Readings for next Sunday, 2nd August, Pentecost 9 First reading: Genesis 32.22.31; Psalm 145.8-9, 14-21; Second reading: Romans 9.1-5; Gospel: Matthew 14.13-21

Prayer and Pastoral Care

Please pray this week for: Wes and Joyce; Jeff; Myfanwy; Marjorie – Phillip and Mo; Jack and Diane; Loren; Baby Isabella and Grace; Tobin; Mary Anne and Ray; Margaret; Pat and Sean; Brenda; Laurel and Rob; Ruth; Yvonne and Suzette; Norma June; Nancy June; Barry; Donna; Sarah; Mike and family; Susan; Stephanie and Ron; Scott and Logan; Beth; Mary Anne; Cate; Colleen; Don and Shirley; Keith and Betty;  Cathy and Susan; Terry and Mike; Brenda and Michelle; Brent; Baby Hugo; Victoria and Debbie; Charles and Paulin; Aldene; Jack and Nancy plus Cindy; Shirley; Jason; Rev’d David Joyce and Elaine; Norma; Joe; Elaine and Warren; Marg; Loraine; Chris; Ruth; Jennifer and Joanne. AND for those who are in need of prayer but have no one today to remember them by name; and those known to each of you alone.

Remember – Bill and Nicole, who continue to recover from their basement flood. A lot of work and patience ahead.

Pray with thanksgiving – and thanks for all who have faithfully offered prayers and kept listed persons in your thoughts for the last several months, and with thanks for the people whose names have been removed from our list and are no longer in need of active prayer. There is such a need.

Pray with thanks – forthe faithful leadership and support of Our Bishop Todd and our Priest Bill.

As COVID19 continues to stabilize in some parts of the world, and yet is running rampant in other areas, may all of humanity remember we are all in this together. The world is only as resilient as the most vulnerable amongst us.  Pray for all medical teams and first responders and others tasked with bringing health to citizens throughout the world during these unprecedented times, and those desperately searching for ways to treat, manage, control, cure and prevent COVID19 and other world health related issues. May we never forget that all the pre-COVID-19 health concerns are continuing and people are in need.

Pray forcommon sense to prevail as most of Ontario moves into stage 3; despite COVID19 fatigue the need for hand hygiene, physical distancing, face coverings, limited contacts, and respect and care for the most vulnerable in society needs to become the new norm.

Pray forall lives negatively impacted by racism and racial policies that disadvantage some while advantaging others. All persons are members of the human race and beloved children of God.

Evening Prayer – Remember there will be an Outside Service of Evening Prayer tonight, Thursday, July 30th at 7:00 pm in the St Jude’s Parking lot, limited to 50 people. Call the office at 519-660-6198 to see if there is still room, office open 9:00-11:30 am. Chairs will be sanitized and physically distanced, and everyone is to wear a mask.

“Our Daily Bread” booklet – The current edition, for June -July -August – (small size) devotion booklet of our Daily Bread is available. Also, we still have some copies of the (small and large print) of “Forward Day by Day” for May- June -July 2020. “Our Daily Bread” booklets for September, October and November have also just been received, for those who would like them. Contact Sharon [email protected] or 519-933-3164 if you would like to receive a copy.

Cycle of Prayer for July and August – Living the Marks of Mission WHEN YOU listen with all your heart, honour your elders, encourage young people to be active in church often and loudly, choose good over evil, welcome the stranger, write to the government about the issues that matter, invite a co-worker to church, help your dad do housework, get messy with school kids, say “Thank the Lord” and mean it, tweet your blessings one by one, introduce your grand-kids to nature, read and share God’s word, and Pray – THEN YOU ARE LIVING THE MARKS OF MISSION!


Community Breakfast Program – The next take-out breakfast is this Saturday, 1stAugust,9.00 am – 10.30 am.


Fundscrip – Rick will accept orders for Fundscrip until Monday evening August 3rd.  The orders should be in by Friday, 31st July. You can order yours by dropping off a cheque at his home with a note explaining what you would like to order. Please call him 519-660-4704 or email [email protected] so he knows to look for it. He will advise when cards are ready for pick up.

Get Together

Men of St. Jude’s Coffee Hour – We are going to have a coffee get together outside at the church Tuesday, August 11th at 9:30 am.  It is open to all the Men of St Jude. 

Let’s Celebrate!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!  This week to Wally Lockhart (26th July), Lucy Uptgrove, Sherry Shadlock and Linda Howard (28th).  Hope you all had a happy celebration!

Stay home as much as possible and stay safe, everybody!