Christ is Risen!! He is Risen indeed. Alleluia!!
Readings for Sunday 9th May, Easter 6 First reading: Acts 10.44-48 Psalm 98 Second reading:1 John 5.1-6 Gospel:John 15.9-17
The service of Morning Prayer this Sunday, 9th May , will again be streamed at 10.00 am via Zoom. Fr. Bill will send the link to the parish. If you can’t sign in at that time, it will also be posted to this site later in the day.
Prayer and Pastoral Care
Please pray this week for: Bob and Marie plus Cindy; Pat; Anne; Joyce; Paul and Judy, Jan and Bob; Phyllis; Dave and Marylynn; Pat; Victoria; Karen; Victoria; Margaret and Anita; Nelson; Ray; Karen; Lauren and Nancy; Darlene and Jane; Ruth; Nancy June, Susan; Stephanie and Ron, Scott and Logan, Beth, Mary Anne, Izzy; Jen; Alison, Jamie and Cathie; Fred and Marlene; Davina and Sangeeta, Brian, Sandra; Shae and Dan; Fay and Willy; Mary; Liz and Charlotte, Clarion and Brenda and Lester; Gord; Meredith; Precious; Mary; Ellena and Rev’d Kim; Elsa; Jerry; Betty; Laura; Deepa; Jack, Julie, Janie and John. AND for those who are in need of prayer but have no one today to remember them by name; and those known to each of you alone…
Rest in Peace, Margaret Kennedy, (wife of the Reverend Gordon Kennedy, retired deacon). May the soul of Margaret find rest eternal and rise in glory and Gordon, children family and friends find strength and comfort in their grief.
Pray for Aidan Armstrong, new rector at St George’s Anglican Church. as he begins his new ministry in his home city of London. Aidan grew up in the St. Jude’s community, and it is great for parents/grandparents Scott and Andrea to have the family close.
Pray for Bishop Todd and our priest Bill, and all clergy as they shepherd their flocks through these times of troubled water. May they have resilience and confidence that their roles are needed, appreciated, and valued, and take time to rest and renew, for self care is essential.
Pray for everyone impacted by the global pandemic, and especially for India and the members of our congregation who have deep ties and roots there. May sharing of resources, and expertise help easy the devastation and sense of helplessness.
Pray for our own Canadian pandemic issues, especially overwhelmed, exhausted and stressed health care responders, providers, and caregivers. May all citizens feel compelled to follow public health guidelines and directives to lessen the strain on health care systems.
Prayers of thanksgiving for Covid vaccine developments and roll outs, and that new research indicates some vaccines are good for people as young as 12 years.
Pray for the people of Mexico enduring a horrific overpass collapse with loss of life, untold injury and grief in the midst of a health care pandemic. May those who have died find rest and rise in glory; the injured find healing and wholeness; and those that grieve find strength and peace. Give strength and resolve to all rescuers and those that tend the victims.
Pray for all impacted by global climate change, where storms, drought and unstable weather cause devastation and loss.
Pray with thanksgiving for mother’s, and all women who form long lasting and unbreakable bonds of love for their “kids” by birth, adoption, or close association. May raising and mentoring of younger people never be taken for granted for it is a life long labour of love.
Devotional booklets. New editions are available: “Forward Day by Day” Regular and Large print for May- June- July. “Our Daily Bread” large print for April- May – June, and regular size print June- July- August. Connect with Sharon Frank to get your copy.
Cycle of Prayer for May Transformation – Transforming Society: “To seek to transform unjust structures of society”, to challenge violence of every kind, and to pursue peace and reconciliation, is a call to go beyond charitable giving and help change a world that creates human needs. To join in God’s work in building the Kingdom by transforming society. Prayer: Lord, let the fire of your goodness and justice burn into us and through us, that we may seek to transform the unjust structures of society. Let your glory fill this place, Let your glory fill this world! We honour ministries in support of TRANSFORMING SOCIETY: the Fourth Mark of Mission. Support for: Newcomers to Canada, and LIRSA, North East Neighbourhood Group, Marriage inclusivity, Pride walk, Crisis Response, PWRDF, London Food Coalition, IJM (International Justice Mission) Prayer Partner.
NOTE : As we have no regular office staff currently please direct all prayer requests and updates to myself Sharon Frank 519-933-3164 [email protected].
Lectio365 is a free daily devotional resource that helps you pray the Bible every day. This resource is highly recommended by a couple of St. Jude parishioners, who invite St. Jude’s members to find it online and sign up – it’s free and is constantly revised for more meaningful content. Lectio365
Community Breakfast Program Can’t get together for Mother’s Day this weekend? Can’t leave home because of the pandemic? Here’s an opportunity to provide breakfast for a guest at our community breakfast without having to make a reservation, cook Eggs Benedict, or get out of your pjs. Parishioners and friends are invited to donate $5 to provide 1 guest with a take away breakfast-in-a-bag, and for just $10, you can provide 2 breakfasts and an even 4 for $20. Last year at this time we served 39 guests, this past Saturday – 72 people , including infants and seniors. Guests often express their thanks for what we are able to provide with your continued support. Donations can be dropped off in the Church mailbox, added to your regular offerings or brought to the kitchen on the Friday afternoon before the breakfast. We can pick up donations at your home in the effort to keep folks safe. Thank you for helping to give our guests a nutritious breakfast and showing St. Jude’s to be a Vibrant Community in Faithful and Loving Service. Questions or suggestions about the program: Contact Glenda Hayward at 519-951-8154 or [email protected] , or any member of the breakfast team. The next take out breakfast is Saturday, 15th May.
Ministry of the Month – In May we usually support St. Paul’s Food Bank program and the Kicks Soccer program, but we have not heard whether soccer will go ahead this year. We’ll let you know if it does, with whatever needs we can satisfy. Since we are unable to collect food, so please feel free to donate to: St. Paul’s Social Services Att. Food Bank 472 Richmond Street London, ON N6A 3E6
The committee would sincerely like to thank everyone at St. Jude’s for their support of our Outreach work. Should there be a specific charity or organization you wish to suggest we support, please let us know at [email protected]
Let’s Celebrate!
Happy Mother’s Day to all our parish mothers and grandmothers!!
Happy Birthday to David Belford (3rd May), Rick Kelly (5th ) and Joseph Bennett 6th ). Hope you all have/had a happy day, and stay safe!!
Happy Anniversary to Sandra and Peter King, who celebrate their anniversary on 8th May.
Dandelions!! Which we all love at this time of year, bright and cheerful yellow flowers in the lawn. So, if you spend time (daily) digging them up, we have a suggestion for you – don’t just throw them in the yard waste bags, save them all in a dark colour garbage bag, and leave that bag in a warm garden spot, preferably sunny, until Fall – maybe October. You will be amazed to find the bag is then full of rich crumbly compost, just perfect for your garden beds, and free! (May be best not to put seed heads in though, just the flower stage).
Christ is Risen!! He is Risen indeed. Alleliua!!