
Weekly Update

Weekly Update

Readings for Sunday 18th December, Advent 4.First reading: Isaiah 7.10-16Psalm 80.1-7,7-19Second reading: Romans 1.1-7Gospel: Matthew 1.18-25 Sunday ServicesThe Common Cup is offered at Communion, but reception of this is optional, and receiving justthe Bread still...

Weekly Update

Weekly Update

Readings for Sunday 11th December, Advent 3, and the Christmas Cantata at 10.00 am.First reading: Isaiah 35.1-10Psalm 46.5-10Second reading: James 5.7-10Gospel: Matthew 11.2-11 Sunday servicesThe Common Cup is offered at Communion, but reception of this is optional,...

Weekly Update

Weekly Update

Congratulations! To Fr. Bill as he celebrates 20 years since his ordination to the priesthood.Both congregations last Sunday joined in thanking him for his ministry and wishing him everyblessing in the future! Readings for Sunday 4th December, Advent 2.First reading:...

Weekly Update

Weekly Update

Happy New (Church) Year to everyone! This Sunday is the First of Advent as we switch toYear A in the Anglican calendar.Readings for Sunday 27th November, Advent 1.First reading: Isaiah 2.1-5Psalm 122Second reading: Romans 13.11-14Gospel: Matthew 24.36-44 Sunday...

Weekly Update

Weekly Update

Readings for Sunday 20th November, Pentecost 24, The Reign of Christ.First reading: Jeremiah 23.1-6Second reading: Colossians 1.11-20Gospel: Luke 23.33-43 Sunday servicesThe Common Cup is offered at Communion, but reception of this is optional, and receiving justthe...

Weekly Update

Weekly Update

Readings for Sunday 13th November, Pentecost 23, and Remembrance.First reading: Isaiah 65.17-25Isaiah 12 “You will draw water”Second reading: 2 Thessalonians 3.6-13Gospel: Luke 21.5-19 Refrain for Isaiah 12: With joy you shall draw water from the springs of endless...

Weekly Update

Weekly Update

Readings for Sunday 6th November, Pentecost 22.First reading: Haggai 1.15b-2.9Psalm 149Second reading: 2 Thessalonians 2.1-5,13-17Gospel: Luke 20.27-38 On November 2nd we commemorate All Souls with Holy Eucharist at 7.30 pm.The service will be live streamed, and here...

Weekly Update

Weekly Update

Readings for Sunday 30th October Pentecost 21, the Feast of St. Simon and St. Jude.First reading: Deuteronomy 32.1-4Psalm 119.89-96Second reading: Ephesians 2.13-22Gospel: John 15.17-27 Sunday servicesThe Common Cup is offered at Communion, but reception of this is...

Weekly Update

Weekly Update

Readings for Sunday 23rd October, Pentecost 20First reading: Joel 2.23-32Psalm 65Second reading: 2 Timothy 4.6-8, 16-18Gospel: Luke 18.9-14 Sunday ServicesThe Common Cup is offered at Communion, but reception of this is optional, and receiving justthe Bread still...

Weekly Update

Weekly Update

Readings for Sunday 16th October, Pentecost 19First reading: Jeremiah 31.27-34Psalm 119.97-104Second reading: 2 Timothy 3.14 - 4.5Gospel: Luke 18.1-8 Sunday servicesThe Common Cup is offered at Communion, but reception of this is optional, and receiving justthe Bread...

Weekly Update

Weekly Update

Readings for Sunday 9th October, Pentecost 18First reading: Jeremiah 29.1, 4-7Psalm 65Second reading: 2 Timothy 2.815Gospel: Luke 17.11-19 Sunday servicesThe Common Cup is offered at Communion, but reception of this is optional, and receiving justthe Bread still...

Weekly Update

Weekly Update

Readings for Sunday 2nd October, Pentecost 17, and the fifth Season of Creation Sunday. The theme is Biodiversity.First reading: Genesis 1.12-28Psalm 148Second reading: Revelation 5: 1-14Gospel: Matthew 10: 26-33 Sunday servicesThe Common Cup is offered at Communion,...

