From Fr Bill

Along with the Ontario House of Bishops, Our Diocesan Bishop has suspended public worship until at least April 8th.  This measure is being taken especially for the protection of those among us who are most at risk and to participate in a growing movement of care and concern for our health care system and those who care for us.
While our normal pattern is to gather together on Sundays to participate in corporate worship my hope is that during this time where that is not possible that a weekly email with online prayer resources, scripture readings and possibly a sermon can be sent out to each member of our church family.  For those who wish to receive the sacrament of the Eucharist during this time I am available for Home Communions and can be reached at 519-550-7708
During this time all non essential meetings are also encouraged to be suspended.  This means that the Lenten Studies including the Tuesday evening Bible Study and the Signs of Life Study will be put on hold until further notice. If a meeting is deemed essential all participants are asked to stay home if they are feeling unwell and to follow recommended protocols including no touch and hand washing.
This is an anxious time for many in our midst and my prayer is that we might allow the peace of God which passes all understanding to fill our hearts and to calm our fears.  
I encourage you to read the attached  letters from our Diocesan Bishop and from the Archbishop of Ontario.  
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to call me.  

Please click on the link below to read an important letter from Bishop Townshend regarding COVID-19 and Public Worship.