Readings for Sunday 10thJanuary 2021, Epiphany 1, The Baptism of the Lord; First reading: Genesis 1.1-5; Psalm 29; Second reading: Acts 19.1-7; Gospel: Mark 1.4-11

Prayer and Pastoral Care

Please pray this week for – A request from Sharon Frank: I am requesting that as you review the prayer list you consider the names. My plan is to alter the list to make it reflective of current prayer needs. If a name is missing please let me know, and I will add it. However, if you see a name that can be taken off, at this time, please let me know that as well. I do get updates from some people but not others so I struggle to know current prayer needs. Thank you ~ Sharon Frank (your Prayer team leader), [email protected] or 519-933-3164.

Please – hold the following people and those they love and trust in prayer: Ken; Len; Darlene; Jane; Lydia plus Ben and Trish; Brenda; Margaret and Anita; Anne; Fran and Bill; Loraine and Gord; Toby- Lindsey- Erin- Theresa and family; Nelson; Ray; Margaret; Pat and Sean; Brenda; Laurel and Rob; Nancy June; Susan; Stephanie and Ron; Scott and Logan; Beth; Mary Anne; Cathy and Susan; Irene and Yoli; Izzy; Phyllis; Jen; Alison; Jamie and Cathie plus Keith and Cate; Diane; Fred and Marlene; Davina and Sangeeta; Matt; Jennifer and Margaret. AND those who are in need of prayer but have no one today to remember them by name; and those known to each of you alone.

Pray – for all people experiencing the impacts of COVID. For the dead, may their souls find rest and rise in glory; for the bereaved, may they find strength and comfort; for first responders and front line care providers, may they avoid the disease and find strength to carry on; for all essential workers, may they be safe and resilient; for the lonely and isolated, may they know love, find connections and courage; for all suffering Covid fatigue, may they see the greater good and stay the course.

Pray – for all those who break public health protocols putting themselves, families, neighbours and strangers at risk; may they find the will to show that they are ready, willing and able to be caring and responsible citizens.

Pray – for Bishop Todd and our priest Bill as they navigate the needs of the people in a time of stress and uncertainty, may they know they are appreciated and loved.

Pray – for our Southern neighbours; may cool heads and hearts prevail as they face significant division and crisis and find a way ahead, common ground and the will to work collaboratively for the whole country.

Cycle of Prayer for January – Treasure: Safeguard and Renew the Earth As Christians we are called to “safeguard the integrity of creation”. Our world is a gift from God, and we bear the responsibility for caring for the world and the Earth’s resources. Prayer: Lord, you came into our lives to redeem all that is good, guide us in our turn to renew and sustain the the life of your creation. Let your glory fill this place. Let your glory fill this world! We honour ministries in support of SAFEGUARDING AND RENEWING THE EARTH: the Fifth Mark of Mission. Including Stewardship, the Environmental Team, Buildings and Grounds, Lock up Security Group, Treasurer, Fundraising and Fundscrip, Finance and Audit groups, Committee of Stewards.


Annual Vestry Meeting – This is the time of year when we would normally be preparing for that important annual event, and calling for reports on their year’s activities from parish committees and groups. Obviously this year that can’t happen. Many of our activities have been shut down, but an enormous amount of parish work has still gone on, some obvious, and much behind the scenes. We need to know and appreciate how our Christian calling has continued to be made evident in our community in several important, perhaps essential, ways and what has been done to give us regular and meaningful worship, through the necessary works of maintenance and repair for the building. We are asking for those responsible for this amazing work to start preparing their reports and shipping them in for distribution to the parish. How/when/if we can have some kind of AVM is not clear at the moment. Fr. Bill and the Wardens will be working on this, so stay tuned. Annual election of officers is necessary. How this can be done will also be decided. Financial information will be available, and the parish has already received a copy of the preliminary Budget for 2021. The AVM normally has to be done by the end of January.


Community Breakfast Program – The next breakfast is Saturday, 16th January 2021.


Fundscrip – This is the time to order your cards for January, the usual way.

Offering envelopes – At this time of year we would be preparing envelopes for those who use them. Since there has been little opportunity for their use this past year, we didn’t see the need. However, if you do need some envelopes for this coming year (and we sincerely hope we’ll soon be back to normal), simply contact the office and they will be quickly supplied.

It’s Epiphany – (Twelfth Night) today, and time for the Christmas decorations and lights to come down. However, right now don’t we all need some cheerfulness in our lives? You can be excused if you leave them up this year.

Ipad case – In the office, a strong plastic “bumper” case for Apple iPad, free to anyone who could use one.

Hint – The British government is pushing a slogan for the times “Hands, Face, Space” to encourage people to act responsibly. It’s a catchy slogan – wash/sanitize your hands often, wear a mask on your face where needed, and keep that safe social 6 feet space from others. Worth remembering!

Let’s Celebrate!!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY – this week to Victoria Williams (4th January). Hope you had a happy day!

Our best wishes to all parish members for a safe and happy New Year.