Weekly Update

Weekly Update

Readings for Sunday 25th September, Pentecost 16, and the fourth Season of CreationSunday. The theme is Creation and Redemption.First reading: Isaiah 65: 17-25Psalm 46Second reading: Colossians 1: 15-23Gospel: John 3: 16-21 Queen ElizabethA Diocesan memorial service...

Weekly Update

Weekly Update

Readings for Sunday 18th September, Pentecost 15, and the third Season of Creation Sunday.The theme is Water.First reading: Genesis 21: 8-19Psalm 104: 10-17Second reading: Revelation 22: 1-7Gospel: John 4: 1-15 Sunday servicesThe Common Cup is offered at Communion,...

Weekly Update

Weekly Update

Readings for Sunday 11th September, Pentecost 14, and the second Season of CreationSunday. The theme is Eco-justice.First reading: Leviticus 25: 8-24 Psalm 85Second reading: James 5: 1-8Gospel: Luke 4: 16-21 Sunday services.This Sunday, 11th September, we are...

Weekly Update

Weekly Update

Readings for Sunday 4th September, Pentecost 13, and the first Season of Creation Sunday.The theme is Climate Change.First reading: Isaiah 24: 1-6Psalm 98: 1-9Second reading: Romans 8: 18-27Gospel: Matthew 8: 23-27 Sunday services.This Sunday, 4th September, is the...

Weekly Update

Weekly Update

Readings for Sunday 28th August, Pentecost 12First reading: Jeremiah 2.4-13Psalm 81Second reading: Hebrews 13.1-8,15-16Gospel: Luke 14.1,7-14 Sunday ServicesEach Sunday through the summer months we have one service of Holy Eucharist, at 9.30 am.The Common Cup is...

Weekly Update

Weekly Update

Readings for Sunday 21st August 2022 , Pentecost 11First reading: Jeremiah 1.4-10Psalm 71.1-6Second reading: Hebrews 12.18-29Gospel: Luke 13.10-17 Sunday servicesEach Sunday through the summer months we have one service of Holy Eucharist, at 9.30 am.The Common Cup is...

Weekly Update

Weekly Update

Readings for Sunday 14th August 2022 , Pentecost 10First reading: Isaiah 5.1-7Psalm 80Second reading: Hebrews 11,29-12.2Gospel: Luke 12.49-56 Sunday servicesEach Sunday through the summer months we have one service of Holy Eucharist, at 9.30 am.The Common Cup is...

Weekly Update

Weekly Update

Readings for Sunday 7th August 2022 , Pentecost 9First reading: Isaiah 1.1, 10-20Psalm 50Second reading: Hebrews 11,1-3, 32-40Gospel: Luke 12.32-40 Sunday services.Each Sunday through the summer months we have one service of Holy Eucharist, at 9.30 am,The Common Cup...

Weekly Update

Weekly Update

Readings for Sunday 31st July 2022 , Pentecost 8First reading: Hosea 11.1-11Psalm 107.1-9Second reading: Colossians 3.1-11Gospel: Luke 12.13-21 Sunday services. The diocese has lifted all Covid restrictions, so now it is no longer mandatoryfor you to wear a mask for...

Weekly Update

Weekly Update

Readings for Sunday 24th July 2022 , Pentecost 7First reading: Hosea 1.2-10Psalm 85Second reading: Colossians 22.6-19Gospel: Luke 11.1-13 Sunday services. The diocese has lifted all Covid restrictions, so now it is no longer mandatoryfor you to wear a mask for the...

Weekly Update

Weekly Update

Readings for Sunday 17th July 2022 , Pentecost 6First reading: Amos 8.1-12Psalm 15Second reading: Colossians 1.15-28Gospel: Luke 10.38-42 Sunday services. The diocese has lifted all Covid restrictions, so now it is no longer mandatoryfor you to wear a mask for the...

Weekly Update

Weekly Update

Readings for Sunday 26th June 2022 , Pentecost 3First reading: 2 Kings 2,1-2,6-14Psalm 16 (the response will be said)Second reading: Galations 5,1, 13-25Gospel: Luke 9.51-62 Sunday services. The diocese has lifted all Covid restrictions, so now it is no longer...

