“Christ is Risen; He is Risen indeed”! Alleluia!
Readings for next Sunday, 3rd May, Easter 4 First reading: Acts 2. 2-47; Psalm 23; Second reading: 1 Peter 2.19-25; Gospel: John 10.1
Keeping in touch – you will have received a message from Fr Bill suggesting that we organize virtual “Coffee for Eight” events. Don’t forget to respond to that; Fr. Bill says you must download the Zoom app, but don’t have to have an actual Zoom account in order take part. The first one went this morning, and Fr. Bill said it was quite successful for a first effort.
To All Parishioners – During this time of “giving up public worship” we are staying connected through a “Touching Base” phone call system. So don’t be surprised if you get a call from a fellow parishioner. If you have changed your phone number (and/or email), or if you have gone exclusively to cell phone, please let the church office know! (519-660-6198)
Treat a guest to breakfast! For a $5.00 donation to the Community Breakfast Program, you can provide a guest with a take away breakfast- in- a- bag. Just drop your donation into the Church mailbox (label the envelope clearly). Thanks to all for your support to give our guests a nutritious breakfast. The next regular Community Breakfast is this Saturday 2nd May, 9 – 10.30 am.
Prayer and Pastoral Care
Please pray this week for: Tobin; Norma; Wes and Joyce; Mary Anne and Ray; Margaret; Pat and Sean; Brenda; Laurel and Rob; Ruth; Yvonne and Suzette; Cooper; David, Cindy, Norma June; Nancy June, Barry; Donna, Sarah, Mike and family; Steve; Norma, Susan, Stephanie and Ron, Scot and Logan, Beth, Mary Anne, Cate, Colleen plus Rev’d Kim and Brock, Don and Shirley, Keith and Betty, Sigrid, Sally, Elizabeth, Nelson; Cathy and Susan; Terry and Mike; Rev’d Susan Wells plus Susan, Jim and Family; Courtney and Dan and kids; Mike, Pepito, Joe, Elaine and Warren, Marg, Loraine, and those who are in need of prayer but have no one today to remember them by name, and those known to each of you alone.
Rest in Peace – May the souls of all people throughout Canada and the world dying from COVID-19 find rest eternal and rise in glory. We pray for families and loved ones unable to visit as their loved ones pass from this earth, and then are unable to gather to grieve. May they be comforted as they mourn and, in due time, may they see the light of God’s love – or even just the reflection of that light. May perpetual light shine on the souls of the multiple victims in the Nova Scotia shooting. As the ongoing investigation is undertaken during the limiting conditions of corona virus, may the families find the gift of strength, and in time comfort and peace.
Pray for – lives lost, those infected by, those in isolation, those in fear, those exposed to racial prejudice and any others whose lives are impacted by the Coronavirus, and for all who serve, and support the welfare of all COVID -19 victims, especially health care workers, first responders, and workers providing all and any essential services.
Pray for – all those who put their life on the line for the welfare of the community, especially grocery and pharmacy staff, truck drivers, carry out food staff, all “essential” workers, and for those who make calls to stay in touch, those who sew hats and masks and all who work and volunteer to make this community and world a better place.
Pray for – Priests, especially Fr. Bill and Bishop Todd, who are struggling to offer liturgy in this surreal pandemic season.
Pray for – our government leaders who are working to manage the pandemic and support the physical and economic health and welfare of citizens.
Cycle of Prayer for April – Service
“To respond to human need by loving service” is a central aspect of Christ’s call. Loving service seeks to find real needs and offers service that is truly loving so all are changed by the encounter. Prayer: Lord you came to serve and not to be served, fill us with the compassion and insight to respond to human need by loving service. Let your glory fill this place. Let your glory fill this world.
Let’s Celebrate
Happy birthday! This week to Mike Geoghegan, celebrating all by himself on 28th April. Hope you had a happy one, Mike!
Gardeners! David Cornelius is planting tomato seeds of various different varieties, and he has found a wonderful (local) source of all kinds of seeds, including heritage tomatoes, and other plants. Email him at [email protected] if you are interested, and he’ll send you the details. FYI – David is our volunteer extraordinaire who is pictured in this week’s post.
Stay home and stay safe, everybody!