Readings for Sunday 27th
February 2022 , Epiphany 8, Transfiguration Sunday
First reading: Exodus 34.29-35
Psalm 99
Second reading: 2 Corinthians 3.12 – 4.2.
Gospel: Luke 9.28-35

This Sunday, in-person services continue, at 8.30 and 10.00 am., you must register to attend,
and the link for this has been sent to the parish. Full Covid rules must be obeyed by those in attendance;
masks, hand sanitizing, social distancing, etc., but some socializing is OK after the service – still
no coffee though!
The 10.00 am service will be live-streamed, and also recorded for the website and Facebook

Office hours:
Kathy is in the office Monday to Friday, 9 am to 1.00 pm. Please make sure to sign in if you
visit, and to wear your mask.
Kathy asks all parish members to make sure the church’s email address
([email protected]) is added to your contacts list. This will hopefully prevent any church email
being put into your “Junk” folder.

Prayer and Pastoral Care

Please pray this week for: Anne; Keith; Annie; Pat; Barb; Margaret, Phyllis; Dave and Marylynn; Nelson; Ruth; Stephanie and Ron; Beth; Izzy; Brian; Liz and Charlotte; Clarion and Brenda plus Lester; Precious; Laura; Vanessa; Bob; Stephanie; Alex; Nirupa and Jim; Simon; Sean, Mary, Pat; Norma, Jim, Len,
Lynda, HM Queen Elizabeth II, Augusta, Kelly, and Amy, Dave and family.
And for others known to each of you alone and also those who have no one to remember them
by name.

Rest in Peace

Yvonne Haché (mother of the Rev’d Gilles Haché). May light perpetual shine on
her and the soul of Yvonne find rest eternal and rise in glory and strength and comfort for family
and friends as they mourn.

We Pray For

Bishop Todd, our priest Bill, all clergy and religious leaders through the challenges of leading
the people of God through these crazy times. Supporting people in times of trouble and in times
of joy, when limitations and restrictions imposed are stressful, while the mastering and
pivoting of technology, is no less frustrating. So we ask that Holy Spirit provide guidance and
provide a message of “well done”!

We Pray For

The people of Ukraine as Russian forces advance into their country. May the nations of the
world strive to support the people against an aggressive and powerful military foe, and cool
heads prevail and diplomacy continue. We pray that it will succeed.

We Pray For

The people of Ontario and throughout Canada where we are seeing extremism gain fame and
notoriety. We pray for the citizens of Ottawa and at border crossings where occupation and
blockades are causing trauma and interruption in already stressed lives. May all citizens come to
see that the love of neighbour is more powerful than the rights of any one group over the welfare
of others.

We Pray For

The healthcare system that is in crisis with burnout, traumatized staff, waves of staff exits and
retirements. May the every day health care heroes know that they are valued and supported by
the greatest majority of Canadians. We pray that there will be a lull in patients so there
can be a collective sigh of relief and an opportunity for well deserved rest and relaxation

We Pray For

All those impacted by fluctuations in weather temperatures, moisture types and amounts,
especially damaging ice damns. We ask that those impacted remain safe, dry and warm while
experiencing support as they work to preserve their homes and way of life.

We Pray For

All those brave souls who stand up to bullying, abuse, trafficking, harassment, prejudice,
racism or any kind of man’s inhumanity to man, whether as a victim or an ally. May we all work
to raise people up and not knock them down, and prove that love is better and stronger than hate.

World Day of Prayer
Please note that World Day of Prayer this year will be a virtual event.
The pre-recorded service is available on the following:
Now and anytime: click on link:–vdE , Friday March 4th, Rogers TV in London at 8:30am and 5pm Saturday, March 12th: National WDP service: at 1 pm EST. Register at
Virtual-service-tickets, call 260-45201-7997

For more information and to make a donation:
Hoping you will access the prerecorded sessions and support this wonderful ministry.

Cycle of Prayer for February
Tell – Evangelism –
“To proclaim the good news of the kingdom” is to share the news that Christ God is reconciling
the world to himself in words.

Lord Jesus Christ, let your presence fill our hearts and overflow in our actions, that we may
proclaim the good news of your kingdom. Let your glory fill this place.
Let your glory fill this world!

We honour ministries in support of EVANGELISM, the First Mark of Mission:
Liturgical Ministries: Priests, Licensed Lay Readers, Servers, Intercessors, Readers, Lay
administrators, Chancel Guild, Seminary Student Committee, Prayer and Eucharistic Services in
Community, Funeral Home Services, On Line Worship Services and all the liturgical technical
support people.


From the Outreach calendar, February is the month in which we focus on the
London Intercommunity Health Centre. They will appreciate receiving Toilet paper, toiletries,
Canned foods, Crafts, games and cards. Reach them at:
659 Dundas St. London, (519) 660-0874, or 1355 Huron Street, Unit 7, 519-659-6399.

Breakfast Program

60 guests attended our Community Breakfast last Saturday on a cold and sunny day. We
continue to invite guests inside to pick up their take away bags because of these cold
temperatures. Request for items this month include: all kinds of men’s clothing in all sizes; jeans
are preferable over dress pants for durability; socks for both men and women; men’s and
women’s warm gloves; toiletries – in particular razors and shaving cream while any and all are
Our next breakfast is Saturday, March 5th, from 9.00 until 10:30 am.

Learning Together

Bible study.

Fr. Bill’s on-line Bible study continues on Thursdays at 7.00 pm, via Zoom, and
the link has been sent to the parish. All are welcome and encouraged to join. These will
continue until March 3rd, after which we are invited to join the Deanery study “Thank God it’s
Lent”, the information for which Fr. Bill has sent to the parish.


St. Jude’s Cookbook

Cookbooks are still available, and at $15.00 each, they are a real bargain!
You may purchase them by contacting Janette Newcombe (519-660-1486 or
[email protected]), or Kathy will get you one if you visit the office.


Women’s Coffee Hour
In view of COVID19 and the infectious Omicron variant, the Women’s Coffee Group is
cancelled, but as restrictions ease maybe we can once more issue an general invitation – soon,
looks like.
Meanwhile, the Men of St. Jude will be meeting again for lunch at the Alibi Roadhouse next
Tuesday 1st March at 11.30 am. All parish members of the male persuasion (and friends) are

Let’s Celebrate

Happy Birthday!

This week to Andy Suga (23rd), Shirley Shaw (24th) and
Cheryle Anne MacBelford (25th) . Hope you all had/have a happy day!!

The last word is, restrictions are coming off, but continue to be careful, perhaps now more than