Happy New (secular) Year to everyone!!
Readings for Sunday 8th January, Epiphany 1
First reading: Isaiah 42.1-9
Psalm 29
Second reading: Acts 10.34-43
Gospel: Matthew 3.13-17
Here is the link for Sunday 1st January: https://youtu.be/GeI4vUNpt90
Thank you to Cyndi, for ably leading us in Morning Prayer on New Year’s Day, and Sharon for
playing the piano!
Covid precautions
As the virus continues to spread, with always new variants clouding the picture, it is necessary
that we all wear masks while in the church building, and use the available hand sanitizers.
Anyone who is not feeling well, has a cough, sore throat, runny nose, etc., should not attend
these events at St. Jude’s. Stay home until your symptoms have resolved, and take part in the
live-streamed service. This will ensure the best protection for us all.
Office hours
The office is open from 9.00 am to 1.00 pm, Monday to Friday. Please wear a mask if you are
Prayer and Pastoral Care
Cycle of Prayer for January
Tell – Evangelism
“To proclaim the good news of the kingdom” is to share the news that Christ God is reconciling
the world to himself in words.
Lord Jesus Christ, let your presence fill our hearts and overflow in our actions, that we may
proclaim the good news of your kingdom. Let your glory fill this place.
Let your glory fill this world!
We honour ministries in support of EVANGELISM the First Mark of Mission.
Liturgical Ministries: Priests, Licensed Lay Readers, Servers, Intercessors, Readers, Lay
administrators, Chancel Guild, Seminary Student Committee, Prayer and Eucharistic Services in
Community, Funeral Home Services, On Line Worship Services and all the liturgical technical
support people, temporary clergy and musicians.
Let us pray for
Raj and Sangeeta; Pat and Sean; Diane and Jack plus Linda; Debbie; Win; Sharon; Marie and
Bob; Ruth Phyllis; Mary Barb; Dave and Marylynn; Nelson; Ruth; Precious; Stephanie; Alex;
Jamie and Cathie; David, Elizabeth, Diane, Dave and Joanne, Valerie, Leigh plus Keith and
Karleen; Joseph and Erin plus John; Geoff plus Linda and Randy, Kelly; Baby Caleb, Autumn;
Karen; Houda and Len, Nancy; Paul and Jan; Dominique, Anita, and Isaac.
And all those known to each of you alone, and those who have no one to remember them.
Prayer of Thanksgiving
William Dean Mizon arrived on December 31st . Mom and baby are home and both doing well.
Win is one happy grandma!
Rest in Peace
Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI. May his soul find rest eternal and rise in glory, and family
friends and loyal followers in the Church find comfort.
Brian McKay ( Retired priest and St Jude’s parishioner). May light perpetual shine on Brian and his soul
rise in glory as he finds peace eternal in the loving arms of his Saviour. Pray for the family to
find strength, comfort and in time peace as they grieve.
We Pray For
A new year, 2023, full of opportunities and new beginnings. A year when love, kindness,
patience and peace will mean more than power, wealth, privilege, and oppression. May hearts
be open to protecting the most vulnerable members of society. We are only as strong and
resilient as the weakest in our midst.
We Pray For
Bishop Todd, and Fr. Bill. May they be guided by Holy Spirit as they explore new ways to
guide and support the children of God.
We Pray For
Those impacted by war, terror, abuse, prejudice and all the ills of man’s inhumanity to man.
May miracles happen so that the oppressed will be set free and oppressors and aggressors will
find that love conquers hate.
We Pray For
The everyday heroes who give of themselves to support and offer care to others. We hold up
health care providers, those that work in meal and housing programs , educators and
advocates, non profits organizations, and all who offer care, support and resources for the most
vulnerable in the global village.
The Outreach Committee in January is concentrating on Distress Centre/Stabilization Beds.
The Outreach will be supporting the Canadian Mental Health Association and their stabilization
beds. We are collecting twin sheet sets, towels, face cloths and writing journals for the month
of January.
With sincere thanks from the Outreach committee for your continued support.
St. Paul’s Food Bank
Our next Food Bank Sunday is this Sunday, 8th January 2023. They are asking for : cereals ,
toilet paper, tea bags , coffee , canned meat , spaghetti sauce and noodles.
Breakfast Program
The rainy weather did not deter our friends from coming out to last week’s breakfast. 67 bagged
meals were given out Saturday and 2 more on Sunday. Since we get together at least every 2
weeks and as we learn more about one another, our relationships have evolved from hosts and
guests to friends. Our ages range from 2 to 80; countries of origin include Turkey, Ukraine,
Afghanistan, India, Great Britain and Canada; some of us have jobs; some of us have physical or
mental health challenges; some of us come to serve or receive the food and clothing; and many
of us come for the laughter and chance to connect with friends in a warm and safe place.
All are welcome! Our next breakfast is this Saturday January 7th from 9 – 10:30 am.
Fundscrip. Rick will take your orders at his home until Sunday afternoon, 8th January.
Around the Diocese
On January 28th at 5 pm, Church of The Ascension (2060 Dundas Street) and St. Mark’s invite
you to an evening of round table conversation about life living on the streets in London, the
meeting beginning with dinner.
Guest speakers:
Barb Symington, Manager of St. Paul’s Social Services, who will be speaking about how the
need continues to grow with her experience at the Daily Bread and Fellowship Centre. She
meets with people every day who are in need, in distress and often feeling hopeless.
Jenna works with the youth living on the streets in London. She delivers personal care to those
who are most vulnerable in our city, and often has to find where the clients she serves are.
Rev’d. Sarah Armstrong will be speaking about her experience working with survivors of
human trafficking. London is a hub for this type of activity, and hearing from Sarah will offer a
better understanding of how we may recognize someone in this situation.
Please feel free to invite those you think might be interested in attending, and let us know you
are planning to attend so we can prepare. ([email protected]).
Baptism – Confirmation – Reception – Reaffirmation – a reminder.
We are invited to prayerfully consider joining with other people of faith, of all ages, from the
London Deanery, as we journey toward the Great Vigil of Easter (Saturday, April 8th , at
St. George’s Anglican Church), when the rites of Christian initiation: baptism, confirmation,
first communion, along with reception and reaffirmation will be celebrated by Bishop Todd.
Please email: [email protected] or call (519-434-3225 ext. 211) and let us know
if you plan to attend. Fr. Bill will be glad to discuss this anyone who is interested.
All are welcome!
Save the Date’ A Security & Safety Information evening, January 23rd, at 7:00 pm.
Offered by the Deanery of London, at St John the Evangelist Church, 280 St James Street, this
will look at how churches can remain safe and secure. It will be led by experts in this area.
More details will be forthcoming.
Let’s Celebrate
Happy Birthday!! This week to Geoff Viglianti (1st January) and Jennifer Chalmers (2nd).
Hope you both celebrated well!!