Weekly Update

Weekly Update

Readings for Sunday 19th June 2022 , Pentecost 2First reading: 1 Kings 19.1-4a, 8-15aPsalm 22 (the response will be said)Second reading: Galations 3.23-29Gospel: Luke 826-39 Sunday services. The diocese has lifted all Covid restrictions, so now it is no longer...

Weekly Update

Weekly Update

Readings for Sunday 12th June 2022 , Trinity SundayFirst reading: Proverbs 8.1-4, 22-31Psalm 8 (the response will be said)Second reading: Romans 5.1-5Gospel: John 16.12-15 Sunday services. The diocese has lifted all Covid restrictions, so now it is no longer...

Weekly Update

Weekly Update

Readings for Sunday 5th June, 2022 , The Day of PentecostFirst reading: Acts 2.1-21Psalm 104.24-35bSecond reading: Romans 8.14-17Gospel: John 14.8-17Psalm 47, refrain“Send forth your Spirit, O God, and renew the face of the Earth” Sunday services. The diocese has...

Weekly Update

Weekly Update

Readings for Sunday 29th May, 2022 , Easter 7First reading: Acts 16.16-34Psalm 47Second reading: Revelation 22.12-14,16-17,20-21Gospel: John 17.20-26Psalm 47, refrain“God has gone up with a shout” Sunday services still require some Covid rules to be obeyed, i.e. masks...

Weekly Update

Weekly Update

Readings for Sunday 22nd May, 2022 , Easter 6First reading: Acts 16.9-15Psalm 67Second reading: Revelation 21.10, 22-22.5Gospel: John 14.23-29Psalm 67, refrain“Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah” Sunday services still require some Covid rules to be obeyed,...

Weekly Update

Weekly Update

Readings for Sunday 15th May, 2022 , Easter 5First reading: Acts 11.1-18Psalm 148Second reading: Revelation 21.1-6Gospel: John 13.31-35Psalm 148, refrain“Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah” Sunday services still require some Covid rules to be obeyed, i.e....

Weekly Update

Weekly Update

Readings for Sunday 8th May, 2022 , Easter 4First reading: Acts 9.36-43Psalm 23Second reading: Revelation 7.9-17Gospel: John 10.22-30Psalm 23, refrain“O God, you are my shepherd, I shall not be in want.” Sunday services still require some Covid rules to be obeyed,...

Weekly Update

Weekly Update

Readings for Sunday 1st May, 2022 , Easter 3First reading: Acts 9.1-6Psalm 30Second reading: Revelation 5.11-14Gospel: John 21.1-19Psalm 30, refrain“Remember God’s holiness, and praise God.” Sunday services still require some Covid rules to be obeyed, i.e. masks and...

Weekly Update

Weekly Update

Readings for Sunday 24th April 2022 , Easter 2First reading: Acts 5.27-32Psalm 150Second reading: Revelation 1.4-8Gospel: John 20.19-31Psalm 150, refrain“Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia.” This Sunday, in-person services continue, at 8.30 and 10.00 am., but you no longer...

Easter Sunday Service

Easter Sunday Service

Alleluia! Alleluia! How great it was to be together in the sanctuary to celebrate this most holy of days. The music, the flowers, sisters and brothers in Christ we haven't seen for a couple of years - we felt truly blessed. Thank you to Fr Matt for leading the...

Good Friday Service

Good Friday Service

What does it mean that Jesus died willingly on the cross? Atonement for all of our sins? Or to show us the way of love by forgiving us for making him a victim, even being responsible for his death? Join us for this solemn service of the Passion Story.

Weekly Update

Weekly Update

Readings for Maundy Thursday, 14th AprilFirst readings: Exodus 12.1-4, 12-14.Psalm 116.1-2, 12-19.Second reading: 1 Corinthians 11.23-26.Gospel: John 13.1-17, 31b-35.Readings for Good Friday, 15th April First reading : Isaiah 52.13 - 53.12.Psalm 22Second reading:...

