Readings for next Sunday, 27th September, Pentecost 17; First reading: Exodus 17.1-17; Psalm 25.1-9 Refrain:” Lead me in your truth O Lord, and teach me”; Second reading: Philippians 2.1-13; Gospel: Matthew 21.23-32
Hymns for the 10.30 am service: 177 (verses 1-3); 497 verse 1; 548 (Refrain, verse 1, Refrain, verse 2, Refrain) ;387
Prayer and Pastoral Care
Please pray this week for – Toby- Lindsey- Erin- Theresa and family; Ruth; Victoria plus Karen and Debbie; Mary; Nelson; Ray; Margaret; Pat and Sean; Brenda; Laurel and Rob; Ruth; Nancy June; Susan; Stephanie and Ron; Scott and Logan; Beth; Mary Anne; Cate; Don and Shirley; Cathy and Susan; Victoria and Debbie; Charles and Pauline; Irene and Yoli; Izzy; Phyllis; Jen; Alison; Donna; Wendy; Paul; Betty; Shanto; Jamie and Cathie plus Keith; Jennifer; JoAnne and Pat. AND for those who are in need of prayer but have no one today to remember them by name; and those known to each of you alone.
Rest in Peace – Mrs. Hilery McAlpine, (wife of the Rev’d Ian McAlpine, retired). May Hilery’s soul find rest eternal and rise in glory, and her family and friends find strength and comfort in their time of grief. And Rick Baker (son of church members Gord and Barb Baker). May Rick’s soul find rest eternal and rise in glory. Pray for parents Gord and Barb, family and friends for strength and comfort as they grieve.
“Our Daily Bread” booklet – The current edition for September, October and November are here, for those who would like them. Contact Sharon [email protected] or 519-933-3164 if you would like a copy.
IN NEED OF PRAYER? KNOW SOMEONE IN NEED OF PRAYER? During the pandemic we can no longer use the prayer request book in the church Narthex to request prayer, but that does not mean the request for prayer is gone. There are many and different ways: – You can always contact Sharon Frank (prayer team leader) at 519-933-3164 or [email protected] – Convey your request via any member of “The Prayer and Pastoral Care Team”, who will pass it on to Sharon. – A request can be made via the church office Monday to Friday from 9:00am-1:00 pm at 519-660-6198 or [email protected] . – There is a prayer request section on our own St Jude’s website, – For crisis spiritual needs and associated prayer, contact our priest Bill Ward at 519-660-6198 or [email protected] .
Cycle of Prayer for September – Tell Evangelism “To proclaim the good news of the kingdom” is to share the news that Christ God is reconciling the world to himself in words. Prayer: Lord Jesus Christ, let your presence fill our hearts and overflow in our actions, that we may proclaim the good news of your kingdom. Let your glory fill this place. Let your glory fill this world! We honour ministries in support of EVANGELISM, the First Mark of Mission. Liturgical Ministries: Priests, Licensed Lay Readers, Servers, Intercessors, Readers, Lay administrators, Chancel Guild, Seminary Student Committee, Prayer and Eucharistic Services in Area Long Term Care Homes, Funeral Home Services, On Line Worship Services.
Education Opportunity – Would you, as a Lay person, like to know more about the Bible, Church, Christian teachings and how they relate to the world, your life experiences and values? Then you should consider joining the Education for Ministry group here at St Jude’s. Education for Ministry (EFM) is a program to support Lay persons to fulfil their baptismal promises to help support the work or ministry of a worshiping community. For more information call Sharon Frank at 519-933-3164.
Community Breakfast Program – The Community Breakfast Program continues to be offered every other Saturday. Since March we have served 596 takeout meals, and we also deliver a few meals each week. Through your generous donations, we are able to provide guests with clothing, masks, shoes, books, and toiletries. Needed at this time are razors, shaving cream, scentless deodorant, shampoo, small lined paper notebooks, and pens. If you would like to volunteer to cook or serve as we move the program inside again, hopefully later in October, please contact Glenda Hayward at 519-951-8154 or [email protected] . If you know someone who could use a breakfast delivered to their home, please let us know. Thank you. The next take out breakfast is Saturday, 3rd October,9.00 – 10.30 am.
Thank you!! To Derek Shadlock and all who helped him organize and run the recent Yard Sale and Pig Roast. Profit from the yard sale was $737.00 and from the Pig Roast was $1328.00. Derek says “The Fund Raising Social Committee would like to thank all the parish members that took part in these two events. Without the support of these members these events would not be successful”. This week’s picture is from the Pig Roast.
ACW Pies!! The ACW would like to thank God for the bumper crop of rhubarb and the generosity of parish members who shared His bounty. The 308+ cups of donated rhubarb made a total of 77 pies – a record! The second batch of pies are ready for sale at $10.00 each. We would be happy to take your order ahead of Sunday’s service, and if you aren’t coming, please contact Glenda Hayward at 519-951-8154 or [email protected] and we’ll arrange a pick up. Thanks to Fran Webb and Marjorie Leitch for making all the pastry and getting us organized, and also to our pie team members, Deb Bouris, Margaret Bryant, Jo Anne Carpenter, Ann Duffield, Sharon Frank, Mae Goodfellow and Glenda Hayward. (And, if you haven’t ever tried one of these, don’t miss out, they are fantastic!! Take it from me, a non-rhubarb lover, but the pie, well, something else).
Chancel Guild
2021 Church calendars –The Chancel Guild now has a supply of 2021 Anglican Church calendars, and will happily sell them to you at $10.00 each (that price hasn’t changed in years!!). See any Chancel Guild member.
Wes Adam Memorial Golf Day – Derek Shadlock is organizing a golf day to honour Wes Adam, tomorrow, 24thSeptember at Dorchester on the Thames golf course. Dinner & Golf (incl. cart) $40.00, and Dinner only is also available. Please contact Derek Shadlock, 519-672-0912 or [email protected] for a place.
Wednesday Crafters –The St. Jude’s Crafters are back!! Working as usual in the St. Martha room. The rules around physical distancing and masks will be in place. Crafters sew, quilt and do other crafts weekly from 10 am until 3 pm. Bring your lunch and favorite beverage and enjoy fellowship with others. For more information, please contact Nancey Orosz at 519-453-2858.
Let’s Celebrate!!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY! This week to Maureen Elder (22nd September), Phil Faulkner, Meghan Kirkland and Elly Stephens (34th). Hope you all had/have a happy celebration!
HAPPY ANNIVERSARY! Diane and Jack Beedle, who celebrated their wedding anniversary on 21st September. Congratulations!!
Stay home as much as possible and stay safe, everybody!