Readings for Sunday 5th June, 2022 , The Day of Pentecost
First reading: Acts 2.1-21
Psalm 104.24-35b
Second reading: Romans 8.14-17
Gospel: John 14.8-17
Psalm 47, refrain
“Send forth your Spirit, O God, and renew the face of the Earth”
Sunday services. The diocese has lifted all Covid restrictions, so now it is no longer mandatory
for you to wear a mask for the 10.00 am service, although this is always a personal choice and
recommended, and hand sanitizing and social distancing where possible are sensible precautions.
The diocese leaves it up to individual parishes to decide what rules they wish to apply.
For the month of June masks will still be required at the 8.30 am service at St. Jude’s, and after
that the situation will be reconsidered.
The Common Cup can now be offered at Communion, but reception of this is optional, and
receiving just the Bread still constitutes a full Communion.
Perhaps an after service social time can now be arranged – coffee or maybe lemonade outside??
The 10.00 am service will be live streamed and recorded for the website, YouTube and
Facebook page. Here is the link for the live stream:
The live stream for last Sunday, 26th May, did not seem to be reliable, so here is a link for the
recording: . Technical issues are still being investigated.
Prayer and Pastoral Care
Please pray this week for
Glenda; Mary, Jacqui, Pat; John; Lyall; Sean; Pat; Barb; John; Margaret, Phyllis; Dave and
Marylynn; Nelson; Ruth; Stephanie and Ron; Beth; Izzy; Brian; Clarion and Brenda plus Lester;
Precious; Laura; Vanessa; Stephanie; Alex; Simon; Sean, Pat, Lynda, Jamie and Cathie; David,
Matt, Elizabeth, Diane, Dave and Joanne, and Valerie.
And for those known to you alone and for those that have no one to remember them……
Rest in Peace
Terry Turkey (partner of Tim Gibbons) and Peter Conway (Cursillo member spouse of Audrey)
May the souls of our siblings in Christ, Terry and Peter, find rest eternal and rise in glory in the
presence of our creator. Pray for Tim, Audrey’s family and friends to find strength and comfort
as they mourn.
We give thanks
For the ministry of Matt who will be with us at St Jude’s, providing liturgy and pastoral
support during June, July and August. We are blessed to have this very spiritual and
knowledgeable priest to lead us during this time. Thanks be to God.
We give thanks
For the results of Glenda’s CT scan; things are moving in the right direction.
We pray for
Our priest Bill as he starts his sabbatical followed by vacation (June, July and August). May
this time of rest bring renewal and energy for moving forward with his life and calling.
We pray for
Bishop Todd as he shepherds our Diocese through multiple changes. May Holy Spirit guide
both Bill and Todd during this time of transition and moving forward.
We pray for
Bishop Todd as he shepherds our Diocese through multiple changes. May Holy Spirit guide
both Bill and Todd during this time of transition and moving forward.
We pray for
All those who have let their names stand in the Provincial election. May they become the
servant leaders that our democracy needs during a time of divisive paths, looking to the needs of
all citizens and not the few, looking at the environment as an important and worthy part of the
whole and not to be abused or taken for granted.
We pray for
The people and lands of Ukraine as they endure constant shelling and bombardments, with
loss of lives, livelihoods, homes and well-being. May Ukrainians be like David and have the
support and resilience to slay the Russian Goliath so Ukraine may have democracy and
dominion and peace in their own country and begin to rebuild.
We pray for
All those who have been impacted by mass shootings and violent acts. The victims present
and past who have gone to their eternal rest, may light perpetual shine upon them. Those who
have lived through these horrendous events and relive them with each reoccurrence, and for
those who love and support all the victims. May they have the resilience, strength and support
needed to find comfort and healing.
June Cycle of Prayer – The fifth Mark Of Mission
Treasure – Safeguard and Renew the Earth
As Christians we are called to “safeguard the integrity of creation”. Our world is a gift from
God, and we bear the responsibility for caring for the world and the Earth’s resources.
Lord, you came into our lives to redeem all that is good, guide us in our turn to renew and
sustain the the life of your creation. Let your glory fill this place.
Let your glory fill this world!
We honour ministries in support of SAFEGUARDING AND RENEWING THE EARTH: the
Fifth Mark of Mission, including: Stewardship, Environmental Team, Work to reduce single use plastics and major recycling initiatives, Buildings and Grounds, Lock up Security Group,
Finance and Audit groups, Committee of Stewards, Treasurer, Fundscrip, Garage Sales,
Garden Volunteers.
Looking for the latest Devotional Booklets?
They are in the Narthex, so help yourself.
Education for Ministry.
Interested in learning more about Education for Ministry? Please join us on Tuesday, June 7th
at 7pm for a Virtual Open House where you can learn more about Education for Ministry. New classes start in September. If this date, time, or format do not work for you, please reach out to either Libi Clifford, the Diocese of Huron EfM Coordinator, or Val Kenyon, Huron’s EfM Animator at
[email protected] .
Outreach for June
St. Paul’s Foodbank – June 11th
Community Breakfast – June 4th and 18th
National Indigenous Day – June 21st
Rotholme: Family Shelter primarily accommodates families (two parent and single parent
families, both male and female led).
Needs: Fitted single sheets, towels and diapers for 4-5months old.
St. Paul’s Foodbank
Our next food bank Sunday is 12th June, and the following items will be most appreciated :
Cereals ( hot and cold ), canned meat / fish, macaroni & cheese, spaghetti sauce.
Empty egg cartons and plastic grocery bags are always needed for distribution.
The items can be deposited as before in the Narthex, or if you do not come to the in-person
services, take them to the office, where Kathy will be glad to pass them on.
Breakfast Program
We continue to serve a take away breakfast 2 – 3 Saturdays a month but expect to move to a sit
down in-house meal in the Fall. At that time we will need additional team members so please
start thinking about lending your talents to this important ministry. As always, your financial
support is critical to continuing this work for our community. Thank you!
Our next breakfast is this Saturday, June 4th.
Ukraine aid. The Primate’s Fund is collecting gifts for aid to Ukraine (enter PWRDF to find
the website) and also the Canadian Red Cross (enter Canadian Red Cross for details), or your
own favourite agency. The need continues to be great and urgent.
Beef on a Bun Dinner was a great success last Saturday!! They served in excess of 90 dinners
and raised over $1350.00. Thanks to Derek and all the volunteers who made this possible.
The Yard Sale is this Saturday June 4th, 8:00 am to Noon. Tables will be set up
and provided, and a 50/50 split with the Church is the cost . The ACW is having a table, and
Baked goods for that will be appreciated. Things can be brought in Friday afternoon labelled
for the yard sale, or Saturday morning.
All participants are welcome.
Fundscrip Rick will take your card orders, usual place, up to the afternoon of Sunday 5th
Let’s Celebrate
Happy Birthday! This week to Victoria Siu (29th May), Dale Munro (1st
June), and Sharon Viglianti (4th). Hope you have/had a happy day!!
And, congratulations to: Mary Anne and Ray Campbell, who celebrated their wedding
anniversary on 30th May.
Gardeners!! Calling on St. Jude’s volunteers. We are in need of some additional gardening
help, in particular, the rose garden and beds along the East driveway. If you are able to add your
green thumb to keep our gardens beautiful, please let the office know (519-660-6198) and we’ll connect you with the others. Thank you.