The flowers left thick at nightfall in the wood This Eastertide call into mind the men, Now far from home, who, with their sweethearts, should Have gathered them and will do never again.
“In Memoriam” (Easter, 1915) By Edward Thomas
Readings for next Sunday, 15th November, Pentecost 24; First reading: Judges 4.1-7; Psalm 90.1-12; Second reading: Ephesians 1.15-23; Gospel: Matthew 25.31-46
Prayer and Pastoral Care
Please pray this week for – Toby- Lindsey- Erin- Theresa and family; Victoria plus Karen and Debbie; Nelson; Ray; Margaret; Pat and Sean; Brenda; Laurel and Rob; Nancy June; Susan; Stephanie and Ron; Scott and Logan; Beth; Mary Anne; Cate; Don and Shirley; Cathy and Susan; Charles and Pauline; Irene and Yoli; Izzy; Phyllis; Jen; Alison; Donna; Wendy; Jamie and Cathie plus Keith; Lorraine and Gord and Diane; Paul and Jan; Fred and Marlene; Margaret and Anita; Davina and Sangeeta; Amanda; Fran and Bill; Brian; Jennifer; Joanne and Baby Charlie. AND for those who are in need of prayer but have no one today to remember them by name; and those known to each of you alone.
Pray for – the people of the USA, as election fever continues to runs high. Pray for peace, for common sense, and cool, honest heads to prevail. We ask for a peaceful, collaborative transition, so risk and danger do not impact the US, their neighbours, and allies.
A prayer for the Armed Forces – Almighty God, we commend to your gracious care and keeping all the men and women of our armed forces at home and abroad. Defend them day by day with your heavenly grace; strengthen them in their trials and temptations; give them courage to face the perils which beset them; and grant them a sense of your abiding presence, wherever they may be. Through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Cycle of Prayer for November – Tend – Service “To respond to human need by loving service” is a central aspect of Christ’s call. Loving service engages finding real needs and offers service that is truly loving so all are changed by the encounter. Prayer: Lord you came to service and not to be served, fill us with the compassion and insight to respond to human need by loving service. Let your glory fill this place. Let your glory fill this world. We honour ministries in support of SERVICE: the Third Mark of Mission- ACW – Crafters, Catering, Pies, Caps for Caregivers, Masks. Outreach – Daily Bread, Nearly New Shop, Kick Soccer, Bales to the North, Undies Sunday, Bless their Sox, Hospice comfort, Men’s Mission, Unity Project. My Sister’s Place, ANOVA, CMHA Distress Center, ministry of the month. St John’s Hospitality Dinners, Circles Dinners/ Bridges out of Poverty, Community Breakfast – in house and take away, Christmas Share, Christmas family support.
Community Breakfast Program –We are putting together Christmas gift bags for our Saturday Community Breakfast guests, and will give them out at the breakfast on December 19th. The bags will include gloves, socks, hats, toiletries, treats etc. In our ongoing efforts to care for one another, we have a couple of shoppers who will purchase the items rather than have multiple parishioners out in the stores. Financial donations towards the bags would also be very much appreciated. Donations can also be placed on the Offertory plate on Sundays, added to your givings with a note, or dropped off at the church office by December 1st. Your ongoing support of this outreach ministry makes a real difference to those in need in our community. Thank you! The next take out breakfast is Saturday, 21st November, 9:00 a.m. – 10:30 a.m.
The Wednesday Craft Group – has crafts and jams available for sale. Please go to the church website for pictures ~ (Nov 4). See the crèche Dave Cornelius made. It’s beautiful! Most of you know what we have, but these are some ideas : kitchen towels, dish clothes, scrubbies, aprons, hot pads, micro bowl, cozy, long dusters, catnip mice, cloth books, quiet books, crib quilts, knitted kids toys, knitted hats, scarves and throws, pet beds made from sweaters, pet blankets, soup mix, chocolate chip cookie mix and much more! Christmas crafts include: a Christmas hanging, advent calendar, tree skirt and wreaths. We have some jam for sale thanks mostly to Dave Cornelius. Strawberry-gooseberry, gooseberry, black currant, marmalade, grape, 1 vanilla-pear-berry, cherry, and Governors sauce. Nancey and Cherie are willing to meet people one on one by appointment to view or purchase these items. Please call Nancey 519 453 2858 or Cherie 519 850 0582.
Advent Turkey Dinner – Take-out Advent Turkey Dinner will be on Saturday November 28th, 4:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. Tickets are $20.00 per person. Pre-orders and pick-up time selections are now being taken. Please contact the Church Office at 519-660-6198 or [email protected]. Or contact Derek Shadlock at 519-672-0912 [email protected]. Thanks for all your support!
ACW – pies are sold out for now! Thanks for your support but don’t despair, we’ll be making more meat and apple pies before Christmas. FYI – Monies raised by the ACW were used to strip and wax the floors on the lower level of the church this fall.
Around The Deanery
Advent Study Series at St. Aidan’s Church – There are only two weeks left until the Deanery Advent session begins. If you have not yet registered, please do so as soon as possible by email [email protected] or phone 519-471-1430. This series is on Wednesdays, 25thNovember, and 2ndand 9thDecember, 7:30 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. The guest keynote speaker is Nadia Bolz-Weber. This is a London Deanery on-line event. There is no charge for this series.
Sunday School Remembrance
“Family” Newsletter – Cathy is working on the next edition for November, and would like parish members to help her with submissions. She suggests the theme of Remembrances, or stories of forgiving, i.e. how it felt to be forgiven, and/or peace. You can send them to the church email [email protected] or to Cathy at [email protected].
Let’s Celebrate!!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY! – This week to: Brian McMurtry and Peter King (12th November.) Hope you both have happy celebrations!!
Thank God, because He gave us another new day to hope, another chance to Pray to Him. Another day to enjoy His blessings to us. ENJOY THE DAY!