Readings for Sunday 31st July 2022 , Pentecost 8
First reading: Hosea 11.1-11
Psalm 107.1-9
Second reading: Colossians 3.1-11
Gospel: Luke 12.13-21
Sunday services. The diocese has lifted all Covid restrictions, so now it is no longer mandatory
for you to wear a mask for the services, although this is always a personal choice and
recommended, and hand sanitizing and social distancing where possible are sensible precautions.
The diocese leaves it up to individual parishes to decide what rules they wish to apply.
The Common Cup can now be offered at Communion, but reception of this is optional, and
receiving just the Bread still constitutes a full Communion.
The service will be live streamed and recorded for the website, YouTube and Facebook page.
Here is the link for Sunday’s service:
A note from the Wardens
Even though Covid rules have been largely lifted, it is still wise for us to observe good protective
practices, especially as health authorities say we are now in a seventh Covid wave, led by the
new BA variants. The Wardens strongly encourage the wearing of masks and hand sanitizing at
our services and gatherings, and especially urge that anyone who is not feeling well, has a cough,
sore throat, runny nose, etc., should not attend these events at St. Jude’s. Stay home until your
symptoms have resolved, and take part in the live-streamed service. This will ensure the best
protection for us all.
And, make sure your vaccinations are fully up to date!
Office hours
Kathy is in the office Monday to Friday, 9 am to 1.00 pm, but please note that the office will be
closed from 1st to 3rd August.
Hand sanitizing and wearing your mask is strongly recommended if you visit.
Prayer and Pastoral Care
Please pray this week for
Brian; Mary and family; Mary, Sean; Pat; Barb; John; Margaret, Dave and Marylynn; Nelson;
Ruth; Stephanie and Ron; Beth; Clarion and Brenda plus Lester; Precious; Laura; Stephanie;
Alex; Pat, Jamie and Cathie; David, Matt, Elizabeth, Diane, Dave and Joanne, Valerie, Lynda;
Leigh plus Keith and Karleen.
And any others known to each of you alone and for those who have no one to remember them by name.
Rest In Peace
The Reverend Susan Jolley (retired). May the soul of Susan find rest eternal and rise in glory,
and her family and friends find strength and comfort as they mourn.
We Pray For
The Anglican Communion and 650 Bishops from around the globe gathering for the 15th
Lambeth Conference, July 26th-August 8th. May Holy Spirit guide them to look beyond each of
their own borders and see how diversity can support strength. Unity does not mean sameness and
moving forward with differences can be a reflection of various gifts. As they journey together
over the next two weeks, we pray that the Lambeth Conference will be a place of great
encouragement and strengthening and that they will listen, learn, worship, and pray together.
We Pray For
The homeless, those in poverty, the working poor and all who are having trouble surviving in
our current economic circumstances. We pray that the power brokers will show genuine
understanding of the circumstances of the life of all Canadians and strive to provide supports like
affordable housing, food security, access to medicine, care/social services and the necessities of
We Pray For
The members of all marginalized groups, that the gifts and strengths of all may come together
for the benefit and furthering of all of society. We pray that the worth and dignity of every human
being regardless of race, culture, religion, gender, sexual orientation, economic status, will be
accepted and honoured.
We Pray For
For the Indigenous peoples of Canada as they connect with Pope Francis on Canadian soil.
May there be true repentance and the road to Reconciliation, healing and wholeness move forward
and become a reality.
Living the Marks of Mission (July and August Cycle of Prayer)
– listen with all your heart – honour your elders – encourage young people to be active in church
often and loudly – choose good over evil – welcome the stranger – write the government about the
issues that matter – invite a co-worker to church – help your dad do housework – get messy with
school kids – say “Thank the Lord” and mean it – tweet your blessings one by one – introduce your
grandkids to nature – read and share God’s word – Pray,
Looking for the latest Devotional Booklets?
They are in the Narthex, so help yourself, or if you cannot get there call the office at 519-660-6198.
Outreach for July
The Outreach Committee’s focus this month is the environment, encouraging composting at
home, stopping the use of single use plastics, etc. See the Bulletin boards for information about
St. Paul’s Food Bank
Our next Food Bank Sunday is Sunday, 14th August.
They have asked for Cereals , canned meat , Pasta Sauce & Noodles , baked Beans , and some
toiletries . Egg cartons and used plastic bags will be great too! Please leave your gifts in the
Breakfast Program
Breakfast Program, in the month of August we’ll hold 3 breakfasts. Your financial support is
essential to the ongoing hospitality we are able to offer to those in need in our community.
Thankful you! Also needed this month are toiletries.
Next breakfast is this Saturday July 30th when we shall prepare for 75 guests.
The Pride Parade – report from Sharon Frank:
Sunday was an interesting day. The London Pride Parade followed our church service, and
despite the call for dreadful weather it was a perfect day for the walk. The St Jude’s group
followed the Proud Anglicans of Huron ,giving a good sized group supporting the dignity of every
human being. I t was a great turn out of marchers and parade side supporters.
Then we were hosted at the cathedral supported by St Mark’s for a great BBQ lunch. Thanks to
Dennis and Joanne Johns for organizing St Judes group! Allie, our student from Covid days, was
there with her baby Margot! Allie is the new Lay Pastor in Stratford (September1st ) and over
the next few months will be ordained and become the Deacon and then Priest!
Ukraine aid. The Primate’s Fund is collecting gifts for aid to Ukraine (enter PWRDF to find the
website) and also the Canadian Red Cross (enter Canadian Red Cross for details), or your own
favourite agency. The need continues to be great and urgent.
Nearly New Shop has a wonderful selection of new men’s large golf shirts ,and size 36 men’s
shorts. Prices will be unbelievable, I imagine!!
Let’s Celebrate
Happy Birthday! This week to Wally Lockhart (26th July), Lucy Uptgrove, Sherry Shadlock and
Linda Howard (28th). Hope you all had/ have a happy day!