Don’t forget to put your clocks forward this Saturday night, one hour, we don’t want to see you sneaking into church late on Sunday!
Readings for next Sunday, 8th March, Lent 2
First Reading: Genesis 12.1-4a; Psalm 121; Second Reading: Romans 4.1-5, 13-17; Gospel: John 3.1-17
Our Christian Service
Please pray this week for: Mary Anne and Ray; Joanne; Wes; Tobin; Margaret; Pat and Sean; Brenda; Laurel and Rob; Ruth; Yvonne and Suzette; Chris; Al and Ann; Susan and Edward; Joanne; Cooper; Stephanie and Ronald, Scott and. Margaret, Susan, Beth, Richard, Jan and Paul, Dave, Dorothy, Gail, Dorothy, Tony, Stephanie, Lia, Jessica, George, Michael, David, Elizabeth, Robin, Helen, Margaret, Richard, Dan, Jeff, Jack, Judith and Jake, Tracy, Cyndi and Phyllis.
Rest in Peace: Myrtle Wilson (of the former St Alban Parish). May the soul of Myrtle find rest eternal and rise in Glory, and pray for family and friends, to have strength and comfort, as they mourn.
Pray for lives lost, those infected by, those in isolation, those exposed to racial prejudice, and any others whose lives are impacted by the Coronavirus and fear. Also pray for all who serve, provide care and support for the welfare of all COVID -19 victims.
Outreach project for March
Women’s month – My Sister’s Place and anova, providing safety and support for women in need. Please see the special email sent to the parish with details of their needs and how we can help.
Lent mid-week Eucharist services and studies
Lectio Divina = Listening to God’s heart With your heart
Tuesdays 7 – 8.00 pm “Lectio Divina” came from two Latin words meaning divine reading or sacred reading of the Bible. This is a prayer method which was introduced in the third century by Origen, one of the Fathers of the Church. Origen strongly believed that the Word is incarnated in the Holy Scriptures. Thus, Jesus Christ is the key.
Holy Eucharist.
Wednesdays at 9.30 am – a mid-week celebration of Holy Eucharist. In place of a sermon there will be an interactive conversation about the readings for the upcoming Sunday.
Signs of Life; why the Church matters.
Wednesdays at 10.30 am and end before 12.00 noon This year’s Lenten Study organised by the brothers of the society of St. John the Evangelist (SSJE) will explore the riches of our worship traditions, liturgy and sacraments.
Things to Note
Nearly New Shop is having a half-price sale, from now to 21st March.
Fundscrip. Rick will be in the Narthex between the services Sunday, 8th March, with the cards you ordered last week.
St. Paul’s Food Bank; used to be Our Daily Bread, but now the name has been changed. For March, our Sunday is 8th March, and they are requesting Cereals, canned Vegetables, canned soup, mac & cheese and fresh produce.
St. Jude’s Events To Come
Lunch Bunch. Friday, 6th March, at 12.00 noon. Celebrating St. Patrick’s Day a little early, but with lots of energy just the same. Pot luck lunch followed by lots of singing Irish songs just the way you like them, led by Jennifer and Chris Chalmers. Everyone welcome!!
Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner. We would like to invite all parish singles and couples, to dinner on Saturday March 21st at 6 pm. These are informal dinners hosted by church parishioners in their homes or apartments. Everyone is welcome. If you wish to host, there would be from 4 to 10 people. If you do not wish to host but make a dessert, main dish or salad, all are welcome. The host makes hors d’oeuvres and supplies tea and coffee, and everyone brings their own alcohol. Please sign up on sheets provided by Sunday March 15th. You will be called or emailed with your place for dinner the following week. Questions or concerns: Cheryle Anne Mac Belford 519-663-9359 [email protected]
Notes from other churches
- Lenten Bible Study. A Deanery Lenten Bible Study led by Bishop Terry Dance, starting this Thursday, March 5th and continuing for five weeks, at St. George’s Anglican Church
- World Day of Prayer, on Friday 6th March at St. Andrew the Apostle Church, 1 Fallon Lane, (corner of Fallon and Huron Street), beginning at 2.00 pm. Theme is “Rise, take up your mat and Walk!”
- A Choral Evensong and Spaghetti dinner, at St. Martin in the Fields Church (489 Pinetree Drive) next Sunday 8th March, at 4.00 pm. A free will offering will be taken at the dinner.
- Anglican Music Tradition. A talented group of London Deanery academics and musicians have worked together to prepare a series of short sessions which explore different aspects of the musical tradition of the Anglican Church as it is contained in our common hymn book. These sessions run on Sunday mornings, (before church for most of us), in different locations around the city, and the full schedule can be seen in a poster in the Narthex. Huron College Chapel is the next one, on Sunday 8th March, 9.00 – 9.45 am.