Readings for Maundy Thursday, 14th April
First readings: Exodus 12.1-4, 12-14.
Psalm 116.1-2, 12-19.
Second reading: 1 Corinthians 11.23-26.
Gospel: John 13.1-17, 31b-35.
Readings for Good Friday, 15th April
First reading : Isaiah 52.13 – 53.12.
Psalm 22
Second reading: Hebrews 10.16-25
Gospel: John 18. 1 – 19.42.
Readings for Sunday 17th April 2022 , Easter Day
First reading: Acts 10.34-43
Psalm 118.1-2, 14-24
Second reading: 1 Corinthians 15.19-26
Gospel: John 20.1-18
Psalm 118, refrain for Easter Day
“This is the day our Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad.
Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah.”
This Sunday, in-person services are scheduled, at 8.30 and 10.00 am., but you no longer need to
register to attend either service.
Some Covid rules must still be obeyed, i.e. masks and hand sanitizing, and some socializing is
OK after the service. Members not comfortable with these arrangements should attend the
8.30 am service on Sunday, where full Covid rules will still apply.
The following services will be live-streamed, and also recorded for the website, YouTube and
Facebook page.
Here are the links for the live streamed services:
Maundy Thursday:
Good Friday:
Easter Sunday:
Prayer and Pastoral Care
Please pray this week for
Mary, Jacqui, Pat; John; Lyall; Sean; Annie; Pat; Barb; John; Margaret, Phyllis; Dave and
Marylynn; Nelson; Ruth; Stephanie and Ron; Beth; Izzy; Brian; Liz and Charlotte; Clarion and
Brenda plus Lester; Precious; Laura; Vanessa; Bob; Stephanie; Alex; Simon; Sean, Pat; Norma,
Jim, Len, Lynda, Karen and Mary; Jamie and Cathie; Tony, Ralph, Diane, David, Matt; Sharon,
Glenda, Bill, Valerie and John.
And for those known to each of you alone and for those who have no one to remember them this
Rest In Peace: Mrs. Betty Foster (wife of the Reverend Canon Bob Foster). May the soul of
Betty find rest eternal and rise in glory, and family and friends find strength and comfort in their
memories as they mourn.
We Pray for
Bishop Todd and our priest Bill during this Holy Week and beyond, and ask that Holy Spirit
be with them and all clergy as they guide the people of God to the cross and a way forward
during this unsettled time of yet another wave of the Covid pandemic.
We Pray for
The people and the country of Ukraine during an illegal aggressive invasion: as they die;
endure terror, suffering and loss beyond understanding; defend their country, culture, and way of
life; flee to other lands to save their very lives. May they have the resilience, strength and
support required to be successful and be able to negotiate an end to this war.
We pray that the aggressors find compassion and a honest willingness to end this conflict and a
way to live in peace as neighbours.
We Pray for
For all the poor, homeless, and abused people close and far. May there be support available,
including appropriate housing and food security, and wrap around personal to help them survive
and then to thrive and move forward.
We Pray for
All those impacted by COVID19 and the variants. May health care staff and those infected
have respect and treat each other with dignity, and may everyone do their part to manage and
control this virus, including following best practice as recommended by public health officials.
Cycle of Prayer for April, the third mark of Mission
Tend – Service
“To respond to human need by loving service” is a central aspect of Christ’s call. Loving service
engages finding real needs and offers service that is truly loving so all are changed by the
Lord you came to service and not to be served, fill us with the compassion and insight to respond
to human need by loving service. Let your glory fill this place.
Let your glory fill this world.
We honour ministries in support of SERVICE: the Third Mark of Mission
ACW – Crafters, Catering, Pies, Caps for Caregivers
Space – Sparks- Brownies- Guides -Pathfinders
Outreach – Daily Bread, Nearly New Shop, Kick Soccer, Bales to the North, Undies Sunday,
Bless their Sox, Hospice comfort, Men’s Mission, Unity Project
My Sister’s Place, ANOVA, CMHA Distress Center, Ministry of the Month
St John’s Hospitality Dinners, Circles Dinners/ Bridges out of Poverty
Community Breakfast, in house and take away.
