Readings for Sunday 13th February 2022 , Epiphany 6 First reading: Jeremiah 17.5-10. Psalm 1 Second reading: 1Corinthians 15.12-20. Gospel: Luke 6.17-26
This Sunday we can return to in-person services, at 8.30 and 10.00 am. As before, you must register to attend, and the link for this has been sent to the parish. Full Covid rules must be obeyed in attendance, masks, hand sanitizing, social distancing, etc. The 10.00 am service will be live-streamed, and also recorded for the website and Facebook page.
Prayer and Pastoral Care
Cycle of Prayer for February
Tell – Evangelism –
“To proclaim the good news of the kingdom” is to share the news that Christ God is reconciling the world to himself in words.
Lord Jesus Christ, let your presence fill our hearts and overflow in our actions, that we may proclaim the good news of your kingdom. Let your glory fill this place. Let your glory fill this world!
We honour ministries in support of EVANGELISM, the First Mark of Mission: Liturgical Ministries: Priests, Licensed Lay Readers, Servers, Intercessors, Readers, Lay administrators, Chancel Guild, Seminary Student Committee, Prayer and Eucharistic Services in Community, Funeral Home Services, On Line Worship Services and all the liturgical technical support people.
Please pray this week for
Anne; Annie; Derek; Pat; Barb; Margaret, Phyllis; Dave and Marylynn; Nelson; Ruth; Norma June; Stephanie and Ron; Beth; Izzy; Brian; Liz and Charlotte; Clarion and Brenda plus Lester; Precious; Laura; Vanessa; Bob; Stephanie; Alex; Nirupa and Jim; Simon; Sean, Mary, Pat; Norma, Jim, Len, Calli and newborn baby boy, Lynda, Maura and Hilton and Kelly. And those known to each of you alone and those who have no one to remember them by name.
We Pray For
Bishop Todd, our priest Bill and all clergy as they lead the people of God into a new post Vestry time in the midst of an ever changing pandemic reality. May they remain resilient and flexible under the guidance of Holy Spirit.
We Pray For
The citizens of cities, especially Ottawa, where they are feeling under siege by constant bombardment of high decibel horns, firecrackers, diesel fuel pollution from idling vehicles, inability to open businesses or attend places of work and nursery care, harassment and feelings of being unsafe in their own homes and residential streets. May the perpetrators of this situation find acceptable ways to let their positions be known, and may the freedoms of one group not be at the expense of another group of citizens.
We Pray For
The brave health care workers who are feeling the impacts of working in a perpetual zone of pandemic “hell”. May these overburdened, exhausted and committed people know that they are true heros (not all heroes wear capes) and that most of their fellow citizens are so supportive and appreciative of their sacrifices.
We Pray For
The victims of COVID19 – those that have died, those that mourn, those that live with long haul symptoms, those that are afraid, the isolated, those that have lost livelihoods and work, students who have missed childhood milestones and opportunities, those that feel their freedoms are lost, and others. May they feel the love and support needed to rise above and forge ways forward in a new normal that supports their flourishing.
We Pray For
The athletes at the Winter Olympics, who are representing their countries and themselves as they strive to be the best that they can be. May they all know that they are all winners and may they all be safe, well, and injury free.
We pray for
Queen Elizabeth II as she enters her Jubilee Year on the throne. Her dedicated commitment and service have been rooted in her faith, witnessed in worship and quiet proclamation. Her grace in difficult times and willing service for the sake of others model the servanthood of Christ.
A prayer composed by Bishop William Cliff (Diocese of Brandon). “Almighty God and Creator of the universe, from whom all sovereignty takes its pattern, we give thanks today for the service and dedication of our gracious lady Queen Elizabeth II. Give her grace to continue in service and wisdom, and in faithful fulfillment of her pledge, give her strength of body and mind. Make us mindful of the example of fidelity and service which she has offered the peoples of this land and the whole Commonwealth, as she seeks to follow the way of her Saviour, Jesus Christ our Lord, who with the Holy Spirit remains ever one God, world without end” . Amen .
Rest in Peace Louisa Midwood. May the soul of Louisa find rest eternal and rise in glory, and family a and friends (especially Chris) find strength and comfort as they mourn, and in time peace.
Learning Together
Bible study.
Fr. Bill’s on-line Bible study has resumed on Thursdays at 7.00 pm, via Zoom, and the link has been sent to the parish. All are welcome and encouraged to join.
St. Jude’s Cookbook .
Cookbooks are available, and at $15.00 each, they are a real bargain! Since the office is temporarily closed, you may purchase them by contacting Janette Newcombe (519-660-1486 or [email protected] ) .
Breakfast Program
The cold and snowy weather continues to provide challenges for our breakfast guests. The recent donations of knit wear and coats are very much appreciated. We served 53 guests last Saturday including a number of newcomers. Our ongoing thanks to the St. Jude’s family for your financial, baking, prayer and other supports. Please take a look in your closets for those boots and scarves you haven’t worn for a while and consider passing them on to someone in need. Our next breakfast is Saturday February 19th from 9 until 10:30 am.
Women’s Coffee Hour
In view of COVID19 and the infectious Omicron variant the Women’s Coffee Group is cancelled, but as restrictions ease maybe we can once more issue an general invitation – soon, maybe??
Let’s Celebrate
Happy Birthday! This week to Michael Ashby (9th February) and Jared Smith (11th). Hope you both have a happy day!!
The last word is, Get Boosted!! But continue to be careful.