Palm Sunday Service

Palm Sunday Service

Some challenges with our live stream this week so this post is a little late. It was great to have the choir in house for the first time in two years along with the extra music on screen. Fr Bill questions if he can or is willing to give all of himself as Jesus did...

Weekly Update

Weekly Update

Readings for Sunday 10thApril 2022 , Palm/Passion SundayLiturgy of the PalmsLuke 19.28-40Liturgy of the PassionFirst reading: Isaiah 50.4-9aPsalm 31.9-16Second reading: Philippians 2.5-11Gospel: Luke 22.14 - 23.56(Or Luke 23.1-49) This Sunday, in-person services are...

Fourth Sunday of Lent

Fourth Sunday of Lent

As we continue through Lent, Fr Bill challenges us to reconsider the meaning of repentance - this week in the context of the prodigal son. Thank you to Christina for the music and the team for running the AV equipment to bring the live stream service to all. Take care...

Weekly Update

Weekly Update

Readings for Sunday 27thMarch 2022 , Lent 4First reading: Joshua 5.9-12Psalm 32Second reading: 2 Corinthians 5.16-21.Gospel: Luke 15.1-3, 11b-32 Welcome to Spring!! This Sunday, in-person services continue, at 8.30 and 10.00 am. You must register to attend,and the...

Third Sunday of Lent

Third Sunday of Lent

Fr Matt led the liturgy today with help from Bryan, Christina and MJ. He recalls us to remember that in this season of Lent and these times of loss, grief and indeed "crap", our Father remains with us even as we move toward the sorrow of the cross. This is also the...

Weekly Update

Weekly Update

Readings for Sunday 20thMarch 2022 , Lent 3First reading: Isaiah 55.1-9Psalm 63.1-8Second reading: 1 Corinthians 10.1-13.Gospel: Luke 13.1-9 This Sunday, in-person services continue, at 8.30 and 10.00 am. You must register to attend,and the link for this is attached...

Second Sunday of Lent

Second Sunday of Lent

Please join us for today's service of Holy Eucharist celebrating the Second Sunday of Lent. Fr Bill offers two short sermons based on the Gospel reading. Sermon one addresses the openness and respect the Pharisees showed to Jesus in warning him about Harrod's intent...

Weekly Update

Weekly Update

Readings for Sunday 13th March 2022, Lent 2First reading: Genesis 15.1-12, 17-18Psalm 27Second reading: Phillipians 3.17-4.1.Gospel: Luke 13.31-35 This Sunday, in-person services continue, at 8.30 and 10.00 am. You must register to attend,and the link for this has...

First Sunday of Lent

First Sunday of Lent

Lent - the time to repent moving toward that time of hope. Fr Bill suggests that in this Lenten season, we repent and find ways to ignore and banish the accuser who seeks to undermine our confidence in knowing our identity as God's own beloved. Let us reflect on and...

Weekly Update

Weekly Update

Readings for Sunday 6thMarch 2022 , Lent 1First reading: Deuteronomy 26.1-11Psalm 91. 1-2, 9-16Second reading: Romans 10.8b-13.Gospel: Luke 4.1-13 This Sunday, in-person services continue, at 8.30 and 10.00 am. You must register to attend,and the link for this has...

Transfiguration Sunday

Transfiguration Sunday

Transfiguration - "and while he was praying, the appearance of his face changed and his clothes became a dazzling white..." As we experience anger and grief for the war in Ukraine today, Fr Bill counsels that we can these emotions to light the fire of transformational...

Weekly Update

Weekly Update

Readings for Sunday 27thFebruary 2022 , Epiphany 8, Transfiguration SundayFirst reading: Exodus 34.29-35Psalm 99Second reading: 2 Corinthians 3.12 - 4.2.Gospel: Luke 9.28-35 This Sunday, in-person services continue, at 8.30 and 10.00 am., you must register to...

Service of Holy Eucharist

Service of Holy Eucharist

Are you ashamed when you don't behave like the Christian you think you should be? Worried that you are not good enough when you don't give everything you have to others, when you aren't kind to every stranger you meet, when you are selfish? Fr Bill reminds us that it...

