Readings for next Sunday, 15 th March, Lent 3
First Reading: Exodus 17.1-7: Psalm 96; Second Reading: Romans 5.1-11; Gospel: John 4.5-42
Fr. Bill’s sermon
On the church website ( or just click on this link:
Our Christian Service
Please pray this week for:
Tracy, Tobin, Mary Anne and Ray, Joanne, Cindy and Kevin, Gail, Dorothy, Loraine, Francis, Jessica, Mike, Tao, Zane, Stephanie, Angela, Phyllis, Lia, Elaine, Tim, Jennifer, Chris, George, Michael, Elizabeth, David, Robin, Mary and Debbie.
Rest in Peace: Gillian Caslick and Paul Walsh. May the souls of Gillian and Paul rest in eternal peace and rise in glory, and their loved ones and families find comfort and strength as they mourn.
Pray for lives lost, those infected by, those in isolation, those exposed to racial prejudice, and any others whose lives are impacted by the Coronavirus and fear. Also pray for all who serve, provide care and support for the welfare of all COVID -19 victims.
Cycle of Prayer for March
Teach – Discipling “To teach, baptize, and nurture new believers” and indeed all believers – by fostering Christian development in new participant, long- team members and everyone in between
Prayer: Lord, fill us with your welcoming spirit that we may faithfully teach, baptize, and nurture those who come to believe in you. Let your glory fill this place. Let your glory fill this world!
We honour ministries in support of DISCIPLING: the Second Mark of Mission
Outreach project this month
Women’s month – My Sister’s Place and anova, providing safety and support for women in need. Please see the special email sent to the parish with details of their needs and how we can help.
Lent mid-week Eucharist services and studies
Lectio Divina = Listening to God’s heart With your heart
Tuesdays through Lent 7.00 – 8.00 pm “ Lectio Divina ” came from two Latin words meaning divine reading or sacred reading of the Bible. This is a prayer method which was introduced in the third century by Origen, one of the Fathers of the Church. Origen strongly believed that the Word is incarnated in the Holy Scriptures. Thus, Jesus Christ is the key. Led by Jerylyn Obrero.
Holy Eucharist. Please note, NO celebration of Holy Eucharist on Wednesday 18th March.
Signs of Life; Why the Church matters.
Wednesdays in Lent at 10.30 am and end at 12.00 noon at the latest. This year’s Lenten Study organised by the brothers of the society of St. John the Evangelist (SSJE) will explore the riches of our worship traditions, liturgy and sacraments.
Lenten Bible Study. Thursdays starting at 6:45 pm. A Deanery Lenten Bible Study led by Bishop Terry Dance, each , at St. George’s Anglican Church, (Wharncliffe Road at Oxford Street)
Things to Note
- Nearly New Shop is having a half-price sale, from now to 21 st March.
- Girl Guide cookies are scheduled to arrive in London on March 28 th. St. Jude’s Brownie leader, Nicole Dawdy will be at church March 29 th to distribute them, but the order Sheet is still in the Narthex to sign to order cookies. Our Brownies are going to camp the long weekend in May with the St. John the Evangelist Brownies and rely on cookie profits to help out with expenses of camp. They would greatly appreciate your support.
St. Paul’s Food Bank thanks us for our gifts last Sunday, which were: Candy (1), Canned Goods (27), Cereal (4), Egg Containers (36), Cookies (1), Mac & Cheese (16), Miscellaneous (2), Pasta (4), 10 lbs. Potatoes (1), Fresh Produce (1), Rice (2), Snacks (3), Soup (12), Tea (1), Toilet Paper (1), Toiletries (1).
Up Coming Events
- Blood donor clinic here at the church, All Saints Hall, Saturday 14 th March, 9.00 am to 12 noon
- Ladies Coffee Hour here in the LGC Room on Friday 20th March, begins at 9.30 am and goes to – whenever.
- Community Breakfast here on Saturday 21 st March, 9.00 – 10.30 am, in the LGC Room. If you can help with supplies or be here to help, please sign up on the sheet in the Narthex.
- Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner. We would like to invite all parish singles and couples, to dinner on Saturday March 21 st at 6 pm. These are informal dinners hosted by church parishioners in their homes or apartments. Everyone is welcome. Please sign up on sheets provided by next Sunday March 15 th. You will be called or emailed with your place for dinner the following week. Questions or concerns: Cheryle Anne Mac Belford 519 663-9359 [email protected]
- Tuesday March 24th, Men’s Breakfast in the All Saints Hall at 9 am. Questions to Derek Shadlock.
- London Pro Musica presents “Earth Beats”, a concert celebrating the rhythms of the Earth, on Saturday 28th March at 7.30 pm, here at St. Jude’s. Tickets are $20.00 in advance, $25.00 at the door, and students $10.00. See poster in the Narthex for more information.
Notes from other churches
- Anglican Music Tradition. A talented group of London Deanery academics and musicians have worked together to prepare a series of short sessions which explore different aspects of the musical tradition of the Anglican Church as it is contained in our common hymn book. These sessions run on Sunday mornings, (before church for most of us), in different locations around the city, and the full schedule can be seen in a poster in the Narthex.. St. James Westminster hosts the next one, on Sunday 15th March, 9.00 – 9.45 am.
- St. Anne’s Church, Byron. “Discovering Beauty; Beauty Within and Beauty to Come”. A day to rediscover and be inspired by women of faith in history. Led by The Rev’d. Mona Goulette, with presentations, time for reflection, and fellowship, and including breakfast and lunch. Cost is $20.00, pre-registration required. See the poster in the Narthex for full details.
Time for our annual challenge – who sees the first Robin this year? The Cardinals are singing, so it won’t be long. No prizes, but you will get an honourable mention in the Update!