Readings for Sunday 4th September, Pentecost 13, and the first Season of Creation Sunday.
The theme is Climate Change.
First reading: Isaiah 24: 1-6
Psalm 98: 1-9
Second reading: Romans 8: 18-27
Gospel: Matthew 8: 23-27

Sunday services.
This Sunday, 4th September, is the last of the Summer services with one service of Holy
Eucharist, at 9.30 am. On Sunday 11th September we return to the two services each Sunday, a said service of Holy Communion at 8.30 am, and a sung service at 10.00 am.
The Common Cup is offered at Communion, but reception of this is optional, and receiving just
the Bread still constitutes a full Communion.
The services will be live streamed and recorded for the website, YouTube and Facebook pages.
Here is the link for Sunday 4th

Fr. Bill has returned, reinvigorated and ready to lead us in an exciting Fall.
A warm welcome back, Fr. Bill!! It is good to see you so obviously well and refreshed!
Meanwhile, a sincere and appreciative “Thank you” to Fr. Matt, who has served us so well
during Fr. Bill’s absence.

From the Wardens
The Wardens strongly encourage the wearing of masks and hand sanitizing at our services and
gatherings, and especially urge that anyone who is not feeling well, has a cough, sore throat,
runny nose, etc., should not attend these events at St. Jude’s. Stay home until your symptoms
have resolved, and take part in the live-streamed service. This will ensure the best protection for
us all.

Office hours
Kathy is in the office Monday to Friday, 9 am to 1.00 pm, Hand sanitizing and wearing your
mask is strongly recommended if you visit.

Prayer and Pastoral Care

Please pray this week for
Joe and Debbie; Brian; Mary, Sean; Pat; Barb; John; Margaret, Dave and Marylynn; Nelson;
Ruth; Stephanie and Ron; Beth; Clarion and Brenda plus Lester; Precious; Laura; Stephanie;
Alex; Jamie and Cathie; David, Matt, Elizabeth, Diane, Dave and Joanne, Valerie, Lynda; Leigh
plus Keith and Karleen; Joseph and Erin plus John, Mary Anne; Donna; Geoff plus Linda and
And all those known to each of you alone, and those who have no one to remember them…

Rest In Peace
Pat Knowles Harrison (sister-in-law to Fran Rinker). May the soul of Pat find rest eternal in the
loving arms of the Lord and rise in Glory. Pray for Fran and the family and friends that they may
find strength and in time comfort as they share and celebrate happy memories of Pat’s life.

We pray for

Clergy, who by the guidance of Holy Spirit take a caring and leadership role to support the
laity in our spiritual journey, especially Bishop Todd, our returning priest Bill and interim priest
Matt. May they continue in their calling, know that they are cared for and that their ministry is
making a good and positive impact on the children of God under their direction.

We pray for

The people of the world whose lives and way of life have been forever changed by man made
disasters. We hold before you the people in Ukraine suffering from the illegal invasion by
Russian troops, the war in Sudan, and power struggles and oppression in Afghanistan, and
wherever love of power is greater than the love of neighbour. May peoples of all faiths, and no
faith, come to see that we need to work together to care for one another and learn to live with
respect of one another and side by side, where diversity is a strength and not a weakness.

We pray for

The lands and people impacted by natural disasters, especially in Pakistan where flood waters
have covered a third of the country, in areas where heat domes are causing droughts, fires and
storms, in North America and throughout Europe. May we all pull together to address the issues
of climate justice and protect your gift to us, our island home. Let each of us do our part
individually and advocate for the power brokers to protect the world for without this gift we have

We pray for

All those heading back to school and other educational activities. As the “New School Year”
begins as old friends reconnect and new friendships be formed. We pray that students, teachers,
and all associated workers remain safe and feel the future unfolding in their learning, support and
influence, where success can be achieved by all and for all.

A message from Fr. Bill
Christians around the world are invited to give particular attention to praying and caring for God’s
creation s part of the global Season of Creation which is observed from September 1st
to October 4th every year. For five Sundays beginning on September 4th
St. Jude’s will be celebrating the Season of Creation. In our hymns, prayers, and scripture readings we will celebrate the beauty of God’s creation and be invited to renew our commitment to striving to safeguard the integrity of creation and to sustain and renew the life of the earth.

Fifth Mark of Mission
In thanksgiving and in honouring of the five Sundays of the “Seasons Of Creation,” starting
September 4th we will be using the fifth Mark of Mission for our cycle of prayer.

