Readings for Sunday 29th August, Pentecost 14 First reading : Song of Solomon 2.8-13. Psalm 15 Second reading : James 1.17-27 Gospel : John 7.1-8, 14-15, 21-23
Yard Sale We’re having a Yard sale on September 11th , 8.00 am to Noon. Like other years, people have their own table and share profits 50/50 with the Church. We will set up the tables, and each seller is responsible for taking away unsold items. Contact the office or Derek Shadlock 519-672-0912 [email protected] to reserve a place.
A New St. Jude’s Cook Book St. Jude’s Fund-raising Committee is compiling a cookbook!! Deadline for submissions is September 12th . We ask that we receive recipes not in our previous cookbooks. We need a name for this cookbook, so send us your idea – you could win the first cookbook!!
Rhubarb pies Thanks for sharing your bumper rhubarb crops. The ACW made 92 pies this summer. There are still some available to purchase and we’d like to make room in the freezer for the meat pies we plan to make next week. Please contact Glenda at 519-951-8154 or [email protected] to arrange pick up or delivery. Thanks for your support!
The Outreach committee ministry for August is the collection of backpacks and school supplies. The school supplies plus running shoes etc., expected by the schools, can be very financially draining for many families. Any type of markers, pencils or backpack would be greatly appreciated. Donations will be taken to the Rotholme Family Shelter.
Community Breakfast Program Next take away breakfast is Saturday September 4th from 9 – 10:30 am.
Prayer and Pastoral Care
Cycle of Prayer for August Living the Marks of Mission When you listen with all your heart, honour your elders, encourage young people to be active in church often and loudly, choose good over evil , welcome the stranger, write to the government about the issues that matter, invite a co-worker to church, help your dad do housework, get messy with school kids, say “Thank the Lord” and mean it, tweet your blessings one by one, introduce your grandkids to nature, read and share God’s word, Pray… THEN YOU ARE LIVING THE MARKS OF MISSION!
Please pray this week for: Debbie; Margaret, Jacqui and Cam; Pat; Anne; Phyllis; Dave and Marylynn; Victoria; Karen; Nelson; Ray; Ruth; Nancy June; Stephanie and Ron; Scot and Logan; Beth; Izzy; Jen; Alison; Jamie and Cathie; Fred and Marlene; Davina and Sangeeta; Brian ; Sandra; Liz and Charlotte Clarion and Brenda and Lester; Meredith; Precious; Betty; Laura; Vanessa; Viora; Bob; Maiyada; John and Barb; Stephanie; George; Alex; Paul; Francis, Jim and family, Marg; Jack, Julie, Ruth, Gary, Barb and John. And for others known to each of you alone and also those who have no one to remember them by name.
Rest In Peace: Mrs. Marjorie “Marnie” Latham, (wife of the late The Rev’d John A. Latham). May Marjorie’s soul rest in peace and rise in glory, and the family find strength and comfort as they grieve.
We pray for: Afghanistan and the peoples who are desperate to leave the tyranny of Taliban rule, especially women and children, men who supported the Western allies, along with Allied citizens. May they find safety and an opportunity to thrive.
We pray for: All impacted by the earthquake in Haiti, that they find healing both physically and mentally, support from wealthier countries, strength and resilience as they face yet another set back.
We pray for: All people wary of, impacted by, or otherwise effected by the fourth wave of the Covid pandemic, the wave of the unvaccinated. May the unvaccinated realize and accept their role in protecting the vulnerable in society, and love of God and neighbour be a global commitment so that there is a sharing of vaccines so all world citizens are protected, for until all are protected none are protected.
We pray for: All students and parents as they plan and prepare for the 2021-2022 school year. May in-class, on-line and all education support learning, plus growth and development of students; as each situation is unique. Further may all decisions, the appropriate supports and understanding be made to reflect what is in the best interest of students, families, teachers, community and the education family.
We pray for: For all candidates that have let their names stand in the upcoming Federal election. May they consider that they are asking to serve all Canadian citizens and put the needs of the people ahead of their own wants and those of for-profit and special interest groups. Let them listen to the people.
We pray for: For all victims of hatred and racism, at home and around the globe, especially visible minorities and marginalized persons. Holy presence we hold before you victims and perpetrators as all need your love and mercy. May all come to view the human race with awesomeness and see diversity as a strength to be celebrated and not a source of fear and alienation.
We pray for: For all humans, fauna and flora negatively effected by adverse and severe weather events, reflective of climate change and global warming. May everyone do their part to protect our island home, especially the powerful and wealthy that have the means and ways to lower greenhouse gases emissions, pollution, other factor, so our world and all who live on it will survive and thrive.
Sunday School stuff! Calling all kids to join us this summer as we Track Down the One True God! We will have treasure maps to follow, stories and clues to help us, and maybe even a treasure at the end of the summer! Hope to see you all as we begin our Mystery Island Summer Adventure!
Let’s Celebrate!
Happy birthday this week to Bill Lawrence (22nd August), Joanne Lubanski-Johns (23rd ), Scott Armstrong (24th ), Keith Roberts 25th ) and Larry O’Connor 27th). Hope you had/have a happy day, and are staying safe!!
Be patient and hang in, things are a bit concerning at the moment, so this is no time to let your guard down! Keep wearing that darn mask, and hand sanitizing, even if you have had your second shot. If you haven’t, it’s much easier now, so go get it! And encourage all people you know to make sure they have it too!
Picture of child at the splash pad copied from the London Free Press July 2021.