Happy New (Episcopal) Year as we enter into Year C of the Church’s calendar.
Readings for Sunday 28th November, Advent 1 First reading:
Jeremiah 33.14-16. Psalm 25.1-10 Second reading: Thessalonians 3.9-15. Gospel: Luke 21.25-36

Prayer and Pastoral Care

Anglican Communion Churches will join in the Anglican Communion Day of Prayer on Tuesday, November 30th . A 24-hour global wave of prayer has been organized by USPG (United Society Partners in the Gospel) with the support of the Anglican Communion office and several Anglican agencies around the world. Please take some moments to read more about this unique prayer event and how you can be involved at: https://www.anglicannews.org/news/2021/10/anglican-communion-churches-pledge-to-join-in-anglican-communion-day-of-prayer.aspx

Please pray this week for: Roger; Barb; Margaret, Pat; Phyllis; Dave and Marylynn; Nelson; Ray; Ruth; Nancy June; Stephanie and Ron; Scot and Logan; Beth; Izzy; Jamie and Cathy; Davina and Sangeeta; Brian; Sandra; Liz and Charlotte; Clarion and Brenda and Lester; Precious; Laura; Vanessa; Bob; Stephanie; Alex; Nirupa and Jim; Simon; Sean, Mary, Gus; Pat; Norma, Nasriene, Jim, Karen, Grace, Ruth and John.  

Rest in Peace: Victoria Williams May the soul of Victoria find rest eternal and rise in glory into the loving arms of the Savior, and daughters Debbie and Karen and the rest of the family find strength and peace as they grieve. Ms. Cheryl Yako (Mother of the Reverend Hana Scorrar and Dr. Lillian Scorrar-Olsen). May Cheryl’s soul find eternal rest and rise in glory, and family and friends find courage as they celebrate her life, and in time comfort and their own peace. Victims of the recent disasters in BC; may the souls of these people find rest and rise in glory, and their grieving relatives and friends find strength as they mourn. And we pray for all who have no one to remember this day and for those known to each of you alone.

We pray for the people of BC as they continue to deal with the ongoing impacts of severe climate events: flooding and mud slides with loss of lives, major loss of thousands of farm animals, infrastructure destruction and disruptions causing isolation and blocking access to supplies, loss of power and water services. May weather improve allowing the current situation to be stabilized and rebuilding and healing begin, and the prayer, love, and caring of fellow Canadians be experienced, known, and felt.

We pray for Bishop Todd and our priest Bill as they guide the people of God into a new church year. May they have the guidance of Holy Spirit and the energy and will to continue to lead and support.

We pray for all those suffering from hate, racism, and any kind of “ ism” that oppresses and divides. We strive so all find that there is no place for hate in our homes, churches, or communities. May all know the dignity and worth of being a beloved child of God as members of the human race.

We pray for the vulnerable people who have no warm place to sleep as the cold winter advances, and for whom food security is a daily reality. May they find the supports and love so needed. We especially Give thanks for the new location at Parkwood to house vulnerable Indigenous people over this winter.

We pray with thanksgiving for the arrival of paediatric COVID19 vaccines, so now children 5-11 may receive protection from this terrible virus, and ask that adults listen to the science and take the needed steps to protect this group of precious children.

Please note that November 30th is the 45th anniversary of the first ordination of women in the Anglican Church of Canada. We give thanks for the ministry of the women priests in Canada.

Cycle of Prayer for November Tend – Service “To respond to human need by loving service” is a central aspect of Christ’s call. Loving service means finding real needs and offering service that is truly loving, so all are changed by the encounter. Prayer: Lord you came to service and not to be served, fill us with the compassion and insight to respond to human need by loving service. Let your glory fill this place. Let your glory fill this world. We honour ministries in support of SERVICE: the Third Mark of Mission.

Learning Together

Bible study. Fr. Bill’s on-line Bible study, via Zoom Thursdays at 7.00 pm. Fr. Bill has sent the link to the parish, and all are invited to join in.  

Actively Waiting Deanery Advent series continues on 1st, 8th and 15th December. This is a Zoom meeting, and you must register: call 519-471-1430 or email: [email protected].

The Church Cracked Open – by Stephanie Spellers. Fr Bill interested in book study with interested folks to look at what it means to be a follower of Jesus in the world today and who we are as a church family? Books are available through Fr Bill.


Crafts and Deli Sale This Saturday 27th November , 9.00 am to 12.00 noon, and in good time for Christmas. Please wear your mask and observe social distancing rules, and bring your friends and neighbours.

St. Jude’s Cookbook Just in time for Christmas, the new St. Jude’s Cookbook is here. Please support this fundraising venture for our church by purchasing these cookbooks for yourself and for gifts. Only $15.00 each! Many thanks to the committee who gave of their time and talents to put this book together. Cookbooks will be for sale after the services on Sunday, and may also be purchased through the church office.

2022 Church Calendars can be purchased from any Chancel Guild member for $10.00, a real bargain price that hasn’t changed in years!!

PWRDF Christmas Cards are now available, and can be ordered from https://pwrdf.org/christmascards2021/ . They come in sets of 12, and a suggested (tax deductible) donation is $25.00 per pack.  


Women’s Coffee Hour meets on the second Wednesday of the month, and the next one is December 8th , starting in the St. Alban Room. 

Men of St Jude Christmas lunch is on Tuesday December 14th at the Alibi Restaurant, 11:30 am. All parish men are invited and welcome!


Ministry of the month for November St. Paul’s Christmas Share Program. Financial donations to Outreach are forwarded to St. Paul’s Social Services to purchase gift cards which provide Christmas food and gifts for families in need. You can send a donation yourself to St. Paul’s Social Services at 472 Richmond Street, London, N6H 3E6, or easily donate on-line at: St. Paul’s Social Services and Food Bank http://stpaulssocialservices.ca . “Kindness is a language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see” . Mark Twain

Breakfast Program With the colder weather, guests will be invited to wait indoors to collect their breakfast to go and to look at the clothing and other items available. The greatest need right now is toiletries of all descriptions for men and women, we are out! Warm weather clothing, including boots, are also gratefully appreciated. We are also starting to prepare for the Christmas gift bags so financial donations will be much appreciated. We served 73 guests last Saturday!! The next take away “Breakfast in a Bag” is Saturday, December 4th.

Let’s Celebrate!

Happy Birthday! This week to John Grignon (November 22nd ), Susan Goodbrand (24th ) And Kayla Robak (26th ) . Hope you had/have a happy day!!  

Happy Anniversary. Congratulations to Janette and Ken Newcombe, and Elizabeth and Steve Potter, who celebrate their anniversary on 26th November. 

The fourth “wave” continues, as we all will know, but the diocese has now slightly eased the precautions that each parish must follow regarding proof of vaccination, and for in-person services, but we must continue to be careful.