Readings for Sunday 20th February 2022 , Epiphany 7

First reading: Genesis 45.3-11, 15.

Psalm 37. 1-11, 39-40

Second reading: 1 Corinthians 15.35-38, 42-50.

Gospel: Luke 6.27-38

This Sunday in-person services continue, at 8.30 and 10.00 am. As before, you must register to attend, and the link for this has been sent to the parish. Full Covid rules must be obeyed in attendance, masks, hand sanitising, social distancing, etc., but some socialising is OK after the service – still no coffee though!

The 10.00 am service will be live-streamed, and also recorded for the website and Facebook page.

Prayer and Pastoral Care

Please pray this week for

Anne; Annie; Pat; Barb; Margaret, Phyllis; Dave and Marylynn; Nelson; Ruth; Stephanie and Ron; Beth; Izzy; Brian; Liz and Charlotte; Clarion and Brenda plus Lester; Precious; Laura; Vanessa; Bob; Stephanie; Alex; Nirupa and Jim; Simon; Sean, Mary, Pat; Norma, Jim, Len, Lynda and Kelly.

And for others known to each of you alone, and also those who have no one to remember them by name.

Rest in Peace, Mrs. Ellie (Ellen) Eldridge, (member of Church House Team – contact person and much loved ambassador for the ACW). May light perpetual shine on her and the soul of Ellie find rest eternal and rise in glory, and family, friends and coworkers find strength and comfort as they grieve.

We Pray For

Our Clergy, especially Bishop Todd and our priest Bill, as they face the stresses of leading the people of God during this time of pandemic ambiguity and evolving and constant changes. May Holy Spirit guide them in their calling and support them as they seek personal wellness care.

We Pray For

The exhausted and burned out health care workers: nurses, doctors, therapists, technicians, paramedics and support staff as a result of COVID19. May they find the resilience needed and the help required to face the continuing crisis in the health care system and continue to do the work of their calling. We pray that Covid numbers and critical needs will decrease and health care staff will have a time of relative normality to be re-energized and catch their collective breath.

We Pray For

Those who use anger, harassment, threats, and violence of this world (especially at the Ukrainian border) and in our own country and province, where blockades and occupations exist

We Pray For

Bring peace between nations and citizens, grant to all who are at odds with each other the will to forgive wrongs, to take responsibility for decisions and action, and to see that the rights of one group does not stifle or supersede the rights of others, so that all may live without fear in safety and harmony.

We Pray For

Families and communities broken by resentment, misunderstanding, misinformation, privilege, differences in ideology and a sense of “the other”. Give grace to all peacemakers when there is strife amongst those with whom we live, worship, work and play. Bring reconciliation so that all citizens are comfortable and able to live in together in their diversity.

We Pray For

All members in the community involved in educating, being educated, and celebrating Black History month as part of the Canadian heritage. May this contribute to our Canadian mosaic and help everyone to see that diversity is a strength to be celebrated and not a source of fear.

World Day of Prayer, March 4th 2022.

Please mark you calendars! Am not sure how this will actually unfold but expect it will be live streamed. Please stay tuned

Cycle of Prayer for February

Tell – Evangelism –

“To proclaim the good news of the kingdom” is to share the news that Christ God is reconciling the world to himself in words.


Lord Jesus Christ, let your presence fill our hearts and overflow in our actions, that we may proclaim the good news of your kingdom. Let your glory fill this place.

Let your glory fill this world!

We honour ministries in support of EVANGELISM, the First Mark of Mission:

Liturgical Ministries: Priests, Licensed Lay Readers, Servers, Intercessors, Readers, Lay administrators, Chancel Guild, Seminary Student Committee, Prayer and Eucharistic Services in Community, Funeral Home Services, On Line Worship Services and all the liturgical technical support people.

Learning Together

Bible Study

Fr. Bill’s on-line Bible study continues on Thursdays at 7.00 pm, via Zoom, and the link has been sent to the parish. All are welcome and encouraged to join. These will continue until 3rd March, after which we are encouraged to join the Deanery study “Thank God it’s Lent”, the information for which Fr. Bill has sent to the parish.



 From the Outreach calendar, February is the month in which we focus on the London Intercommunity Health Centre. They will appreciate receiving Toilet paper, toiletries, Canned foods, Crafts, games and cards. Reach them at:

659 Dundas St. London, (519) 660-0874, or 1355 Huron Street, Unit 7, 519-659-6399.

Breakfast Program

Our next breakfast is this Saturday, February 19thfrom 9 until 10:30 am.


St. Jude’s Cookbook 

Cookbooks are available, and at $15.00 each, they are a real bargain! You may purchase them by contacting Janette Newcombe (519-660-1486 or [email protected]), or Kathy will get you one if you visit the office .


Women’s Coffee Hour

In view of COVID19 and the infectious Omicron variant, the Women’s Coffee Group is cancelled, but as restrictions ease maybe we can once more issue an general invitation – soon, looks like.

Meanwhile, the Men of St. Jude will be meeting again for lunch at the Alibi Roadhouse on Tuesday 1st March at 11.30 am. All parish members of the male persuasion (and friends) are welcome!!

Let’s Celebrate

Happy Birthday! This week to Debbie Bennet-Booth (13th February) and Margaret Bryant (15th). Hope you both had/have a happy day!!

And congratulations to Margaret and John Bryant, who celebrate their wedding anniversary on the 18th February!

The last word is, Get Boosted!! But continue to be careful.