Readings for Sunday 3rd November, Pentecost 24, All Souls Day, and All Saints Day.
First reading: Wisdom of Solomon 3.1-9
Psalm 24
Second reading: Revelation 21.1-6a
Gospel: John 11.32-44
Psalm response: “You gates, open wide and high, let the glorious sovereign enter”
All Souls Day this year will be celebrated with All Saints Day, this Sunday, 3rd November.
This is an annual opportunity to especially remember family and friends who have died, and each
year we pay tribute to parish members who have died since the last All Souls service.
Clocks. You should have put your clocks back an hour on Saturday night, otherwise you will be
here an hour early on Sunday. You could always put the coffee on, though.


Breakfast program
Well – I’m not sure how you are feeling about the calendar showing only 2 months to Christmas,
but I’m already compiling my Christmas wish list for this last quarter of 2024.
1) Governments at all levels will cooperate to develop and implement a national, provincial,
and municipal strategy(s) to end poverty including the right to a Basic Guaranteed Income.
2) Municipal strategies (permanent) to address housing accessibility issues – financial,
physical, and volumes. 3) Closure of Food Banks and meal programs – within the next five years
as no longer needed. That’s my wish list and in my prayers. While I remain ever hopeful that
these dreams will come true, we can’t lose sight of what is happening now. This weekend we’ll
prep for 130 people who come to us for food, clothing, toiletries, household items, and footwear.
And equally as important are the fellowship, laughter, and welcome they receive and give over
a cup of coffee or hot chocolate. Your generosity is what makes it possible for this program to
support those in need while we wait and pray for governments to recognize the value and
worth of all. Please continue to help as you are able to provide for our community – financial aid,
clothing and footwear, toiletries, and household goods. Our next breakfast is this Saturday
November 2nd from 9 – 10:30 am. All are welcome! Thank you for all you have done to keep
this program possible.

St. Paul’s Food Bank. Sunday, November 10th, is our next Food Bank Sunday. Thank you to all
who contribute to this outreach, and to the Fairbairns for so faithfully delivering our gifts to the
cathedral each month.

Fundraising and Social

Calendars. The Chancel Guild has 2025 Church calendars available for sale, at the still bargain
price of $10.00 each. Ask any Chancel Guild member.
The Men of St Jude Luncheon on November 12th at 11:30am, as usual at the Alibi Roadhouse.
Our 29th annual Coffee House is a cabaret style evening featuring Rick McGhie and St. Judes
own talent in an evening guaranteed to please all music lovers. A licensed cash bar will be available
for refreshments and patrons are encouraged to bring their own snacks. Tickets are available from
the church office at $25.00 each. Doors open at 7:00pm and festivities will begin at 7:30pm.
Our annual Christmas Bazaar is November 23rd. Come and find your Christmas treasures and
treats from 9am to 1pm.
Photography Exhibition and Sale November 30th from 1:30-4:30 pm. Photographs of exotic
landscapes  and animals from around the world. This is a fundraiser for the London Food Bank.

Let’s Celebrate

Happy birthday! This week to Ann D., on 28th October. Hope you had a happy time!