Readings for Sunday 24th January 2021, Epiphany 3 First reading : Jonah 3.1-5, 10. Psalm 62.5-12 Second reading : 1 Corinthians 7.29-31. Gospel : Mark 1.21-28
Prayer and Pastoral Care
Please pray this week for: Elizabeth and Charlotte; Thampi and Babu; Kerry; Dave and Marylynn; Pat; Kathleen; Norma; Karen; Victoria; Ken; Len; Darlene; Jane; Lydia plus Ben and Trish; Brenda; Margaret and Anita; Anne; Sue; Fran and Bill; Loraine and Gord; Toby- Lindsey- Erin- Theresa; Nelson; Ray; Margaret; Brenda; Laurel and Rob; Nancy June, Susan; Stephanie and Ron, Scott and Logan, Beth, Mary Anne, Cathy and Susan; Izzy; Jen; Alison, Jamie and Cathie plus Keith and Cate, Diane; Fred and Marlene; Davina and Sangeeta, Matt, Brian, Shirley, Jack, Julie and Margaret. AND for those who are in need of prayer but have no one today to remember them by name; and those known to each of you alone…
Rest in Peace Norelle Longhurst – a long time faithful member of St Jude’s and Steve Csik, father of our Parish Admin, Sandi.. May the soul of Norelle and Steve find rest eternal and rise in glory, and their family and friends be comforted.
January is Human Trafficking Awareness Month. Please pray that Canadians would be encouraged to join the fight against this crime that so many women and children around the world face every day.
Pray for Fr. Bill, our Wardens and the St Jude’s Parish Council as preparations are underway for the 2021 Annual Vestry Meeting, and the year ahead.
Pray for Bishop Todd and Fr. Bill as they continue to conquer the digital world, and the real word, to bring spiritual leadership, guidance, and hope to their communities in the midst of the COVID reality.
Pray for our Southern neighbours, as a new president is installed, a new chapter for the US, that this will be renewal of healing, unity and trust.
Pray for all impacted by the Covid virus in our community, country, and world. May the best of humanity shine through as a light in the darkness – for those infected; those providing care, support and services; those involved in all aspects of vaccine work; those in isolation and fear; for those in economic instability; and peace eternal for all who have died.
Pray for the whole family of St Jude; as we move further into lockdown and miss seeing and talking directly with each other, plus multiple other human contacts; may we stay strong and ever vigilant to be good friends and neighbours, knowing we are never alone as God is always with us.
A prayers request for our friends in the Diocese of Amazonia (our companion Diocese). Many of our friends in the Diocese of Amazonia have found the past few months difficult. During Advent and Christmas, several have lost family members and friends, including some who have died of COVID-19. Please keep Bishop Marinez, their clergy and parishioners and all the people who live within the diocese in your prayers.
Cycle of Prayer for January Treasure: Safeguard and Renew the Earth As Christians we are called to “safeguard the integrity of creation”. Our world is a gift from God, and we bear the responsibility for caring for the world and the Earth’s resources. Prayer: Lord, you came into our lives to redeem all that is good, guide us in our turn to renew and sustain the the life of your creation. Let your glory fill this place. Let your glory fill this world! We honour ministries in support of Safeguarding and renewing the Earth – the Fifth Mark of Mission. Including Stewardship, the Environmental Team, Buildings and Grounds, Lock up Security Group, Treasurer, Fundraising and Fundscrip, Finance and Audit groups, Committee of Stewards.
Community Breakfast Program The need for this ministry continues to grow in the new year as 45 guests were served on January 2nd and 53 this past Saturday. With the current lockdown, we have decided not to put the clothing and toiletries on display to promote physical distancing. A volunteer remains outside to help direct folks and to retrieve personal items such as socks from our supplies if asked for by a guest. We are thankful for new muffin and treat bakers who have joined our team. With our increasing numbers, our costs are rising so the financial support of our parish members and friends is very needed and appreciated. We are also looking for donations of gently used men’s warm clothing and footwear – boots as well as shoes. Thank you! The next take out breakfast is Saturday, 30th January .
Upcoming Event – Unbinding Heavy Burdens
The London Deanery is offering a virtual Lenten series with Diane Butler Bass and Bishop Todd Townshend. Begins February 24th and runs until March 24th at 7:30 – 9:00 pm. To register, call the office at St. Aidans’s 519 – 471 – 1430.
Let’s Celebrate
Happy birthday this week to:. Loraine Micks and Ray Duffield (18th), Jan McKenzie (19th), Amanda Chalmers (20th), Stephan Davis (22nd) and Vikki Norris (23rd). Hope you all had/have a happy day!
Happy Anniversary to to Sangeeta and Rowland Rajan on 21st January.
Please to continue to care for ourselves and our neighbours by staying home and staying safe!