Readings for Sunday 1st May, 2022 , Easter 3
First reading: Acts 9.1-6
Psalm 30
Second reading: Revelation 5.11-14
Gospel: John 21.1-19
Psalm 30, refrain
“Remember God’s holiness, and praise God.”

Sunday services still require some Covid rules to be obeyed, i.e. masks and hand sanitizing,
but some socializing is OK after the services.
Members not comfortable with these arrangements should attend the 8.30 am service, where full
Covid rules will still apply.
The 10.00 am service will be live-streamed, and also recorded for the website, YouTube and
Facebook page.
Here is the link for this week’s live stream:

Office hours:
Kathy is in the office Monday to Friday, 9 am to 1.00 pm. Please make sure to wear your mask.
Since we experienced technical issues last Sunday and the live stream of the service was not
available, anyone wishing an emailed copy of last Sunday’s homily, please contact the office.

Prayer and Pastoral Care

Rest In Peace
Norma Flaxman (at 100 years of age and a long time member of the St Jude’s family). May
Norma’s soul find rest eternal in the loving arms of the Saviour and rise in glory, and family and
friends find comfort as they remember and celebrate her earthly life, while they mourn.

Mrs. Betty Foster (wife of the Reverend Canon Bob Foster). May the soul of Betty find rest
eternal and rise in glory and family and friends find strength and comfort as they grieve.

Please pray this week for
Glenda; Diane and Jack, Mary, Jacqui, Pat; John; Lyall; Sean; Annie; Pat; Barb; John; Margaret,
Phyllis; Dave and Marylynn; Nelson; Ruth; Stephanie and Ron; Beth; Izzy; Brian; Clarion and
Brenda plus Lester; Precious; Laura; Vanessa; Stephanie; Alex; Simon; Sean, Pat, Lynda, Karen
and Mary; Jamie and Cathie; David, Matt; Sharon, Elizabeth and Valerie.
And for all those known to each of you alone, and for those who have no one to remember them
this day.

We Pray for

God’s creation, a sacred gift. Over the last while there have been wildfires, droughts, floods,
winds, and other happenings as a result of global weather and climate changes. May we offer
prayers that each individual, corporate entities, the power brokers, and influencers all do their
part to prevent further destruction and in time reverse the impacts of man’s raping of our
common world, our planet home.

We Pray for

The leaders of the church, guided by Holy Spirit to demonstrate the ways of Jesus and follow
the standards of the church, especially Archbishop Linda our Primate, Todd our Bishop, Bill our
priest, and all clergy as they follow the Call to Human Dignity.

We Pray for

We hold before you the former Archbishop Mark MacDonald, who has resigned as National
Indigenous Anglican Archbishop, and has relinquished the exercise of ministry due to
acknowledged sexual misconduct.
Our hearts hold compassion for human frailty and space for repentance while we also ache with
the pain that such betrayal causes, first to the complainant; then to so many others, and to the life
of our Church.

We Pray for

The people and lands of Ukraine, and other places of war, to be supported and find a way to
preserve their distinct culture and borders; and that the illegal invading forces find compassion
and a way to withdraw. May a ceasefire plus real and meaningful dialogue lead to peace and the
rebuilding of lives and livelihood.

We Pray for

All people disfigured by poverty, abuse, privilege, racism, prejudice, sickness, selfishness,
war, and greed, the sins of this world. May the new creation in Jesus the Christ appear in
Justice, care, dignity, love, and peace.

Reflection Booklets
Please note that these reflection booklets are available.

The regular print of “Our Daily Bread” for April and May.


Outreach for May
Stabilization House
London Intercommunity Health Centre: providing inclusive and equitable health and social
services to those who experience barriers to care, and fostering the active participation of
individuals and the communities served. Daily programs are offered to clients and
community members to improve their health and wellness, such as arts and crafts, nutrition
classes, book club, Indigenous sharing circles, harm reduction sessions and personal growth
Needs: toilet paper, canned good, family size and personal toiletries, crafts, cards, games.

St. Paul’s Foodbank
We are able to start collecting for this food bank once again, thanks to the care and generosity of
Doug and Laura Fairbairn, who will take the gifts to the cathedral. Food donations for St Paul’s
food bank will begin again on the second Sunday of every month, and May 15th will be our first
Sunday. Please leave your gifts in the Narthex, either before the 15th or at the Sunday services
on the 15th.
The following items would be most appreciated :
Cereals ( hot and cold ), canned meat / fish, macaroni & cheese, spaghetti sauce.
Empty egg cartons and plastic grocery bags are always needed for distribution.
The items can be deposited as before in the Narthex, or if you do not come to the in-person
services, take them to the office, where Kathy will be glad to pass them on.

Breakfast Program
Our next breakfast is Saturday, April 30th, from 9 until 10:30 am.

Ukraine aid. The Primate’s Fund is collecting gifts for aid to Ukraine (enter PWRDF to find
the website) and also the Canadian Red Cross (enter Canadian Red Cross for details), or your
own favourite agency. The need continues to be great and urgent.

More Outreach
The ACW is no longer using milk bags, but we are collecting them now for a London group
called “Reduce, Reuse and Recycle”.
They make sleeping mats for those in need, distributed by Project Hope.
They also collect all brands of plastic markers, high lighters and wax crayons, and ship them to
Crayola to re-purpose.
We continue to collect egg cartons for St. Paul’s food bank, used stamps for the Bible Society,
pop tabs for wheelchair purchases or repairs, greeting cards and eye glasses.
You can leave these all these items in our CRASH cupboard between the front doors.
(Conserve, Recycle And SHare)
Also remember Rick is collecting pop cans. He donates those funds to the food bank I believe.
They should be left downstairs outside the kitchen door in All Saints Hall where our recycling
bins are.



Rick will take your card orders up to the afternoon of Sunday, 8th May, 2022.


There are cookbooks available at the office. You can call 519-660-6198 to arrange pick-up. Only $15.00. Maybe you could find a nice recipe to cook for “Mom” on Mother’s Day.

Let’s Celebrate

Happy Birthday! This week to Diane Townsend, Fr. Matt, Dusan Novak and Roger Rawluk,
(all on 24th April), Steve Potter (25th) , Debby Williams 26th) and Mike Geoghegan (27th).
Hope you all had/ have a happy day!

Stay Safe and Be Well!