While we must continue without normal services, we shall try to keep you informed about what is going on, and what we can do as we isolate and wait.
Fr. Bill and the Wardens are delighted to announce that Sandi Csik has been hired as our new parish administrator, effective this week! Sandi has extensive administrative experience and is also adept with the computer and social media. Though it is not possible at this time for her to meet many of us in person, you can contact her by phone at 519-660-6918, or by email at [email protected]. Sandi will be in the office Monday to Friday, 9.00 am to 1.00 pm.
(Sandi’s last name is pronounced “Chick”).
Pastoral Messages
Fr. Bill has recorded a video message that you will find helpful and supportive. Message March 23 If you find the sound a bit low and difficult to hear, click on Closed Caption (small icon labelled CC bottom right of the screen). You will find this helpful, though some of the words won’t match what he actually says!
Bishop Townsend has posted a new video for the diocese, which can be viewed on the diocesan website or click here Message March 21
Readings for next Sunday, 29th March, Lent 5
First Reading: Ezekiel 37.1 – 14; Psalm 130;
Second Reading: Romans 8. 6 – 11; Gospel: John 11. 1 – 45
Prayer and Pastoral Care Team
Please pray this week for:
Courtney and Dan and family; Jack and Diane; Tobin; Norma; Wes and Joyce; Mary Anne and Ray; Bill; Margaret; Pat and Sean; Brenda; Laurel and Rob; Ruth; Yvonne and Suzette; Cooper; David and Cindy; Norma June; Nancy June, Jenny and Dave, Nikki and Chris, Jon and Barb, Stephanie and Ronald, Scott and Logan, Susan, Beth, Margaret, Teresa, Keith, Chris, Phyllis, Elaine and Warren, Marg, and any others known to you alone.
Pray for our Fr Bill and all bishops and clergy as they take on the challenge of providing spiritual connection and direction when physical interaction is significantly hampered.
Pray for lives lost, those infected by, those in isolation, those exposed to racial prejudice, those at risk, and any others whose lives are impacted by the Coronavirus and fear. Also pray for all, provide care and support for the welfare of all COVID -19 victims.
To All Parishioners
During this time of “giving up public worship” we are trying to stay connected by setting up a “Touching Base” phone call system. So expect to get a call from a fellow parishioner. We have discovered that the church does not have current phone information for everyone. If you have changed your phone number (and/or email), or if you have gone exclusively to cell phone, please let the church office know! (519-660-6198)
Rev’d. Jack Beedle has forwarded a prayer from the Jesuits in the USA:
Jesus Christ, you travelled through towns & villages “curing every disease and illness”. At your command, the sick were made well. Come to our aid now, in the midst of the global spread of the coronavirus, that we may experience your healing love.
Heal those who are sick with the coronavirus. May they regain their strength and health through quality medical care.
Heal us from our fear, which prevents nations from working together and neighbours from helping one another.
Heal us from our pride, which can make us claim invulnerability to a disease that knows no borders.
Jesus Christ, healer of all, stay by our side in this time of uncertainty and sorrow.
Be with those who have died from the virus. May they be at rest with you in your eternal peace.
Be with the families of those who are sick or have died. As they worry and grieve, defend them from Illness and despair. May they know your peace.
Be with the doctors, nurses, researchers and all medical professionals who seek to heal and help those affected and who put themselves at risk in the process. May they know your protection and peace.
Be with the leaders of all nations. Give them the foresight to act with charity and true concern for the well-being of the people they are meant to serve. Give them the wisdom to invest in long-term solutions that will help prepare for or prevent future outbreaks. May they know your peace, as they work together to achieve it on earth.
Whether we are home or abroad, surrounded by many people suffering from this illness or only a few, Jesus Christ, stay with us as we endure and mourn, persist and prepare. In place of our anxiety, give us your peace.
Jesus Christ, HEAL US – AMEN
Ministry of the Month
Women’s month – My Sister’s Place and anova, providing safety and support for women in need. Please see the special email sent to the parish with details of their needs and how we can help.
Hospitality Breakfast Program
Thanks to the small group of volunteers who carried through with our ministry to provide breakfast for the disadvantaged in our community last Saturday morning. Two volunteers did the shopping, four more did most of the packing, and another three handed out the nutritious and fresh take away breakfast. The 20 guests received a bag with cheese, hard boiled eggs, muffins, cereal, milk, juice and granola bars. The team then distributed the leftovers packages to the nearby bus shelter and to St. John the Evangelist. We plan to do this again and hopefully, more frequently during the shutdown of so many agencies.
Lenten series
This year’s Lenten Study organised by the brothers of the society of St. John the Evangelist (SSJE) will explore the riches of our worship traditions, liturgy and sacraments. We have had to cancel this study at the church, but you can continue to see the video and meditate on it. Go to www.ssje.org and scroll down until you see the “Signs of Life” entry. This week the topic is Shelter.