Weekly Update

Weekly Update

Readings for Sunday 20th February 2022 , Epiphany 7 First reading: Genesis 45.3-11, 15. Psalm 37. 1-11, 39-40 Second reading: 1 Corinthians 15.35-38, 42-50. Gospel: Luke 6.27-38 This Sunday in-person services continue, at 8.30 and 10.00 am. As...

Service of Holy Eucharist

Service of Holy Eucharist

Alleluia! In person worship has resumed here at St. Jude's and it was great to see our brothers and sisters in Christ today. Live streaming and archived services will continue for those joining us from home. Fr Bill focused on the Beatitudes this week - as we are all...

Weekly Update

Weekly Update

Readings for Sunday 13th February 2022 , Epiphany 6 First reading: Jeremiah 17.5-10. Psalm 1 Second reading: 1Corinthians 15.12-20. Gospel: Luke 6.17-26 This Sunday we can return to in-person services, at 8.30 and 10.00 am. As before, you must register to attend, and...

Weekly Update

Weekly Update

Readings for Sunday 6th February 2022 , Epiphany 5 First reading: Jeremiah 1.4-10. Psalm 71.1-6 Second reading: 1Corinthians 13.1-13. Gospel: Luke 4.22-40 This Sunday a service of Morning Prayer at 9.30 am followed by the 2022 Annual Vestry Meeting, conducted via...

Fourth Sunday After the Epiphany

Fourth Sunday After the Epiphany

Walls - to keep things in and to keep things out. On this frigid Sunday morning, Fr Bill invites us to consider why and how we use walls. And perhaps consider that if we are to love as Jesus loves, the walls need to come down. Please take a look at today's service -...

Weekly Update

Weekly Update

Readings for Sunday 30th January 2022 , Epiphany 4 First reading: Jeremiah 1.4-10. Psalm 71.1-6 Second reading: 1Corinthians 13.1-13. Gospel: Luke 4.22-40 Prayer and Pastoral Care Please pray this week for Anne; Annie; Derek; Pat; Barb; Margaret, Phyllis; Dave and...

Third Sunday after Epiphany

A snowy cold January morning this past Sunday. Fr Bill reflects on the dreams and hopes of Martin Luther King Jr., Bishop Michael Curry, and Jesus. In meeting God's promise today and everyday "to bring good news to the poor, proclaim release to the captives, recovery...

Weekly Update

Weekly Update

Readings for Sunday 23rd January 2022 , Epiphany 3 First reading: Nehemiah 8.1-3, 5-6, 8-10. Psalm 19 Second reading: 1Corinthians 2.12-31a. Gospel: Luke 4.14-21 Prayer and Pastoral Care Cycle of Prayer for January The Fifth Mark of Mission Treasure – Safeguard and...

Second Sunday after Epiphany

Second Sunday after Epiphany

We continue to worship together apart through live streaming technology. Unfortunately we were unable to view the accompanying slides due to a projector malfunction. Given the frigid temperatures, many parishioners are happy to join the service from home. God's...

Service of Holy Eucharist

Service of Holy Eucharist

We are able to worship together again this week through our live streaming technology while in-church services are suspended. The focus of the homily this week is where to find hope in these days of darkness - real hope, not false hope. As it was in the time of Isaiah...

Weekly Update

Weekly Update

Readings for Sunday 9th January 2022 , The Baptism of the Lord First reading: Isaiah 60.1-6 Psalm 29 Second reading: Ephesians 3.1-12. Gospel: Matthew 2.1-12 Prayer and Pastoral Care Please pray this week for Derek; Pat; Barb; Margaret, Phyllis; Dave and Marylynn;...

Service of Morning Prayer

Service of Morning Prayer

On this snowy Sunday morning, we are thankful to worship together apart with our new live streaming equipment. Thank you to Licensed Lay Reader Sharon for leading the Morning Prayer liturgy, Bryan for reading and the Prayers of the People, and to Christina for the...

