Community and Ministry


All women of the parish are members of the ACW. Come into the church on any day of the week and you will likely find one or more women busy doing something. They may be in the kitchen catering a luncheon, preparing for a camping trip, making pies or even preparing for a Victorian Tea. Women of the Chancel Guild may be upstairs preparing the altar for a church service.

Money from the crafts, catering and pie making is given back to the church to cover repairs, new equipment and for significant expenditures. In the past few years funds have been used to reinstall a cross on the roof, purchase a kitchen air conditioner and to paint the lower level. The ACW funds also cover the costs of shipping bales of clothing and gifts to Kenora several times throughout the year. 

The ACW meets from September to June on the 3rd Wednesday of every month in the St. Martha’s room at noon. All are invited to bring lunch, join in the fun and fellowship, and be a part of all we do. While we may be busy working, the time is spent laughing, having fun and just being there for each other. 

Contact: Cherie Laughlin


St. Jude’s choir meets once a week from September to June on Thursdays at 7:30 pm to prepare music for the weekly 10 am services.  The St. Jude Festival Choir is a special group that meets from October to April and prepares full cantatas for Christmas and Holy Week.  We support students from Western’s music department as part of our Choral Scholar program where students receive a scholarship to sing with our choir, cantor, and perform solos for weekly services. Parishioners of all ages and singing experience are welcome to join in this vital ministry.

Contact: Christina Willatt

  • Christian education and formation is not only for children who attend Sunday School. We are committed at St. Jude’s to teaching and nurturing believers of all ages. Throughout the year, education and formation opportunities are made available to parishioners and the community.

    • Weekly Bible Study from the Fall through Spring – 1 hour each week over Zoom to discuss the meaning of scripture passages
    • Lenten Series – programs offered by the SSJE to guide daily reflection, and weekly opportunities to pray together, to talk about faith, to study scripture and to get to know one another.
    • Bible Study – the Deanery of London offers Bible Study programs where participants gather for remotely or for dinner and fellowship and then study the scriptures in a new way, often to prepare for the season of Advent.
    • Confirmation Classes are an important part of teaching and nurturing believers who are preparing to receive the Holy Spirit and make a mature commitment to the promises made in Baptism through a celebration of the sacrament of Confirmation. The Deanery of London offers Confirmation Classes as needed. 


A very active craft group gets together every Wednesday in the St. Martha’s room for fellowship, lunch and tea. All are welcome to stay for all or part of the day to make treasures for the annual Christmas bazaar. We are always grateful for people who can cut fabric, glue, sew or quilt. No experience is necessary and new ideas are welcome. Non-parishioners also join this group for the fellowship and to help. Samples of our handiwork can be viewed in the glass showcase in the Narthex and can be purchased at any time through the year. Some crafters use materials donated to the group to work on projects at home if unable to come to the church.

Contact: Nancey Orosz




This group meets to plan events to keep our finances healthy. They generate ideas and participate in organizing fun activities for St. Judes and the community.

Contact: Derek Shadlock





Operates the computer and camera that display the service on the screen in the Sanctuary and the live stream on YouTube each week. Training for all volunteers and resource materials are available. Some comfort level with computers is necessary.

Contact: Glenda Hayward






As hosts, you will bring the cream/milk, set up the coffee, tea and juice enjoyed after each service and clean up up afterwards.

Contact: Glenda Office






As greeters, you will meet parishioners at the door to the Sanctuary, help with the offertory and tidy up the Sanctuary after the service (return BAS and hymn books to their holders).

Contact: Office






Readers will read one or both of the bible readings. A copy of the readings is provided in advance of their scheduled day.

Contact: Office





Lay Administrators of Chalice

Invited and trained by the Rector, two people are required to assist the celebrant during communion each Sunday by administering the wine.

Contact: Rector





Servers and Crucifers

Open to parishioners of any age. You will carry the cross, light the candles, help to set the table for the celebration of the Eucharist, receive the offering, carry the gospel book for the proclamation of the gospel, and assist with the service as directed by the Rector.

Contact: Michelle Viglianti



Also known as Chancel Guild, is a ministry that works quietly behind the scenes preparing the church for worship each week. They ensure the wine, water and wafers are ready for the Rector to serve, places candles on the alter, arranges flowers, orders supplies, launders the fair linens and cares for the Communion vessels and alter frontals.

Contact: Sherry Shadlock


The Church of St Jude has a very active Prayer and Pastoral Care Team. Prayer is an important core value for the Parish and our team. Parish members are encouraged to notify the Prayer Team or clergy when prayers are needed. Requests can be made by phone, email or signing the prayer list in the church Narthex.  

  • Privacy, confidentiality and permission are key to a faithful prayer team so specific details re prayer requests are limited to certain team members and first names are used.
  • Requests for prayers come from parishioners, friends, and across the diocese and are shared with the team and where appropriate, with the congregation. 
  • While prayers for health related issues may be the most common requests, we are glad to offer prayers of thanksgiving and celebration as well. The team also prays for those who have died and those who are grieving. 
  • The Team is developing guidelines for a friendly visitor program with a different focus from traditional pastoral visiting. 
  • Prayer resources include: 
    • The St. Jude’s booklet of Prayers, Inspirations & Reflections
    • Small prayer quilts given to those in hospital or on home visits.
    • The Cycle of Prayer based on the 5 Marks of Mission 
    • The Anglican Fellowship of Prayer AFP provides extensive resources of in hard copy or on-line as requested. The AFP Newsletter is emailed to all members and a hard copy posted in the church. Locally, all are invited to attend the annual Bishop’s Prayer Conference in May and the Fall Gathering. 
  • Prayer Partnerships:
    • St. Jude’s is a Prayer Partner with the International Justice Mission (IJM), a religious group working to end slavery, human trafficking and injustice throughout the world. 
    • As part of the London North East Ecumenical Group of churches, we are active participants in the annual “World Day of Prayer”

Contacts: Rev’d June Hough [email protected]

Prayer Team leader Sharon Frank [email protected] or any Prayer Team member.

Bus routes that stop at the
Adelaide and Fanshawe
intersections are #16, #25, #92

1537 Adelaide St N,
London, ON N5X 1K6

Office open from
9 am - 1 pm Monday to Friday