Readings for Sunday 28th March, Palm/Passion Sunday; Liturgy of the Palms; Mark 11.1-11; Liturgy of the Passion; First reading: Isaiah 50.4-9a.; Psalm 31.9-16; Second reading: Philippians 2.5-11.; Gospel: Mark 15.1-45
In-Person Services⛪
In-person services are now offered – This week, there will be one in-person liturgy only, offered at 9:30 a.m., for which registration is now full! We will continue to record the Sunday liturgy and make it available for those not comfortable or able to return to in-person worship. The service schedule (below) will change for Holy Week and Easter.
March 28th Palm Sunday, one service at 9:30 a.m., with Bishop Todd. April 1st, Maundy Thursday, one service at 7:30 p.m. April 2nd, Good Friday, one service at 10:00 a.m. April 4th, Easter Sunday, services at 8:30 am and 10:30 am. Registration email has been sent to the parish.
Prayers and Pastoral Care 🙏
Please pray this week for ~ Joyce; Paul and Judy; Mary and Larry; Jan and Bob; Phyllis; Thampi and Babu; Dave and Marylynn; Pat; Victoria; Karen; Victoria; Margaret and Anita; Fran and Bill; Nelson; Ray; Karen; Lauren and Nancy; Darlene and Jane; Ruth; Nancy June; Susan; Stephanie and Ron; Scott and Logan; Beth; Mary Anne; Izzy; Jen; Alison; Jamie and Cathie; Fred and Marlene; Davina and Sangeeta; Brian; Bob; Sandra; Fay and Willy plus Kim and Rick; Mark; Mary; Jack; Julie; Sharon; Janie and John. AND for those who are in need of prayer but have no one today to remember them by name; and those known to each of you alone.
Rest in Peace ~ Joseph Corcoran. Joe was a fascinating man who attended St Jude’s. May God grant rest eternal unto His servant Joe, let light perpetual shine upon him and may his soul rise in glory. Pray for strength and comfort for adult children Kate and David as they grieve.
Pray for ~ the Boulder mass shooting victims, the perpetrator, and all those impacted by this horrendous incident. May the victims find rest eternal, their souls find peace and rise in glory, and all impacted find strength and in time, comfort. These are the victims: Denny Strong, 20; Nevin Stanisic, 23; Rikki Olds, 25; Tralona Bartkowiak, 49; Suzanne Fountain, 59; Terry Leiker, 51; Officer Eric Talley, 51; Kevin Mahoney, 61; Lynn Murray, 62; Jody Waters, 65.
Pray with ~ Thanksgiving as Covid vaccinations continue to evolve and the list of eligibility expands. We pray that patience and flexibility continue with pandemic-weary populations, and that the goal of herd immunity to protect the most vulnerable moves forward and inspires adherence to best public health practices.
Pray for ~ Bishop Todd, Fr. Bill and Allie as we head to Palm Sunday, and the plan for their joint service at St Jude’s unfolds. May they and all clergy know that we hold them in prayer as we travel to Holy Week. At this important time in the life of the Church, the Body of Christ, grant them energy and stamina for the journey is strange and unsettling, and so very needed and appreciated, always, and especially during this global pandemic.
Pray for ~ the health of our world. As we move into spring and new life, let us ask for good and just stewardship to preserve and protect the Earth, the water, the animals, the plants and indeed all of creation. Lord give us the will and the ability to act to address global climate change, which impacts all of Your good creation.
Pray for ~ strength and resilience for all impacted by this global pandemic; for first responders and essential workers, for the vulnerable and homeless, the isolated, the fearful, those with underlying health conditions, for those in need and unable to access services due to overloading of health and social services, and for any others not identified. May they know they are not alone and they are all loved children of God.
Pray with thanksgiving for opportunities to connect online for fostering a sense of community; for Wednesday morning coffee with our student Allie, for Thursday evening Bible study with Bill and Allie as we reflect on the “Word” the ultimate truth, for pre-recorded morning prayer services, and recording and posting of limited in-person Eucharist services, and for exposure to Christian music by Christina in all service formats.
Prayer resources ~ there are still some copies of “Our Daily Bread” and “Forward Day by Day” booklets available. If you would like a copy, please contact Sharon Frank [email protected] or 519-933-3164.
