Readings for Sunday 8th December, Advent 2.
First reading: Malachi 3.1-4
The Song of Zechariah (Luke 1.68-79)
Second reading: Philippians 1.3-11
Gospel: Luke 3.1-6

Canticle response: “The dawn from on high shall break upon us”

Livestream link for Sunday’s 10.00 am service:

Christmas services
Sunday 15th
December Holy Eucharist at 8.30 am
Christmas Cantata at 10.00 am
Sunday 22nd
December Holy Eucharist at 8.30 and 10.00 am
Christmas Eve Carol singing at 6.30 pm
The Christ Mass at 7.00 pm, candle lit.
Sunday 29th December Holy Eucharist at 9.30 am


St. Paul’s Food Bank. Our next Food Bank Sunday is this Sunday, 8th
December, perhaps an opportunity to do something special for Christmas, like Christmas Share.
For the Food Bank, in addition to the usual pasta noodles, canned meat, canned soup, pork & beans,
peanut butter or jam, mac & cheese, toilet papers, granola bars or oatmeal for kids, they are asking
for stuffing for turkey or chicken, cranberries in can, cake mixes, canned fruit.
Since there’s no mail, you could perhaps also add an envelope with your offering for St. Paul’s
Christmas Share.

FundScrip Rick, cleverly avoiding Canada Post, will be in the Narthex with your cards on
Sunday. (Thank you, Fedex!)

Breakfast program
The next breakfast is this Saturday December 7th. All are welcome to join us!
Last week we described what went on in the kitchen on Fridays to prep for Saturday’s breakfast.
Here’s what happens in All Saints Hall on Friday mornings. The team arrives between 9 and 9:30
am and put up a number of tables. The doors to the storage closet are opened and like Aladdin’s
cave – there are numerous treasures to behold – stationary shelves made from old church tables,
filled with bags of clothing, mitts, hats, afghans, and more; shelves on wheels to pull out into the
hall with shoes, boots, seasonal clothing; the toiletries cart that will be wheeled around on
Saturday by a volunteer; and whatever else will fit in the storage space. From one corner and
behind some dividers comes the big wooden display rack on wheels where clothes are hung
according to size. And from behind yet another group of dividers, come bags of “stuff” donated
by parishioners, friends, and people who have heard about the program – clothing, house wares,
towels, sheets and more. A large part of the morning is dedicated to going through the donations –
ensuring the clothes are in good shape; culling out those that will go home with someone to be
washed and then returned for another day; sorting out others that could be sold in the Nearly New

Fundraising and Social

Mens Lunch. A Christmas lunch is planned for Tuesday 17th December, as usual at the Alibi
Roadhouse. All St. Jude’s men are invited and welcome, and yo could maybe bring a friend?

Don’t forget the Christmas Tea on Saturday 14th December. Tickets at $25.00 each are
available now from the office, so don’t delay, they have a nasty habit of selling out!