A happy, blessed and safe Easter to everyone!
Readings for Sunday 4thApril, The Resurrection of the Lord. First reading: Acts 10.34-43. Psalm 118.1-2, 14-24.Second reading: 1 Corinthians 15.1-11. Gospel: John 20.1-18
In-person services – Due to the city having re-entered a Red zone for Covid, it is necessary to stop all in-person services. Fr. Bill has sent a message to the parish outlining that news. “We are an Easter people and we proclaim a message of resurrection and new life. No matter the circumstances God will find a way for us to sing our Alleluias.”
Prayer and Pastoral Care
Please pray this week for: Joyce; Paul and Judy; Mary and Larry; Jan and Bob; Phyllis; Thampi and Babu; Dave and Marylynn; Pat; Victoria; Karen; Victoria; Margaret and Anita; Fran and Bill; Nelson; Ray; Karen; Lauren and Nancy; Darlene and Jane; Ruth; Nancy June; Susan; Stephanie and Ron; Scott and Logan; Beth; Mary Anne; Izzy; Jen; Alison; Jamie and Cathie; Fred and Marlene; Davina and Sangeeta; Brian; Bob; Sandra; Fay and Willy; Kim and Rick; Mark; Mary; Jack; Julie; Janie and John. AND for those who are in need of prayer but have no one today to remember them by name; and those known to each of you alone.
Pray for Christians all around the globe during this most important and meaningful time of our liturgical year, Holy Week, and especially for those who are unable to gather due to pandemic, religious persecution, or any other reason.
Pray for our own congregation of St Jude’s as we ask for resilience and the strength and will to remain connected as “the family of St Jude”
Pray for Bishop Todd and our priest Bill during this exhausting period, with thanksgiving that Bill had the foresight to plan for BOTH in-person and on-line services so we would not be denied Holy Week and Easter worship.
Pray for pandemic fatigued people to have the will and patience to follow public health guidelines as we venture further into a third wave. We ask for ICU staff to have the strength and fortitude to provide care as the heart ache of dealing with Covid patients’ remains, and the realization that more young people are impacted.
Pray with thanksgiving that more vaccines are arriving, and ask that eligible persons avail themselves of the opportunity to attend various clinic to reduce spread to themselves, their loved ones, and their neighbours near and far.
Prayer resources: There are still some copies of “Our Daily Bread” and “Forward Day by Day” booklets available. If you want any let me know, Sharon Frank [email protected] or 519-933-3164.
Cycle of Prayer for March – Teach – Discipling “To teach, baptize, and nurture new believers” and indeed all believers – by fostering Christian development in new participant, long time members and everyone in between. Prayer: Lord, fill us with your welcoming spirit, that we may faithfully teach, baptize, and nurture those who come to believe in you. Let your glory fill this place. Let your glory fill this world! We honour ministries in support of DISCIPLING: the Second Mark of Mission – Music: Choirs, Music scholars, Musical directions. Knowledge: Christian Development – Bible and Book Studies, Education for Ministry, Children and Youth: Sunday school, Huron Church camp, Youth activities exploration. Prayer: Prayer and Pastoral Care Team, St Jude’s Prayer Book, Anglican Fellowship of Prayer (AFP), World Day of Prayer, Devotional Booklet Resources, Touching Base. Phone group. Communicating: Communications Team, Photography, Call Networks. Leadership: Wardens, Parish Council, Synod Reps, Deanery groups, Office and Administration Staff. Hospitality and Fellowship: Welcome Team, Greeters, Coffee Hour Hosts, Set Up Crew, Lunch Bunch, Social Committee, Name Tags, Men’s group, Women’s group. Fun and Funds: Coffee house, Trivia, Auctions, High Teas, Broadway Singers Partnership. Pig Roast team. Other: preserve St Alban’s memorabilia and artifacts, COVID Management team.
Bible Study
Lectio Divina Bible study – Bible Study for this week had originally been cancelled to allow for the Maundy Thursday service but now that we are in the Red Zone and in person worship has been suspended, you are invited to attend our Lectio Divina Bible Study on Thursday, April 1 at 7:00 p.m. Even if you have not previously participated you are most welcome to join the study via zoom. Fr. Bill has sent the connection information, which is repeated here: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82247879432?pwd=ZXY3ZEJlZkM3UlBReDRnL3d0UmtFZz09 Meeting ID: 822 4787 9432 Passcode: 593098
Community Breakfast Program – The needs in our community continue to grow as we make our way through the pandemic. We are planning for 70 guests at this week’s Community Breakfast – a year ago on Easter Sunday we served 31. Your prayers and support for this ministry are much appreciated as are your contributions of clothing and other items. We are adding a roll of toilet paper to the bags if requested by the guests. While the church is closed, items can be dropped off during office hours or on the Friday afternoon before each breakfast. Specific requests this week are for: men’s wallets, razors, shaving cream, deodorant, and boys’ size 6-7, 7-8 clothing. Thank you. The next take out breakfast is this Saturday, 3rd April.
Ministry of the Month: April we would normally collect socks and underwear for: My Sister’s Place – 566 Dundas St, London, ON N6B 1W8 Youth Opportunities Unlimited – 333 Richmond Street Main Floor, London, ON N6A 3C2 Unity Project – 717 Dundas St, London, ON N5W 2Z4 Men’s Mission – 459 York St, London, ON N6B 1R3 Due to the pandemic please feel free to support these hard working charities financially as we do not wish to have anyone out shopping for socks or underwear. The committee would sincerely like to thank everyone at St. Jude’s for their support of our Outreach work. Should there be a specific charity or organization you wish to suggest we support, please let us know at [email protected] “We must find time to stop and thank the people who make a difference in our lives.” John F. Kennedy
Thank you cards
In recognition of the contribution of essential workers over the pandemic, the Outreach Committee has developed small thank you cards that can be handed to essential workers as you encounter them. Cards are available at the church (in a basket in the Narthex) ,or can be delivered to your home by contacting the church office at 519-660-6198, or [email protected] .
Coffee Hour
Join Allie McDougall in a Zoom coffee hour every Wednesday morning at 10.00 am . The Zoom meeting ID will remain the same for each session. Follow this link: https://westernuniversity.zoom.us/j/3141546335 or call in at +1 647 558 0588 to join!
Let’s Celebrate
We never forget these birthdays! On 1st April, Helen Poole and Phil Uptgrove !! But also, Happy birthdaythis week to Martha Cosan and Daphne Rawluk (29th March), Mariam Thomas and Burnissa Green (30th), Ian McCullough (2nd April), Warren Diwell (3rd) and Bill Barnett (3rd). Hope you all had/have a happy day, but stay safe!!