Readings for Sunday 27th June, Pentecost 5 First reading : 1 Samuel 1.1, 17-27. Psalm 130 Second reading : 2 Corinthians 8.7-15 Gospel : Mark 5.21-43
Prayer and Pastoral Care
Please pray this week for: Joyce; Pat; Cyndi; Anne; Jan and Bob; Phyllis; Dave and Marylynn; Victoria; Karen; Margaret and Anita; Nelson; Ray; Darlene and Jane; Ruth; Nancy June, Stephanie and Ron, Scott and Logan, Beth, Izzy; Jen; Alison, Jamie and Cathie; Fred and Marlene; Davina and Sangeeta, Brian, Sandra; Mary; Liz and Charlotte, Clarion and Brenda and Lester; Meredith; Precious; Betty; Laura; Vanessa; Viora; Ellena and Rev’d Kim, Jerry; Dianne and Ann; Bob; Maiyada; Fayez; Leah and Grace and Children; Lindsay, Theresa and Michael; a new family, Jack, Julie, Janie, Cindy, Cody, Ruth and John. AND for those who are in need of prayer but have no one today to remember them by name; and those known to each of you alone.
Rest in Peace: Cindy Lynch , (sister of parishioner Jeff Viglianti ). May Cindy’s soul find rest eternal and rise in glory, and Jeff, Sharon, Michelle, Sharon and the whole Viglianti family find comfort and strength in their mourning. Murray, Big Murr, Rathbone (89 years, father of Paul at Church House). May Murr’s soul find rest eternal and rise in glory, and Paul, Mary and the whole family and friends find strength and comfort at this sudden unexpected death.
Pray for: our Indigenous Brothers and sisters, especially focus on Indigenous Peoples Day (June 21st ) and for all impacted by residential schools, the 215 found unmarked graves and others being sought, the families that never had closure, the trauma and inter generational implications on culture, and relationships within and between communities. We pray that our parish members will have open minds, desire for learning and action with respect to truth and reconciliation with our indigenous communities.
Pray for: our Muslim neighbours near and far. May there be love and not hate ,and embracing and acceptance of diversity as a strength and not to be feared. May there be healing after the local terrorist event that killed three generations in the Afzaal family – Talat, Salman, Madigan, and Yumnah and left young Fayez an orphan.
Pray for: all minority groups who are made to feel like they do not belong in society. May racism be addressed and become a “ thing” of history as all move forward as one race, the human race.
Pray for: for all impacted by COVID19, infected and recovering persons, essential and front line workers, responders and care givers, scientists, those that have died and those who have lost loved ones, those whose lives and livelihoods have been altered, and any others for no one has been untouched. As things improve let us all be mindful that we need to continue with the ever changing and current public health guidelines so that all citizens may flourish.
Pray for: Bishop Todd, who has been tasked with shepherding Huron though a rough time, and for our Priest Bill, who has offered support in so many ways to our parish. Also for these ordinands, who on Thursday, June 24th, the Birth of St. John the Baptist, will be called to the Priesthood: The Reverend Jordan Murray, Assistant Curate, St. George’s, Owen Sound. The Reverend Enrique Martinez, upon priesting the Rector of the Parish of Long Point Bay (Port Ryerse Memorial Church, Port Ryerse; St. John’s, Woodhouse; St. John’s, Port Rowan; St. Andrew’s-by-the-Lake, Turkey Point and Christ Church Chapel of Ease, Vittoria).
June is Pride month . .We pray for the LGBTQ+ community during this month, as we know everyone is created equal and in God’s image. May discrimination based on sexual orientation become a thing of the past.
Cycle of Prayer for June Treasure – Safeguard and Renew the Earth As Christians we are called to “Safeguard the integrity of Creation.” Our world is a gift from God. We bear the responsibility for caring for the world and the Earth’s resources. Prayer: Lord, you came into our lives to redeem all that is good. Guide us in our turn to renew and sustain the life of your creation. Let your glory fill this place. Let your glory fill this world! We honour ministries in support of Safeguarding and renewing the Earth, the Fifth Mark of Mission, including Stewardship. – Environmental Team, Buildings and grounds, Lock-up Security group, Finance and Audit groups, Committee of Stewards, Treasurer, FundScrip, Garage sales, Broadway Singers partnership.
Letters: have you sent yours yet?? Fr. Bill sent information to the parish urging us all to write to our MP and responsible ministers about the terrible situation of many of our indigenous nations who still, after many years of promises, have no supply of clean water. He added some background information so that we all better understand the situation, and a letter template than can be used as is, or modified to make it more personal. To have the best impact, email the letter, or, better, write it out and mail it, or, best of all, handwrite it!
Apropos of this subject, there is a wonderful, moving and informative documentary available on CBC Gem, “Every Child Matters”. Simply go to the CBC website, click on Gem, and look for documentaries. You could not spend a better 90 minutes – look especially for the history of the Metis peoples told clearly and wonderfully by Rose Darling, an adorable 6 year old Metis girl.
The Outreach committee ministry for June is as follows. CMHA, Middlesex Mental Health Due to the pandemic we will not be collecting articles for donation, but a financial donation would be welcome. Financial Donations and information: Address: 534 Queens Ave, London, ON N6B 1Y6 The committee would sincerely like to thank everyone at St. Jude’s for their support of our Outreach work. Should there be a specific charity or organization you wish to suggest we support, please let us know at [email protected]
Community Breakfast Program This past Saturday we hit a new high for breakfast guests at 78. Having served 63 and 61 in the previous weeks, we were surprised by the numbers. Even when we aren’t able to provide late comers with a full take away meal in a bag, they are grateful for what we can supply. As we move into the summer months a number of other meal programs close for July and August. Your generosity ensures that we can continue to serve our community on the first, third and fifth Saturday each month. Thank you! Donations can be dropped off the Friday afternoon before the scheduled breakfast at the Adelaide entrance.
And, a personal reflection on this program by Kerry Oliver, a wonderful example of the tireless spirit of St. Jude’s members: “Saturday June 19th the kitchen was able to provide me, Kerry Oliver, a perfect 2 Breakfasts, taking into consideration my allergies and fussy food choices. The Breakfast was outstanding and all of the people I spoke with are thankful for St. Jude’s services they have provided throughout the pandemic, and the warm wraps. I do believe I handed out enough tooth brushes and tooth paste to change into a dentist.”
The next take out breakfast is Saturday, 3rd July.
Let’s Celebrate!!
Happy Birthday this week to Dennis Johns (21st June) and Laura Fairbairn (26th ). Hope you had/have a happy day, and are staying safe!!
Happy Anniversary to Cathy Lee and John Benbow, who celebrated their wedding anniversary on 23rd June, Trish Morley-Forster and Ben Forster, celebrating on the 24th , and Lucy and Phil Uptgrove, on the 25th.
We’re all tired of this lockdown, but be patient and hang in, things are getting easier, but this is no time to let your guard down! Keep wearing that darn mask, and hand sanitizing, and, get the vaccine!! Second one, if possible.
The picture is of our rose garden.