This Sunday, 11th July, in-person services will continue at the church, with limited numbers and pre-registration required. Fr. Bill has emailed the link for registration for the service, and registrations will be on a first come, first served basis. Registration can also be done by calling the church office. Members will be required to sign in as they enter the church, and hand sanitize, and masks must be worn. Seating will be on a properly socially distanced principle, and no singing is allowed. After the service, no socializing in the building but possible in the parking lot, observing the Covid rules in place. The service will be recorded and will be available on the church website, and YouTube.

Readings for Sunday 11th July, Pentecost 7 First reading : 2 Samuel 6.1-5. 12b-19. Psalm 85.8-13 Second reading : Ephesians 1.3-14 Gospel : Mark 6.14-29

Prayer and Pastoral Care

Please pray this week for: Joyce; Pat; Anne; Jan and Bob; Phyllis; Dave and Marylynn; Victoria; Karen; Margaret and Anita; Nelson; Ray; Darlene and Jane; Ruth; Nancy June, Stephanie and Ron, Scott and Logan, Beth, Izzy; Jen; Alison, Jamie and Cathie; Fred and Marlene; Davina and Sangeeta, Brian, Sandra; Mary; Liz and Charlotte, Clarion and Brenda and Lester; Meredith; Precious; Betty; Laura; Vanessa; Viora; Diann and Ann; Bob; Maiyada; Fayez; Susan, John and Barb, Margaret, Jack, Julie, Janie, Cody, Ruth and John. AND for those who are in need of prayer but have no one today to remember them by name; and those known to each of you alone.

Pray for: Bishop Todd and priest Bill, and the ministry teams who have shifted and made available services in different formats to support the spiritual needs of the children of God. We especially offer prayers of thanksgiving as we saw limited people able to have in-person service on Sunday, and technology that allowed others to watch, trying to meet and balance comfort levels and capacity limits. Clergy need support as transitions evolve into “ new ways”, often taking a lot of work and energy. We ask for safety for Bill and family as they have a well deserved week off.

Pray for: fellow Canadians living in many areas overwhelmed by unbelievable temperatures and numerous wild fires, making life a standby event where evacuation can come at a moments notice, and for all that have lost their homes, businesses, memories, and ways of life to the scourge of disaster upon disaster.

Pray for: the ongoing battle against COVID19. When numbers improve we give thanks, but we must always be mindful that others are seeing numbers increase. Each number is a person that is loved and we must never loose sight of this fact. May those that have died Rest In Peace, and those infected, the long haulers and those that mourn find strength, healing and comfort.

Pray for: the life, skill, dedication and devotion of care providers, first responders, essential workers, scientists, and all who offer support and service for their fellow citizens. They are tired and weary, may they know they are making a difference and are appreciated.

Pray for: All those impacted by the Florida condo collapse, as weather makes the work of search and recovery more challenging as progress is already slow by the sheer magnitude of the building ruins. Families needing to find closure and still praying for miracles with over 100 people still unaccounted for, including some Canadians.

Pray for: All those pulled between celebrating and reflection during this July first period; we ask for a respectful balance. May the First Nations stories be told and heard, may the impacts be acknowledged and real solutions be acted upon. May settler people commit to self education and knowledge of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, so all people in Canada may live in mutual respect and harmony with equal rights and a fair share of supports and resources, starting with clean drinking water for all.

Pray for: the souls of the children found in unmarked graves, and those yet to be found, and for the generations that followed and are remembering or reliving trauma, loss and separation. May they have support to find strength, closure and healing.

Pray for: the misguided and angry people burning churches, that they will listen to the survivors and elders who say this causes more stress and trauma, and does nothing to help with reconciliation. May they find positive ways to exert and direct their anger in order that they, the survivors, and all others may work to build a better future together.

Pray for: our parish members to have open minds, a desire for learning and action with respect to all forms of racism and discrimination with our neighbours of different backgrounds, cultures and races, sexual orientation and abilities. May we be welcoming, looking at diversity as a strength and not to be feared. We remember the our breakfast program community, both participants and providers.

Pray for and with thanksgiving for our new parish administrator, Kathy Rosborough. May she feel welcomed and enjoy her work at St Jude’s.

Cycle of Prayer for July and August Living the Marks of Mission WHEN YOU listen with all your heart, honour your elders, encourage young people to be active in church often and loudly, choose good over evil , welcome the stranger, write to the government about the issues that matter, invite a co-worker to church, help your dad do housework, get messy with school kids, say “Thank the Lord” and mean it, tweet your blessings one by one, introduce your grandkids to nature, read and share God’s word, Pray, THEN YOU ARE LIVING THE MARKS OF MISSION.


Ministry of the Month for July and August Our focus is the Environment. For several years we have supported an Interfaith Tree Planting event in the Fall, but at this point in time we have no information on a 2021 event. However, Reforest London has already been advertising some spring 2021 events, so hopefully we will get more news later in the summer about this Fall event. In the meantime, don’t forget the slogan, “reduce, reuse and recycle” as we work on reducing our dependence on plastic containers and look forward to using blue boxes at church, as well as at home. Please keep the environment in your prayers.

Community Breakfast Program Last Saturday was another beautiful day for our Community breakfast where we served 68 guests. Thank you to all who support the program in so many ways – financially, baking, clothing, shopping, making and donating masks, toiletries, and serving at the breakfast. These are contributions very difficult to measure but the program could not proceed without them.

To date this year, we have served breakfast to 842 guests – 37 more than the 805 we served in all of 2020. The cost of the program in 2020 was $5,314, and $5,324 so far in 2021. Your generous financial support is critical if we are to continue to offer this help to our community in the months ahead. In addition to the financial requests, this month our guests are in need of: Scent-free or mild soap, Body wash, Shaving gel, Razors for men and women, Shampoo, Conditioner, Deodorant for men and women, Tooth paste, Tooth brushes, Moisturizer (mild or scent free), Lip balm, Clothing for a 12 year old girl (tall and slim) and a 6 year old boy. The next take out breakfast is  Saturday, 17th July.


Men of St. Jude. A Coffee Hour is planned for Tuesday July 20th at 10.00 am in the parking lot. Bring your own coffee and goodies! There’s a Timmies and Starbucks across Fanshawe if you need a source. Derek will be contacting the men for whom he has emails, but if you don’t hear, you could send an email to the church ( [email protected] ) and it will be forwarded to him. (If raining, bring a brolly)


FundScrip is back!! Rick has agreed to take your orders at his home as before so that is really good news, and helpful for the church finances. Thank you, Rick!

Let’s Celebrate

Happy Birthday to Mary O’Connor (4th July) and Cyndi Lockhart (9th ). Hope you had/have a happy day, and are staying safe!!

Happy Anniversary to Sherry and Doug Wells, who celebrate their wedding anniversary on 8th July.

We’re all tired of this lockdown, but be patient and hang in, things are getting easier, but this is no time to let your guard down! Keep wearing that darn mask, and hand sanitizing, even if you have had your second shot. If you haven’t, it’s much easier now, so go get it!