Welcome to Fall 2021!! Bet you didn’t think it would come this quickly, but the blue jays have been warning us for a week now. Bit wet, though.  

Readings for Sunday 26th September, Pentecost 18 First reading : Esther 7.1-6, 9-10. 9.20-22. Psalm 124 Second reading : James 5.13-20. Gospel : Mark 9.38-50

Bible study. Fr. Bill is starting an on-line via Zoom Bible study, and invites everyone to take part. It begins on Thursday 30th September at 7.00 pm, and will continue each week at the same time. Fr. Bill will send the link to the parish.

Prayer and Pastoral Care

Please pray this week for: Barb; Diane and Jack; Debbie; Margaret, Pat; Phyllis; Dave and Marylynn; Victoria; Karen; Nelson; Ray; Ruth; Nancy June; Stephanie and Ron; Scot and Logan; Beth; Izzy; Jen; Alison; Jamie and Cathy; Davina and Sangeeta; Brian; Sandra; Liz and Charlotte Clarion and Brenda and Lester; Meredith; Precious; Betty; Laura; Vanessa; Viora; Bob; Maiyada; Stephanie; George; Alex; Paul; Nirupa and Jim; Simon; Sean, Mary,Gus; Pat ; Jack, Julie, Ruth, Ray, Gary and John. And for others known to each of you alone and also those who have no one to remember them by name.

We pray with Thanksgiving for those being inducted into their priestly roles. May they have the wisdom needed to grow in their roles and to offer leadership and care to their new parishes. Reverend Amanda Longmoore, September 26 th as the Rector of St. John’s-in-the-Wilderness, Bright’s Grove The Reverend Enrique Martinez, September 29 th as the Rector of the Parish of Long Point Bay.

We pray for: the newly elected members of Parliament, that they all work together (and play nice in the sandbox) for the benefit of all and every day Canadians ,and not for personal gain and party loyalty over what is right and just.

We pray for: the ongoing and evolving needs related to COVID19. May essential workers, care givers and providers know that they are valued and appreciated by the majority and not be stressed by the vocal minority, and that all come to see that being a good neighbour is what true greatness is all about.

We pray for: all of creation for the care and the connections and interlinking of all is essential to a healthy and sustainable planet so all may have enough and thrive. Humanity must learn to protect our island home, reduce pollution and greenhouse impacts and offer ecological Justice for all.

We pray for: Bishop Todd and our priest Bill, that they may be guided by Holy Spirit to meet the spiritual needs of those in their charge and in their lives.

We pray for: our Indigenous Brothers and sisters, especially as we approach September 30 “Orange Shirt Day”. May we all feel inclined to show support and be willing to listen to the stories with an open mind and an open heart.

We pray for: all persons impacted by racism, prejudice, and hatred, for when any are hurting and fearful society can not benefit from the talents, skills and presence of all. We are all beloved children of the creator and all perfectly made in the image of God.


Women’s Coffee Hour Come any Wednesday at 10.00 am to the big parking lot, bring your coffee, your chair and enjoy the fellowship.


The Outreach Committee is once again providing financial support for Reforest London’s INTERFAITH TREE PLANTING event. This year’s planting event will be held on Sunday, September 26th , 2:30 to 5:30 p.m. in the park at 330 Sunningdale Road West (Sunningdale Pond). For information on how to register for the event please call Charlotte Bouckley, Warden, 519-579-8973 or check the posters on the bulletin board at church.

Ministry of the Month for September – The St. Jude’s Community Breakfast Program is supported solely by cash, baking, clothing, toiletries and other donations from parishioners and friends. Guests receive a take away breakfast in a bag. There is a hot entrée each time and the offerings in rotation include a grilled ham and cheese sandwich, a breakfast wrap with eggs, cheese, ham or ground beef, a black beans and rice casserole, and a casserole with eggs, cheese, hash browns, pancake mix, broccoli and peppers. Guests are surveyed on a regular basis to determine what might be added or deleted from the bag and each time, the two hard boiled eggs top the list of keepers. Of note is that we are now seeing more newcomers to Canada than at earlier breakfasts. The cost of the breakfast to date this year is $ 7,989. Thank you to all for your generous donations and please continue to support the program as we work together to fulfill the 3rd Mark of Mission – To respond to human need through loving service.

Let’s Celebrate!!

Happy birthday this week to Maureen Elder (22nd September), and Phil Faulkner, Meghan Kirkland and Elly Stephens, all on the 24th . Hope you had/have a happy day, and are staying safe!!

Congratulations to Diane and Jack Beedle, who celebrated their wedding anniversary on the 21st September!

The fourth “wave” continues, as you will know, and the diocese has mandated the precautions that each parish must follow regarding proof of vaccination. Fr. Bill has emailed these to the parish.

The picture on this post is of the St. Jude’s Intrepid Women as they head out on their “canoe-camping” expedition last week. All returned safe, relaxed and renewed after a beautiful week celebrating God’s creation.