Warden and Deputy. You can volunteer yourself, or nominate
another member, but you must obtain their permission first. This year the People’s Warden and
Deputy both retire, and so replacements must be found. Bryan Smith is looking after
nominations, so contact him with the name(s) you wish considered. Nominations close at the
Annual Vestry Meeting on 6th February, conducted via Zoom once again. Rector’s Wardens are appointed by Fr. Bill. Reports, agenda, resolutions, etc., have been sent to the parish by Fr. Bill, and he will also be
sending the necessary links for the meeting.

Prayer and Pastoral Care

We offer prayers for the following and for those they love and trust:
Anne; Annie; Derek; Pat; Barb; Margaret, Phyllis; Dave and Marylynn; Nelson; Ruth; Norma
June; Stephanie and Ron; Beth; Izzy; Brian; Liz and Charlotte; Clarion and Brenda plus Lester;
Precious; Laura; Vanessa; Bob; Stephanie; Alex; Nirupa and Jim; Simon; Sean, Mary, Pat;
Norma, Jim, Len, Calli and newborn baby boy, Lynda, Maura and Hilton, and Kelly.
And for others known to each of you alone, and also those who have no one to remember them
by name.

Let us Pray for Bishop Todd and our priest Bill during “these Covid strange times” compounded by the
stresses and challenges of a Vestry meeting. May Holy Spirit give then them strength, courage,
and wisdom to lead the people of God and the knowledge to support the life and growth of their

Let us Pray for the congregation of St Jude’s as we “Zoom” into our Annual Vestry Meeting. May we
celebrate all the positives, acknowledge the challenges, and strive to carve a new path forward to
be the vibrant family of St Jude’s, bringing light to one another and into the lives of friends and neighbours.

Let us Pray for the committed and exhausted health care providers, as they labour on to provide for the
health needs of patients, at great personal risks to themselves. May they have the support of all
citizens and the personal strength and resilience to continue to answer their call of service to
others, and may they find ways to find rest and renewal and remain well in body, mind and soul.

Let us Pray for all citizens who take the needed steps and follow the best practices of the health units to
support the management of COVID19, so in time a safe and new normal will emerge. May all
frustrated and misguided individuals come to an epiphany and focus of love of neighbour as self
and not to create more issues and stresses for already worried citizens.

Let us Pray for the athletes who gather at the Winter Olympics. May they feel the support of their country
behind them and strive to be the best they can be. May each know that their very presence
makes them all champions. We pray that they remain safe and well and return home enriched

Let us Pray for world leaders, as they are faced with COVID19 challenges, threats and fears of war, man
made and natural disasters, unrest and disparity within their own borders. May they have the
strength and wisdom to see ways to manage these challenges, doing what is best for all citizens
and creation and not self serving for the few.

Cycle of Prayer for February Tell – Evangelism

“To proclaim the good news of the kingdom” is to share the news that Christ God is reconciling
the world to himself in words. Prayer: Lord Jesus Christ, let your presence fill our hearts and overflow in our actions, that we may proclaim the good news of your kingdom. Let your glory fill this place.
Let your glory fill this world!

We honour ministries in support of EVANGELISM, the First Mark of Mission:
Liturgical Ministries: Priests, Licensed Lay Readers, Servers, Intercessors, Readers, Lay
administrators, Chancel Guild, Seminary Student Committee, Prayer and Eucharistic Services in
Community, Funeral Home Services, On Line Worship Services and all the liturgical technical
support people.


FundScrip Rick will take your card orders this week, until Sunday afternoon, 6th February.

St. Jude’s Cookbook Cookbooks are available, and at $15.00 each, they are a real bargain!
Since the office is temporarily closed, you may purchase them by contacting Janette Newcombe
(519-660-1486 or [email protected]) .


Breakfast Program
41 brave souls came out last Saturday for breakfast. It was a beautiful day despite the extreme
cold temperature with no wind and lots of sunshine. Guests were invited in to get warm while
picking up toiletries etc., along with their breakfast. Our ever safety conscience parishioner and
son, Wally and Michael, erected a temporary scaffold over the loading doors to protect guests
from any icicles that might have fallen during the morning – thanks to you both.
Needed: a volunteer to pick up the fresh milk order on the Friday before each breakfast. Please
contact Glenda at [email protected] or 519-951-8154 if you can help. Our next breakfast is this Saturday February 5th from 9 until 10:30 am.

Let’s Celebrate!

Happy Birthday! This week to Liam Smith and Krystal Grignon (1st February), Jessica Shadlock (3rd), Don Norris and Sharon Frank (4th) and Mary Anne Campbell (5th) . Hope you all had/have a happy day!!

The last word is, Get Boosted!!

Picture from the CTV London website February 3, 2022.