Weekly Update

Weekly Update

Readings for Sunday 2nd January 2022 First reading: Jeremiah 31.7-14 Psalm 147.12-20 Second reading: Ephesians 1.3-14. Gospel: John 1.1-18 Prayer and Pastoral Care Please pray this week for Derek, Elaine; Pat; Barb; Margaret, Phyllis; Dave and Marylynn; Nelson; Ruth;...

In Church Services Suspended

In Church Services Suspended

From Fr Bill - It is with sadness, and out of an abundance of caution that a decision has been made to suspend all in person worship at St. Jude's until further notice.  We have all seen the concerning increase in case numbers of COVID.  Public health is urging all of...

Weekly Update

Weekly Update

Readings for Christmas Eve, 24th December First Reading: Isaiah 9.2-7 This Friday, Christmas Eve, 24th December , two in-person services are offered, at 7.00 and 9.00 pm, still with limited numbers, and pre-registration is required. Those attending must sign in as...

Fourth Sunday of Advent

Fourth Sunday of Advent

Come Jesus Come! The anticipation, the much needed hope for our troubled and tired world. The fourth Advent candle - peace. How we long for peace of mind, peace between warring nations, peace between those who believe in Covid and those who don't. With the long...

Weekly Update

Weekly Update

Readings for Sunday 19th December, Advent 4 First reading: Micah 5.2-5a Psalm 80. 1-7. Second reading: Hebrews 10.5-10. Gospel: Luke 1.35-45 Prayer and Pastoral Care Please pray this week for Derek, Elaine; Pat; Roger; Barb; Margaret, Phyllis; Dave and Marylynn;...

Service for the Third Sunday of Advent

Service for the Third Sunday of Advent

A beautiful, sunny December morning as we celebrate the Third Sunday of Advent. While we await the coming birth of Christ, Fr Bill asks each of us to reflect in thought and prayer about how we can live our lives more fully in the knowledge and love of Christ. Today's...

Weekly Update

Weekly Update

Readings for Sunday December 12th, Advent 3 First reading: Zephaniah 3.14-20 Canticle 3, Song of Thanksgiving. Second reading: Philippians 4.4-7. Gospel: Luke 3.7-18 Prayer and Pastoral Care Please pray this week for: Elaine; Pat; Roger; Barb; Margaret, Phyllis; Dave...

Second Sunday of Advent

Second Sunday of Advent

How glorious to sing the Lord's Prayer together in these early days of Advent, even with wearing masks. Our licensed lay reader Sharon reviews the meaning of the Advent candles and how we can embody Christ's love in the world. Many thanks to Anne for the Word,...

Weekly Update

Weekly Update

Readings for Sunday 5th December, Advent 2First reading: Baruch 5.1-9Canticle 19 (Luke 1.68-79).Second reading: Philippians 1.3-11.Gospel: Luke 3.1-6 Prayer and Pastoral Care Please pray this week for:Pat; Roger; Barb; Margaret, Phyllis; Dave and Marylynn; Nelson;...

1st Sunday of Advent

1st Sunday of Advent

On this snowy Sunday morning, we worshiped together and acknowledged the onset of this Advent season of preparing - with hope. Fr Bill reflects that we don't have to wait for God's heavenly kingdom - rather, God is here with us in this earthly kingdom. We give thanks...

Weekly Update

Weekly Update

Happy New (Episcopal) Year as we enter into Year C of the Church’s calendar. Readings for Sunday 28th November, Advent 1 First reading: Jeremiah 33.14-16. Psalm 25.1-10 Second reading: Thessalonians 3.9-15. Gospel: Luke 21.25-36 Prayer and Pastoral Care Anglican...

Weekly Update

We Pray for our fellow Canadians in BC suffering from significant rain with flooding, and mud slides. May all who have have been impacted find support and comfort in their time of need. We pray that all the displaced, isolated, and fearful people find a safe haven and...

Service of Holy Eucharist

Service of Holy Eucharist

Welcome to our service of Holy Eucharist on a snowy Sunday. Focus this week is on Hannah's story - in the music, the psalm and Licensed Lay Reader Sharon's homily. Fr Matt joined us this week to lead the liturgy and thank you to Eileen for the reading of the Word....