Cycle of Prayer for March ~ Teach – Discipling “To teach, baptize, and nurture new believers” and indeed all believers – by fostering Christian development in new participant, long time members and everyone in between. Prayer: Lord, fill us with your welcoming spirit that we may faithfully teach, baptize, and nurture those who come to believe in you. Let your glory fill this place. Let your glory fill this world! We honor ministries in support of DISCIPLING: the Second Mark of Mission- Music: Choirs, Music scholars, Musical directions. Knowledge: Christian Development – Bible and Book Studies, Education for Ministry, Children and Youth: Sunday school, Huron Church camp, Youth activities exploration. Prayer: Prayer and Pastoral Care Team, St Jude’s Prayer Book, Anglican Fellowship of Prayer (AFP), World Day of Prayer, Devotional Booklet Resources, Touching Base Phone group. Communicating: Communications Team, Photography, Call Networks Leadership: Wardens, Parish Council, Synod Reps, Deanery groups, Office and Administration Staff, Hospitality and Fellowship: Welcome Team, Greeters, Coffee Hour Hosts, Set Up Crew, Lunch Bunch, Social Committee, Name Tags, Men’s group, Women’s group, Fun and Funds: Coffee house, Trivia, Auctions, High Teas, Broadway Singers Partnership, and Pig Roast team. Other: preserve St Alban’s memorabilia and artifacts, COVID Management team.
Bible Study 📔
Lectio Divina Bible study ~ Fr. Bill invites the parish to a series of studies via Zoom, “Wilderness Wanderings”: do the wilderness wanderings of the Israelites have anything to teach us about our search for meaning in the midst of a pandemic? This Zoom study will be at 7.00 pm on Thursdays during Lent, concluding tomorrow night, March 25th. To join, click on this link: Meeting ID: 822 4787 9432 Passcode: 593098 Next Thursday is Maundy Thursday, so there will be no study that evening, but they may continue after Easter if participants desire it.
Deanery Lenten study ~The London Deanery invites us to join, via Zoom, a series called “Unbinding Heavy Burdens; a Lenten Journey”, each Wednesday in March. Each session will begin at 7:30 pm, and the featured speakers are Diana Butler Bass and Bishop Todd Townshend. You can register for this series by emailing [email protected] or call 519-471-1430.
“Encounters with Christ” ~ a Lenten sermon series from the diocese, on Thursday mornings in Lent at 10:00 a.m., continues each Thursday in Lent. This is a Zoom meeting series, and to register email [email protected].
Coffee Hour ☕
Join Allie McDougall in a Zoom coffee hour every Wednesday morning at 10:00 a.m. The Zoom meeting ID will remain the same for each session. Follow this link: or call in at +1 647 558 0588 to join!
Community Breakfast Program ~ Last Saturday, 20th March, they served 66 guests!! The next take out breakfast is Saturday, 3rd April.
Outreach Committee ~ please see the special notice from this hard working group, emailed separately to the parish. The agencies being supported in March are My Sister’s Place and Anova. My Sister’s Place can be reached at , or mail to 566 Dundas Street, London, ON, N6B 1W8. Anova is at , or mail to 255 Horton Street, London, ON, N6B 1L1, or phone 519-642-3003 Ext. 2252 for donations.
Easter Flowers 🌷
If you would like to contribute to Easter flowers for the sanctuary in Thanksgiving or in Memory of a loved one, you are asked to put your gift in the mailbox outside the Church Office door, with your dedication of Thanksgiving or the name of the loved one(s) you would like remembered. If you are attending the Sunday in-person service, put your envelope in the offering plate. You may remember that Christmas services were not possible and so any money that was contributed at that time will be used for Easter flowers as well. This must be done by this Sunday, 28th March so that the dedications can be collated and published in the church and the Update.
Family Newsletter 💌
The March edition has been emailed!! But if you know of anyone who cannot see this valuable and entertaining newsletter, let the office know and a hard copy will be printed for them.
Thank You Cards
In recognition of the contribution of essential workers over the pandemic, the Outreach Committee has developed small thank you cards that can be handed to essential workers as you encounter them. Cards are available at the church (in a basket in the Narthex), or can be delivered to your home by contacting the church office at 519-660-6198, or [email protected] .
Let’s Celebrate! 🎂
Happy birthday ~ this week to Elizabeth Potter (21st March), Frances Siegfried (22nd), Shirley Lawence (25th), Ben Ward (26th), and Jerry Smithers (27th). Hope you all had/have a happy day!