Readings for Sunday 20th
March 2022 , Lent 3
First reading: Isaiah 55.1-9
Psalm 63.1-8
Second reading: 1 Corinthians 10.1-13.
Gospel: Luke 13.1-9
This Sunday, in-person services continue, at 8.30 and 10.00 am. You must register to attend,
and the link for this is attached below. If you don’t have access to a computer you can always
call the office Monday to Friday, 9 – 1.00 pm, to reserve a spot.
Full Covid rules must be obeyed in attendance, masks, hand sanitizing, social distancing, etc.,
but some socializing is OK after the service.
The 10.00 am service will be live-streamed, and also recorded for the website, YouTube and
Facebook page.
Here is the link for Sunday’s service:
However, Fr. Bill announced on Sunday that things will soon be eased even further, so
beginning on Palm/Passion Sunday, April 10th, you will no longer need to register, and social
distancing rules will relax. Masks, however, must still be worn.
For those who are not comfortable with this easing of the rules, the 8.30 am service will retain
social distancing, mask wearing and hand sanitizing. Registration will not be required.
Prayer and Pastoral Care
Please pray this week for
Pat; Lyall; Sean; Annie; Pat; Barb; Margaret, Phyllis; Dave and Marylynn; Nelson; Ruth;
Stephanie and Ron; Beth; Izzy; Brian; Liz and Charlotte; Clarion and Brenda plus Lester;
Precious; Laura; Vanessa; Bob; Stephanie; Alex; Nirupa and Jim; Simon; Sean, Mary, Pat;
Norma, Jim, Len, Lynda, HM Queen Elizabeth II, Karen and Mary; Jamie and Cathie; Tony,
Ralph, Diane, David, Anne, Ron and Valerie.
And for those known to each of you alone and those who have no one to remember them this
We pray for
Bishop Todd and our priest Bill as they endeavor to be fluid while negotiating the changes to
Covid directives, and support the spiritual development of the people of God through various
ways and means of spiritual engagement.
We pray for
The people and country of Ukraine, where violence, terror, fear, destruction and death is ever
present as long as this unprovoked invasion continues. May there be a way forward for the end
of this insanity and withdrawal of invading troops and bombing. May dialogue be fruitful and
lead to peace and sovereignty for Ukraine.
We pray for
The people of this country and province as restrictions loosen. May common sense rule the
day to keep the vulnerable safe and prevent another wave of Covid variants, and an
overwhelming of our stressed and fragile health system ( which is at risk).
A prayer for Ukraine
“Risen Christ, waiting in silence before you, we allow this ardent prayer to arise: May the fire of
weapons be extinguished in the land of Ukraine. Welcome in your love those who are dying
because of violence and war; console their families in their sorrow; support those who have had
to go into exile. In the face of incomprehensible suffering, we believe nevertheless that your
words of love and of peace will never pass away. You gave your life on the cross and you have
opened a future for us, even beyond death. And so we implore you: Give us peace. It is you who
are our hope.” (Br. Alois, Taize)
Rest in Peace, Anne Patton. May Anne’s soul find rest eternal in the loving arms of her Saviour
and rise in glory, and Hazel, David and all the family and friends find strength and comfort as
they mourn.
Anne’s life, and immense dedication to this church over many years, was suitably celebrated in a
service on Monday, which was live streamed and can still be seen on the church website and
YouTube. Family members, friends and parish friends took part in a solemn yet joyful
remembrance of a life well lived in the service of others and her Lord, with a significant nod to
her Irish roots and love of that country. Indeed, rest in peace!
Reflection Booklets
Please note that these reflection booklets are available.
- Both regular and large print of “Forward Day by Day” for March and April.
- The regular print of “Our Daily Bread” for March, April and May.
Cycle of Prayer for March
Teach – Discipling
“To teach, baptize, and nurture new believers” and indeed all believers – by fostering Christian
development in new participants, long time members and everyone in between.
Lord, fill us with your welcoming spirit, that we may faithfully teach, baptize, and nurture those
who come to believe in you. Let your glory fill this place.
Let your glory fill this world!
We honour ministries in support of DISCIPLING: the Second Mark of Mission Music: Choirs, Musical solo
Knowledge: Christian Development – Bible and Book Studies, Education for Ministry,
Children and Youth: Sunday school, Huron Church camp, Youth activities exploration
Prayer: Prayer and Pastoral Care Team, Anglican Fellowship of Prayer (AFP)
World Day of Prayer, Devotional Booklet Resources, Touching Base Phone group.
Communicating: Communications Team, Photography, Call Networks
Leadership: Wardens, Parish Council, Synod Reps, Deanery groups, Office and
Administration Staff,
Hospitality and Fellowship: Welcome Team, Greeters, Men’s group, Women’s group
Fun and Funds: Coffee house, Trivia, Auctions, Pig Roast & Turkey take out meal team, Garage
sale ( many on Covid hold temporarily)
Other: preserve St Alban memorabilia and artifacts, COVID Management team.
Ukraine aid. We can do nothing personally, beyond our prayers, for the people of Ukraine as
they undergo a vicious invasion, but we can assist with donations to their aid. The Primate’s
Fund is collecting gifts for this (enter PWRDF to find the website) and also the Canadian Red
Cross (enter Canadian Red Cross for details), or your own favourite agency. The need is great
and urgent.
Outreach for March
Socks Share: Gathering new socks and underwear for all ages. Suggestions for socks are those
with some wool that last longer than white cotton. Donations will be blessed during our
Maundy Thursday service where we wash one another’s feet. They are then shared with Unity
Project, Youth Unlimited, St. Joseph’s House with CCLC and My Sisters Place.
Breakfast Program
This Saturday marks the 2nd anniversary of our first take away breakfast. On March 21st, 2020.
We served 20 guests. On March 20th , 2021, we served 66, and this week, we are prepping for 70
guests. A quick look at your own grocery and utility bills will help you understand the financial
hardships faced by those who visit us for help in increasing numbers. And indeed, our costs for
food have increased substantially – a flat of eggs has gone from $6.29 to $7.49, a 4 litre bag of
milk $4.45 to $5.19, sliced ham from $9.49 to $11.49. Your ongoing financial support of this
ministry makes it possible for us to provide a quality take away breakfast for those who may be
forced to choose between rent and food. Thank you.
Our next breakfast is this Saturday, March 19th, from 9 until 10:30 am.
Learning Together
Bible study. We are invited to join the Deanery study “Thank God it’s Lent”, the information
for which Fr. Bill has sent to the parish.
FR. Bill has also invited parish members to take part in a study/discussion series based on the
book “The Church Cracked Open”. This will continue each Wednesday morning, via Zoom.
Fr. Bill has sent the link to the parish, with details and the study schedule.
St. Jude’s Cookbook . Cookbooks are still available, at $15.00 each, so they are a real bargain!
You may purchase them by contacting Kathy at the office (519-660-6198). Not a lot left!
And they would make a very acceptable Easter gift!!
Let’s Celebrate
Happy Birthday! This week to Charles (Bob) McKenzie (13th March), Robin Gray and Donna
MacAnallen (15th), Barry Ball (17th) and Derek Shadlock (18th ). Hope you all had/ have a
happy day!!
The last word is, restrictions are easing, but continue to be careful, perhaps now more than ever.