Weekly Update

Weekly Update

Readings for Sunday 14th November, Pentecost 25 First reading: 1 Samuel 1.4-20 Psalm 16 Second reading: Hebrews 10.11-14, 19-25. Gospel : Mark 13.1-8 Learning Together Bible Study. Fr. Bill’s on-line Bible study, via Zoom, continues Thursday 11th November at 7.00 pm,...

Service of Remembrance and All Saints

Service of Remembrance and All Saints

A beautiful fall morning in the sanctuary in a service of remembrance for those who gave their lives for us to live in peace and freedom - less we forget. Also today, Fr Bill reminds us that in living as Jesus taught us, we will bring heaven into today's world. Thank...

Weekly Update

Weekly Update

The All Soul's Service of November 2nd can be seen on this website under Worship. Reminder: Fall time change this weekend - reset clocks back an hour Saturday night/Sunday am to avoid being at church early on Sunday morning. Readings for Sunday 7th November, All...

Service of Holy Eucharist

Service of Holy Eucharist

Today we celebrate our Patron saint St. Jude along with his buddy, St. Simon! Christina sings "St. Jude's Boat" as the final hymn - a song composed specifically for our church by a couple of talented members. Fr Bill reflects on what it means to live into the image...

Weekly Update

Weekly Update

Readings for Sunday 31st October, St. Simon and St. Jude (Pentecost 23) First reading: Deuteronomy 32.1-4. Psalm 119.89-96 Second reading: Ephesians 2.13.22 Gospel: John 15.17-27 All Souls' Day will be celebrated in the church on Tuesday 2nd November at 7:30 pm. ...

Service of Holy Eucharist

Service of Holy Eucharist

A beautiful crisp fall morning to celebrate together in the sanctuary. What "treasures" have worth in the kingdom of God? Fr Bill's homily this week challenges us to consider what we are willing to give and give up in the depth of our faith. Thank you to Christina for...

Weekly Update

Weekly Update

A little late this week but here it goes. Readings for Sunday 24th October, (Pentecost 22) First reading : Job 42.1-6, 10-17. Psalm 34.1-8 Second reading : Hebrews 7.23-28. Gospel : Mark 10.46-52   Prayer and Pastoral Care Please pray this week for: Bill; Barb;...

Service of Holy Eucharist

Service of Holy Eucharist

A beautiful fall morning for this service of Holy Eucharist. Great to see members in the sanctuary and glad you are able to join us from home. Our Licensed Lay Reader Cyndi was the homilist today and reminded us to look to Jesus as we are all beloved children of the...

Weekly Update

Weekly Update

Readings for Sunday 17th October, (Pentecost 21) First reading : Job 38.1-7. Psalm 104 Second reading : Hebrews 5.1-10. Gospel : Mark 10.35-45 Outreach Ministry of the Month for October is the Christmas bale. For many years the ACW has paid the shipping costs to send...

Service of Harvest Thanksgiving

Service of Harvest Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving to you and those you care for! Another challenging Gospel to consider in the service this week. Don't worry - God will provide all things you need. Fr Bill suggests that this is a very hard promise to hold onto in our world and suggests how we might...

Weekly Update

Weekly Update

Readings for Sunday 10th October, Thanksgiving (Pentecost 20) First reading : Joel 2.21-27. Psalm 126 Second reading : 1 Timothy 2.1-7. Gospel : Matthew 6.25-33 Bible study. Fr. Bill has started an on-line Bible study, via Zoom, and invites everyone to take part. It...

Service of Holy Eucharist

Service of Holy Eucharist

After a couple of weeks of tech challenges we are able to bring you the recording of today's service of Holy Eucharist from the sanctuary. And in the near future, we will be providing live streaming so you can experience the service in real time. For now, we are glad...

Weekly Update

Weekly Update

Welcome to Fall 2021!! Bet you didn’t think it would come this quickly, but the blue jays have been warning us for a week now. Bit wet, though.   Readings for Sunday 26th September, Pentecost 18 First reading : Esther 7.1-6, 9-10. 9.20-22. Psalm 124 Second reading :...

