St. Jude’s Community Breakfast Program continues during the Covid-19 pandemic. We’ve made adjustments to adhere to the physical distancing restrictions and have the thumbs up from the Health Unit! Our guests take away a bagged breakfast which includes fresh fruit, homemade muffins, cheese sticks, hard boiled eggs, granola bars, juice boxes, packs of hot chocolate and instant coffee, a tea bag, cutlery, and a napkin. For the Easter Sunday breakfast, a bag of chocolate eggs and a cinnamon bun completed the offering. Any leftovers are delivered to those in need or to St. John’s to augment the Saturday dinner program.

Guests are served from the delivery doors leading into the All Saints Hall at the Adelaide Street entrance. The bag is ready to go and a take away cup of hot coffee, tea or hot chocolate is provided. The numbers vary from week to week with a record of 31 for Easter Sunday. Now that the word is out, the team is prepping for more this coming week. A number of churches are unable to provide the regular meals for guests so the St. Jude’s team is hoping to serve the breakfast every other Saturday during these tough times.

We are thankful for the team members who shop for the supplies, the bakers who donate muffins, the team of 4 who pack the bags, and the team of 3 who serve the drinks and hand out the bags to the grateful guests. We all hope that we can soon invite our guests back into the church hall for a hot breakfast and fellowship. In the meantime, we give thanks to be able to continue this important ministry in our community.