Readings for Sunday 5th December, Advent 2
First reading: Baruch 5.1-9
Canticle 19 (Luke 1.68-79).
Second reading: Philippians 1.3-11.
Gospel: Luke 3.1-6

Prayer and Pastoral Care

Please pray this week for:
Pat; Roger; Barb; Margaret, Phyllis; Dave and Marylynn; Nelson; Ruth; Nancy June; Stephanie
and Ron; Scot and Logan; Beth; Izzy; Jamie and Cathy; Davina and Sangeeta; Brian; Sandra; Liz
and Charlotte; Clarion and Brenda and Lester; Precious; Laura; Vanessa; Bob; Stephanie; Alex;
Nirupa and Jim; Simon; Sean, Mary, Gus; Pat; Norma, Nasriene, Jim, Karen, Grace, Ruth, and
And those known to each of you alone and for those who have no one to remember them…….

Let us pray for:
– The people of BC whose life has been turned upside down with raging storms, atmospheric
rivers, and water levels never seen before. May they have the strength and fortitude to weather
these storms and rebuild their lives, their communities, their homes and infrastructure. May all
people resolve to address the global climate crisis responsible for these crises.

Let us pray for:
– The people of Newfoundland who are also facing unprecedented amounts of rain that is destroying infrastructure and homes, while cutting off access to various communities. May they
work together to repair essential connections, and restore access to needed supplies.

Let us pray for: – For the victims of yet another horrific incident as a car ran into several pedestrians in our city.
One young victim has died, and other injuries vary from minor to life threatening, and so we
ask, dear Lord, that you be with the sick, give rest to the weary, bless the dying, soothe the
suffering, pity the afflicted, and shield the joyous; all for your love’s sake.
– Pray for the repose of the soul of the child who was killed, and for strength and comfort for her
parents and family as they struggle with this tragic event.
– Pray also for the driver, who must now live with the knowledge of her involvement with this

Let us pray for: – Scientists and politicians to work jointly to address yet another COVID19 variant, Omicron,
and people to follow best and evolving practices, with patience and common sense. All global
citizens need to share information, support and resources, for when one area is impacted all are.
May we understand that until all are safe, none are safe.
– Exhausted and burdened health care workers, who have had no rest or peace for far too long.
May they find strength and receive support to ease their loads, and find the comfort that comes
from you alone.

Let us pray for:
– All Christians entering into this Advent time of expectant waiting and wonder. May we take
stock of what is truly important and how each of us can follow the ways of the coming Christ child.

Cycle of Prayer for December
Transformation – Transforming Society

“To seek to transform unjust structures of society”, to challenge violence of every kind, and to
pursue peace and reconciliation, is a call to go beyond charitable giving and help change a world
that creates human needs. To join in God’s work in building the Kingdom by transforming society.

Lord, let the fire of your goodness and justice burn into us and through us, that we may seek to
transform the unjust structures of society. Let your glory fill this place,
Let your glory fill this world!

We honour ministries in support of TRANSFORMING SOCIETY: the Fourth Mark of Mission.
Support for: Newcomers To Canada, LIRSA, North East Neighborhood Group, Marriage
inclusivity, Pride walk, Crisis Response, Addiction groups, PWRDF, London Food Coalition,
IJM (International Justice Mission) Prayer Partner.

Learning Together

Bible study.

Fr. Bill’s on-line Bible study, via Zoom, continues today, Thursday 2nd
December at 7.00 pm. Fr. Bill has sent the link to the parish, and all are invited to join in.

Actively Waiting.

We are all invited to take part in a diocesan Advent series, which continues on the 8th and 15th. This is a Zoom meeting, and you must register at the diocese. If you haven’t already signed up you can still do it by calling
519-471-1430, or email: [email protected].


2022 Church Calenders can be purchased from any Chancel Guild member for $10.00, a real
bargain price that hasn’t changed in years!! They will be available in the Narthex on Sunday, but
please don’t leave money in the box if you can’t see a Guild member, save it until you do.

St. Jude’s Cookbook . Going forward, cookbooks will no longer be for sale after Sunday
services. They are now available by contacting the office from Monday to Friday between 9am
and 1pm at 519-660-6198, or by email at [email protected] . At $15.00, they make a
great Christmas gift!!
You may still purchase them by contacting Faye Geoghegan (519-667-0996 or
[email protected]) or Janette Newcombe (519-660-1486 or [email protected]).

FundScrip. It’s time to order your cards for December, and Rick will take your orders. They
make great stocking stuffers, so why not get some for those hard to buy for relatives and friends
(and help the church at the same time). Please get your orders to Rick no later then this Sunday,
afternoon, 5th December.

PWRDF Christmas Cards are now available, and can be ordered from . They come in sets of 12, and a suggested (tax
deductible) donation is $25.00 per pack.

Crafts and Deli Sale.
Many thanks to all who helped organize, make things, cook, etc., and sell, last Saturday (and
Sunday). It was a slow and relaxed affair, but a surprising amount of stuff sold, which will help
the church a lot. So, everybody, thank you!!


Women’s Coffee Hour meets on the second Wednesday of the month, and the next one is
December 8th , starting in the St. Alban Room, but if numbers make it necessary, moving to the

Men of St Jude Christmas lunch is on Tuesday December 14th at the Alibi Restaurant, 11:30
am. All parish men are invited and welcome


Breakfast Program
In anticipation of offering guests an in-house or a take away breakfast in the New Year, we have
applied for a grant through Second Harvest Emergency Food Program. Please keep this request
in your prayers as we await the decision.
Meanwhile, we invite guests inside to wait for their bagged breakfast and to look at clothing and
other essentials we have to share. Warm clothing, boots and shoes for all, especially men, are
needed along with toiletries. We are collecting funds to fill the Christmas gift bags that we shall
give out on December 18th . The generosity of our parishioners, friends and families is so
appreciated – thank you!
We served 73 guests last time!!
The next take away “Breakfast in a Bag” is this Saturday, December 4th .

Let’s Celebrate

Happy Birthday! This week to Sangeeta Rajan (30th November). Hope you had a happy day!!

The fourth “wave” continues, as we all will know, and now a new one! The diocese has
now slightly eased the precautions that each parish must follow regarding proof of
vaccination, and for in-person services, but we must continue to be careful.

Picture of the bounty of the Gift and Craft Market.