Treasure – Safeguard and Renew the Earth
As Christians we are called to “safeguard the integrity of creation”. Our world is a gift from God.
We bear the responsibility for caring for the world and the Earth’s resources.
Lord, you came into our lives to redeem all that is good, guide us in our turn to renew and sustain
the the life of your creation. Let your glory fill this place.
Let your glory fill this world!

We honour ministries in support of SAFEGUARDING AND RENEWING THE EARTH, the
Fifth Mark of Mission, including Stewardship, Environmental Team, Work to reduce single use plastics and major recycling initiatives, Buildings and Grounds, Lock up Security Group, Grubby days
Finance and Audit groups, Committee of Stewards, Treasurer, Fundscrip, Garage Sales, Garden

Anglican Fellowship of Prayer
Diocese of Huron Fall gathering 2022 is planned for Saturday, October 1st, 9:30 am to 12:30 pm (online).
“Let us walk in joy and wonder”. When we consider how we will lead our children to faith, we
are often surprised to find them leading us! Join the Rev’d Gerry Adam for a time of storytelling,
reflection and prayer as we explore the formation of our youngest disciples.
To register please contact the Rev’d Kim Myer at [email protected] or by calling/texting

I have a digital copy of the homily that Cyndi offered on August 21st
in which she speaks to some understandings about the 23rd Psalm and “The Lord’s Prayer”. If you would like a copy, call the office at 519-660-6198.


Outreach for September
Reminds us of the St. Paul’s Foodbank on September 11th, and our Community Breakfasts are
Saturday, 4th September, and Saturday 18th September.
A request from Cheryle Ann: “Microwave: I am looking for a microwave for a refugee family. I
will pay for one if you wish to sell a good used one.”
Please let the office know at 519-660-6198 if you have one for sale or for donation.

St. Paul’s Food Bank
Our next Food Bank Sunday is Sunday, 11th September.
They have asked for Cereals , Granola bars, canned meat , Pasta Sauce & Noodles , baked Beans
and some toiletries . Egg cartons and used plastic bags will be great too! Please leave your gifts
in the Narthex.

Breakfast Program
Once again our St. Jude’s Breakfast Team will prep for 75 guests for this coming Saturday. To
get ready, the inventory was done on Sunday, grocery lists generated and sent to our Costco and
No Frills shopping experts. The shoppers will deliver their goods to the kitchen.
On Friday, one of two other volunteers will pick up and deliver our fresh white milk order, and
our faithful bakers will deliver their muffins and treats to be bagged. The 7 member prep team
will arrive around 1 pm., then counters are sanitized, bags counted out, non perishable bag
contents organized for the assembly line, and pots put on for the 150 eggs to be boiled, shelled
and bagged. Then cheese and ham sandwiches will be put together, and baby carrots and celery
sticks cleaned and bagged. The 100 cups of coffee will be readied for Saturday morning, and the
team is usually on their way home by 3:30 pm.
Later in the day, a couple of other volunteers will spend some time organizing the generous
donations of toiletries, clothing and other items generously donated by our parishioners and
friends so they are ready for the morning serving team.
Wow!! This Saturday it all happens again, 9.00 to 10.30 am!

Ukraine aid. The Primate’s Fund is collecting gifts for aid to Ukraine (enter PWRDF to find the
website) and also the Canadian Red Cross (enter Canadian Red Cross for details), or your own
favourite agency. The need continues to be great and urgent.


Nearly New Shop
The Shop is having a half price sale, now on for another week!!

Fall special!! The Fund Raising and Social committee will be hosting a golf evening, Friday
September 30th. It will be a “Nine and Dine” event at Cobble Hills Golf course, and players and
guests are welcome. Details about times and cost will be coming soon.

Volunteers Needed

September is coming!
Return to two Services and “Sign Up Sunday”. See the separate email detailing church activities
in which you can participate.

Crafty people wanted!! Nancey Orosz is looking for crafting volunteers, no experience
necessary, just an interest in doing something new and useful for the church. They meet
Wednesdays from 10:00 am to 3:00pm in the St Martha room. Come for fun and friendship and
to boost our fund-raising efforts.

Let’s Celebrate

Happy Birthday! This week to Victor Nwanko (29th August), Charlotte Bouckley (30th), Robert
Sexsmith (31st) and Ethan Kirkland (3rd September). Hope you all have a happy day!

And congratulations to Cheryle Ann and David Belford, who celebrated their wedding
anniversary on 29th August.

St. Jude’s Newsletter. Cathy Ferguson is beginning work on the next edition, and is asking
parish members to help by sending her pictures/stories of what has brought life (in all its
expressions from joy to sadness and everything in between) to them that they may want to share in
next newsletter. Send them to the office and we shall make sure they get to Cathy.