Service of Holy Eucharist

Service of Holy Eucharist

A beautiful September Sunday morning and we were able to worship together in the sanctuary and visit for a brief time in the parking lot afterwards with fellow parishioners. Fr Bill asks us to consider the concept of greatness as each of the disciples tried to claim...

Weekly Update

Weekly Update

Readings for Sunday 19th September, Pentecost 17 First reading : Proverbs 31.10-31 Psalm 1 Second reading: James 3.13 - 4.3, 7-8a Gospel: Mark 9.30-37 This Sunday, 19th September, we continue with two in-person services, at 8.30 and 10.00 am. Numbers must still be...

Service of Holy Eucharist

Service of Holy Eucharist

Welcome to this service of Holy Eucharist on the 16th Sunday after Pentecost. Question Fr Bill asks this week - What kind of God are you looking for? Thank you to Christina for the music, Eileen, Cyndi and Bryan for your contributions to this week's worship. God's...

Weekly Update

Weekly Update

Readings for Sunday 12th September, Pentecost 16 First reading : Proverbs 1.20-33. Psalm 116. 1-9 Second reading : James 3.1-12. Gospel : Mark 8.27-38 This Sunday, 12th September, we continue with two in-person services, at 8.30 and 10.00 am. Numbers must still be...

Celebration of Life

Celebration of Life

On July 31, 2021 Joyce Adam, a long time parishioner of St. Jude's died peacefully in hospital. The Celebration of Life for Joyce was held on August 7, 2021. Due to pandemic restrictions, the number of participants was limited. The service was recorded by Harris...

Service of Holy Eucharist

Service of Holy Eucharist

We have returned to 2 services on Sunday mornings - a said service at 8:30 am and music added at 10 am. The gospel today is challenging and Fr Bill explores the meaning of Jesus showing his human nature - less than the perfect divine. Perhaps you have had a similar...

Weekly Update

Weekly Update

This Sunday, 5th September, we are returning to two in-person services, at 8.30 and 10.00 am. Numbers continue to be limited and pre-registration is preferred to ensure a seat. Readings for Sunday 5th September, Pentecost 15 First reading : Proverbs 22.1-2, 8-9,...

Service of Holy Eucharist

Service of Holy Eucharist

Welcome to this service of Holy Eucharist celebrated this week with Fr Phil. Do you recognize you shadow side? Jesus reminds us that following all the rules of our religion isn't that important if we don't treat one another well in the spirit of our faith. Thanks to...

Weekly Update

Weekly Update

Readings for Sunday 29th August, Pentecost 14 First reading : Song of Solomon 2.8-13. Psalm 15 Second reading : James 1.17-27 Gospel : John 7.1-8, 14-15, 21-23 Fundraising Yard Sale We’re having a Yard sale on September 11th , 8.00 am to Noon. Like other years, people...

Service of Morning Prayer

Service of Morning Prayer

Please join us for this service of Morning Prayer. Our Licensed Lay Reader Cyndi reminds us of the humanity of Jesus - who suffered pain and hurt from the actions of his friends, just as we may have experienced those feelings in our relationships. She recalls us to...

Weekly Update

Weekly Update

Readings for Sunday 22nd August, Pentecost 13 First reading : 1 Kings 8.22-30, 41-43. Psalm 34.15-22 Second reading : Ephesians 6.10-20 Gospel : John 6.56-69 Prayer and Pastoral Care Please pray this week for: Margaret, Jacqui and Cam; Pat; Anne; Phyllis; Dave and...

Service of Holy Eucharist

Service of Holy Eucharist

Please join us for this service of Holy Eucharist celebrated with Fr Phil. The focus today is Wisdom - how do we recognized it? What are the examples in the Bible? How do the challenges in our lives help us to gain it? Thank you to Christina, Bryan and Sheila for...

Service of Morning Prayer

Service of Morning Prayer

Please join us for this service of Morning Prayer with the addition of Christina's beautiful soprano voice. Thank you to Sharon, Licensed Lay Reader for leading today's worship and to Betty for the reading of the Word. As we continue to hear about the Bread of Life,...