Readings for Sunday 16th June, Pentecost 4
First Reading: 1 Samuel 15.34-16.13
Psalm 20
Second Reading: 2 Corinthians 5.6-10,14-17
Gospel: Mark 34.26-34
Psalm response: “The anointed of our God are given victory”

Live stream link for Sunday’s 10.00 am service:

Summer services start this month, after 23rd June, which is Picnic Day! After the 10.00 am
service, stay for BBQ stuff and other goodies. Summer services are one service of Holy
Eucharist each Sunday at 9.30 am beginning June 30th, and these run until September.

Help needed. We are looking for a few volunteers to join the AV team that runs the slides
that you see on the screen on Sunday mornings. Some computer experience is helpful and we’ll
train you on running the equipment. You do not have to develop the slide shows, just run the
show during the service. Please contact the office for more info or to sign on to our
small team. Thank you.


Outreach for June: Men’s Month
Community Breakfast – June 15th and 29th.
Strawberries for St. Jude’s: Financial donations appreciated to provide fresh strawberries for the
community breakfast closest to Canada Day (29th)
National Indigenous Day – June 21st.
Men’s Mission: providing emergency shelter for an individual or family, or caring for those
with mental health needs, Mission Services of London is there with a message of hope through
faith serving those who struggle with poverty and homelessness. They provide food, shelter,
clothing, crisis intervention and rehabilitation. Needs: gloves, toiletries, razors, underwear,
Unity Project: working to stabilize people in their moment of crisis and to engage them in their
own process toward stability while utilizing all available community resources. Housing (with
support) is the solution to homelessness and we will continue to develop our program around
this outcome for participants. Needs: socks, bus tickets, t-shirts, small backpacks, razors,
underwear, coffee mugs.

Breakfast program
Our challenge this week is to prepare the meal and store it safely without the large fridge. We
are waiting for a part for the fix but it’s not going to be here for this week’s meal. We continue
to need hygiene products for men such as good razors, shaving cream deodorant along with
T- shirts. We are also collecting money for the strawberries which we serve on the Canada Day
weekend. Many thanks to all who have donated clothing, household items.
The next breakfast is this Saturday, 15th June; all are welcome!

St. Paul’s Food Bank. Our next Food Bank Sunday is Sunday, 14th July.

Fundraising and Social

The Yard Sale is on for Saturday 22nd June, from 8:00am to 12:00 noon. Please contact the
office or Derek Shadlock if you would like a table.

Let’s Celebrate

Birthdays! This week to Sharyn U., Christina, Terry R., and Sherry W. Happy Birthday to all!

And, Happy Anniversary to Gladys and Tony L., who celebrate their wedding anniversary
this week. Hope you can have a happy day.