Christmas Share, Christmas family support.
Reflection Booklets
Please note that these reflection booklets are available.
- Both regular and large print of “Forward Day by Day” for April.
- The regular print of “Our Daily Bread” for April and May.
Outreach for April
Women’s Month, My Sister’s Place and Anova.
My Sister’s Place is many things to the 100 plus women who walk through its doors each day.
It is Safety. It is Support. It is Sisterhood. Women who access My Sisters’ Place range in age
from 16 – 70 and come from diverse backgrounds. Most have experienced abuse, trauma and
isolation. More than 80% are dealing with mental health challenges.
Needs: panties (all sizes), hats/mittens, small birthday gifts, hairbrushes, feminine hygiene
products; craft items, wool, jewelry.
Anova, formerly Women’s Community House (WCH) and Sexual Assault Centre London
(SACL). Anova provides safe places, shelter, support, counselling, and resources for abused
women, their children, and all oppressed individuals to find a new start. Provides enhanced
sexual violence and prevention work for youth, and an integrated 24-hour crisis and support line.
Needs: pajamas, slippers, colouring books and crayons, makeup, sheets, craft items, wool.
Socks Share: Sock donations will be blessed during our Maundy Thursday service, in which we
wash one another’s feet. The socks will then be shared with Unity Project, Youth Unlimited,
St. Joseph’s House with CCLC, and My Sisters Place.
St. Paul’s Foodbank
We are able to start collecting for this food bank once again, thanks to the care and generosity of
Doug and Laura Fairbairn, who will take the gifts to the cathedral. Food donations for St Paul’s
food bank will begin again on the second Sunday of every month, and May 13th will be our first
The following items would be most appreciated :
Cereals ( hot and cold ), canned meat / fish, macaroni & cheese, spaghetti sauce.
Empty egg cartons and plastic grocery bags are always needed for distribution.
The items can be deposited as before in the Narthex, or if you do not come to the in-person
services, take them to the office, where Kathy will be glad to pass them on.
Breakfast Program
As we prepare for this week’s breakfast, we remember that two years ago, we actually served
breakfast on Easter Sunday as the church was closed due to Covid. 31 guests picked up their
take away meal – this year we are preparing for 65. We have made some adjustments over the
two years but the goal remains, to serve nutritious and tasty food to those in need. We hope the
contents of the bag will provide for 2 meals and that the little extras, such as chocolate Easter
eggs and laundry soap, remind guests that they are cared about and cared for by this
Financial donations to support this vital ministry can by placed in the collection plate any
Sunday or added to your planned givings. Thank you, and Happy Easter!
Our next breakfast is this Saturday, April 16th, from 9 until 10:30 am.
Ukraine aid.
The Primate’s Fund is collecting gifts for aid to Ukraine (enter PWRDF to find
the website) and also the Canadian Red Cross (enter Canadian Red Cross for details), or your
own favourite agency. The need continues to be great and urgent.
St. Jude’s Cookbook . Cookbooks are still available, and at $15.00 each they are a real bargain!
You may purchase them by contacting the office at 519-660-6198 or Kathy will get you one if you visit the office. Not a lot left!
Advance notice!! We are reviving an old social favourite, Trivia Night!! It will be on
Saturday May 14th at 7.00 PM. We will be making up tables of 6 players, $15.00 per player.
BYO snacks, coffee and tea available, and there will be the usual cash bar. This will be our first
social in two years!!, so let’s have some fun. Mark your calendars.
Men of St. Jude are planning a coffee hour on Tuesday April 26th at 10.00 am in the LGC
room. BYO coffee and treat. The conversation topic is open! All St. Jude’s
men are invited and welcome!
Let’s Celebrate
Happy Birthday! This week to Ruth Giles (12th April) and Jonathan Townsend (16th). Hope
you both had/ have a happy day!!
And, congratulations to Shirley and Bill Lawrence, who celebrated their wedding anniversary
on 11th April!
The last word is, restrictions are being eased, but you will note the increasing numbers, so it
makes sense to continue your good habits in taking care!