Readings for Sunday 26th June 2022 , Pentecost 3
First reading: 2 Kings 2,1-2,6-14
Psalm 16 (the response will be said)
Second reading: Galations 5,1, 13-25
Gospel: Luke 9.51-62
Sunday services. The diocese has lifted all Covid restrictions, so now it is no longer mandatory
for you to wear a mask for the 10.00 am service, although this is always a personal choice and
recommended, and hand sanitizing and social distancing where possible are sensible precautions.
The diocese leaves it up to individual parishes to decide what rules they wish to apply.
For the month of June masks will still be required at the 8.30 am service at St. Jude’s, and after
that the situation will be reconsidered.
The Common Cup can now be offered at Communion, but reception of this is optional, and
receiving just the Bread still constitutes a full Communion.
The 10.00 am service will be live streamed and recorded for the website, YouTube and
Facebook page. Here is the link for the live stream:
Live streaming Sunday Services. We are cautiously optimistic that our Audio-Visual
equipment issues are solved! We invite anyone wishing to watch from home this Sunday to
click on the link above. Your prayers for our team of intrepid volunteers and the equipment are
Summer Sunday services. For the months of July and August, and beginning of September,
there will be one service only on each Sunday, at 9.30 am. The services will be live streamed
and recorded as usual.
Office hours:
Kathy is in the office Monday to Friday, 9 am to 1.00 pm.
Prayer and Pastoral Care
June Cycle of Prayer – The fifth Mark Of Mission
Treasure – Safeguard and Renew the Earth
As Christians we are called to “safeguard the integrity of creation”. Our world is a gift from God,
and we bear the responsibility for caring for the world and the Earth’s resources.
Lord, you came into our lives to redeem all that is good, guide us in our turn to renew and
sustain the the life of your creation. Let your glory fill this place.
Let your glory fill this world!
We honour ministries in support of SAFEGUARDING AND RENEWING THE EARTH: the
Fifth Mark of Mission, including:
Stewardship, Environmental Team, Work to reduce single use plastics and major recycling initiatives,
Buildings and Grounds, Lock up Security Group.
Finance and Audit groups, Committee of Stewards, Treasurer, Fundscrip, Garage Sales,
Garden Volunteers…..
Looking for the latest Devotional Booklets?
They are in the Narthex, so help yourself, or if you cannot get there, call the office at 519-660-6198.
Please pray this week for
Glenda; Ruth; Mary, Jacqui, Pat; John; Sean; Pat; Barb; John; Margaret, Phyllis; Dave and
Marylynn; Nelson; Ruth; Stephanie and Ron; Beth; Brian; Clarion and Brenda plus Lester;
Precious; Laura; Vanessa; Stephanie; Alex; Simon; Sean, Pat, Lynda, Jamie and Cathie; David,
Matt, Elizabeth, Diane, Dave and Joanne, Valerie, Norma and June.
And any others known to each of you alone and for those who have no one to remember them by
Rest In Peace:
Ron St Cyr, (Brother to Marjorie Leitch) and Brent Baer (brother-in-law to Nancey Orosz)
May the souls of Ron and Brent find rest eternal and rise in glory, and family and friends find
strength and in time comfort as they grieve.
Let us pray for
The appointment of Jeffery R. Malone, as the Director of Finance for the Diocese of Huron,
effective August 1st, 2022. This will help the Huron team move forward.
Let us pray for
The Indigenous Peoples (National Indigenous Day was June 21st) so a prayer for healing:
Creator God. We pray that minds and hearts will continue to be opened to learning the truth
about the harm of colonization and what took place in the Residential School Systems. We pray
that all Canadians will work towards understanding, healing and the well-being of all Indigenous
communities. We pray this in Jesus’ name.
Let us pray for
The war impacting Ukraine, the people, the land, the world stability, food security for millions,
and world economic upheaval. May wisdom prevail and an end to the violence and abuses turn
into peace and a rebuilding of lives and livelihoods. We ask that diplomacy and cooperation of
world leaders be used to stabilize the world order and that the aggressors find compassion ahead
of Imperialism.
Let us pray for
Church leaders, especially Bishop Todd leading the Diocese of Huron into a learning- just diverse and new church, Bill our priest away on sabbatical and vacation until September to
recharge his batteries, Matt our priest and a long time friend at St Jude’s as he leads and supports
us during this time. May Holy Spirit bring guidance and they feel supported and appreciated.
We are blessed to have these leaders during these crazy times.
Let us pray for
The state of our world where climate change is impacting weather, eco systems are failing, life
for many animals is at risk, and a way of life for millions of people is in peril. May we all be
called to do our part for climate justice to reduce environmental abuse, global greenhouse excess,
and pollution. May we look at the world as a precious gift to be protected and shared so all have
enough and there is a fair sharing of resources.
Outreach for June
Rotholme: Family Shelter primarily accommodates families (two parent and single parent
families, both male and female led).
Needs: Fitted single sheets, towels, and diapers for 4-5months old.
St. Paul’s Foodbank
Our next Food Bank Sunday is Sunday, 10th July. Doug and Laura Fairbairn, who usually take
our gifts to the Food Bank, will be away that weekend, so we are looking for volunteers to replace
them for that Sunday. The best time to go is around 10.00 am, to make sure someone is there.
Breakfast Program
The team served a record 82 take away breakfasts this past Saturday! To date in 2022, we have
provided 858 meals to those in need in our community. We give thanks for all our generous
donors who support this vital ministry – and this week a shout out to our TD Canada Trust
neighbours for their donation of $300.00. With the rising costs of foods and the number of
guests, your financial contributions are essential. Additionally, our supplies of toiletries for men
and women are all gone and need to be replenished.
Our next breakfast is on Canada Day weekend (July 2nd) and we like to give fresh strawberries –
donations for the berries are welcome. Thank you!
Ukraine aid. The Primate’s Fund is collecting gifts for aid to Ukraine (enter PWRDF to find the
website) and also the Canadian Red Cross (enter Canadian Red Cross for details), or your own
favourite agency. The need continues to be great and urgent.
Pies!! The ACW ladies have made rhubarb pies, and these will be on sale after the services on
Sunday. They are the usual $10.00 each, (and worth every mouth watering penny!)
Help Wanted
Masonry. You may have noticed that the stonework along the church side of the East driveway
needs some work. If you or someone you know could help with the repairs, please contact Wally
Lockhart at 519-672-0876 [email protected] or Glenda Hayward 519-319-2089 or
[email protected] Thank you.
Gardeners!! Calling on St. Jude’s volunteers. We are in need of some additional gardening help,
in particular, the rose garden and beds along the East driveway. If you are able to add your green
thumb to keep our gardens beautiful, please let Glenda know [email protected] or
519-319-2089, and we’ll connect you with the others. Thank you.
Let’s Celebrate
Happy Birthday! This week to Dennis Johns (23rd June). Hope you have a happy day!
And, congratulations to Cathy-Lee and John Benbow, who celebrate their wedding anniversary
on 24th June, and Trish and Ben Forster, celebrating on the 24th, and Lucy and Phil Uptgrove, who
celebrate on the 25th.
Welcome to Summer!!!