Readings for Sunday 2nd October, Pentecost 17, and the fifth Season of Creation Sunday. The theme is Biodiversity.
First reading: Genesis 1.12-28
Psalm 148
Second reading: Revelation 5: 1-14
Gospel: Matthew 10: 26-33

Sunday services
The Common Cup is offered at Communion, but reception of this is optional, and receiving just
the Bread still constitutes a full Communion.
The 10.00 am service will be live streamed and recorded for the website, YouTube and Facebook
Here is the live stream link for Sunday 2nd October:

Blessing of the Animals
This Sunday, October 2nd, at the 10:00 a.m. liturgy we will conclude our celebration of the
Season of Creation with a blessing of the animals. If you have a pet, you are welcome to bring it
with you to church for a blessing. The tradition of the blessing of the animals came to be
associated with St. Francis of Assisi, whom the Church remembers each year in October. This
association probably grew out of St. Francis’ love, care and concern for all created things. A
blessing of Animals witnesses to God’s and our love, care and concern for all Creation. As we
recognize our mutual interdependence with God’s creatures we are reminded of our responsibility
to be good stewards of Creation.

From the Wardens
The Wardens strongly encourage the wearing of masks and hand sanitizing at our services and
gatherings, and especially urge that anyone who is not feeling well, has a cough, sore throat,
runny nose, etc., should not attend these events at St. Jude’s. Stay home until your symptoms
have resolved, and take part in the live-streamed service. This will ensure the best protection for
us all.

Office hours
Kathy is in the office Monday to Friday, 9 am to 1.00 pm, Hand sanitizing and wearing your
mask is strongly recommended if you visit.

Prayer and Pastoral Care

Please pray this week for
Brian; Mary, Pat; Sean; Barb; Margaret, Dave and Marylynn; Nelson; Ruth; Stephanie and Ron;
Beth; Clarion and Brenda plus Lester; Precious; Laura; Stephanie; Alex; Jamie and Cathie;
David, Matt, Elizabeth, Diane, Dave and Joanne, Valerie, Lynda; Leigh plus Keith and Karleen;
Joseph and Erin plus John; Geoff plus Linda and Randy, Kelly, and Lt. Commander the
Reverend Rob Parker.

Rest In Peace
Jan McKenzie a long time St Jude’s member and spouse to Bob. May light perpetual shine on
Jan and her soul find rest eternal and rise in glory into the arms of her Creator. Pray for Bob,
family and friends for strength as they mourn, and in time comfort and peace.
Mike LaLiberty, a young father. May the soul of Mike find eternal peace and rise in glory ,and
we pray that Jennifer and young Zachary, and all family and friends find strength, and draw on
one another for comfort at this challenging time.
Keith Rose, father of EFM graduate Gary and father-in-law to church house staff member Sarah
Chase. May the soul of Keith find rest eternal and rise in Glory and family and friends find
comfort in their mutual grief.

We Pray For

Bishop Todd, our priest Bill and all clergy as they will be resuming an in person clergy
conference after a long Covid absence. May Holy Spirit work within then to rekindle and
strengthen faith after they have experienced great stress guiding people and themselves in times
of ambiguity, fear, confusion, and loss.

We Pray For

The people in Canada’s East coast, especially Nova Scotia, PEI, and Newfoundland as they
face the trials of devastation following hurricane Fiona in all its wrath. May they find support
and resilience to pick up the pieces of their lives and rebuild something new. And we remember
all victims of weather related events that have forever had their lives altered, we pray that the
world will respond and that climate justice will be addressed.

We Pray For

The groups looking to support the vulnerable members of our society in cooperation with all
the stake holders so all will be served and feel safe and treated with dignity. May the spirit of
understanding and respect guide next steps so a positive result can be experience and an
acceptable and sustainable solution for the benefit of all can be had.

We Pray For

Our indigenous siblings, as they and the settler peoples look towards Truth and Reconciliation
to help bring healing and wholeness as the realities of multi generational residential school
tragedies are confronted. May all learn that unity does not mean conformity and all can celebrate
the differences of diversity, for the strength it is.

Cycle of Prayer for October
Transformation – Transforming Society:
“To seek to transform unjust structures of society”, to challenge violence of every kind, and to
pursue peace and reconciliation, is a call to go beyond charitable giving and help change a world
that creates human needs. To join in God’s work in building the Kingdom by transforming

Lord, let the fire of your goodness and justice burn into us and through us, that we may seek to
transform the unjust structures of society. Let your glory fill this place,
Let your glory fill this world!

We honour ministries in support of TRANSFORMING SOCIETY: the Fourth Mark of Mission Support for: New Comers To Canada and LIRSA, North East Neighbourhood Group, Marriage
inclusivity, Pride walk, Crisis Response, Addiction groups, PWRDF, London Food Coalition,
IJM (International Justice Mission) Prayer Partner, Food Bank distribution…


Ark Aid Don’t forget to sign the petition in support of Ark Aid and First Baptist Church,
emailed to the parish earlier this week. They need our support.

PWRDF The Primate’s Fund is collecting gifts for aid to Ukraine and Pakistan and also now for
aid to those communities badly hit by hurricane Fiona. They also suggest that now is the time
to order your PWRDF Christmas cards! Go to [email protected].
The needs for aid continue to be great and urgent.

St. Paul’s Food Bank
Our next Food Bank Sunday is Sunday, 9th October. They are asking us for Cereals, Canned
meat , canned vegetables , canned soup ,baked beans, spaghetti sauce , pasta noodles, peanut
butter , granola bars , toiletries , milk powder , used plastic bags , 500 ml or 750 containers , and
egg cartons.

Breakfast Program
Ministry of the Month – September.
This month we have asked for your financial support so we can continue to offer a nutritious
breakfast for the those in need. These are members of our community who enjoy a laugh with
our serving team in All Saints Hall and fellowship over coffee on the side lawn. Some have
small children, some teenagers and many – no family at all. Two to three times each month your
dollars provide them with a meal of fresh boiled eggs, yogurt, cheese sticks, juice boxes, oatmeal,
granola bars, fresh milk and a hot wrap, sandwich, or casserole. Our bakers each donate 2 – 3
dozen muffins or 3 to 4 dozen baked treats. Our experienced shoppers do their best to spend
your donations wisely.
Thanks to all who have generously donated this month and previously. For others, please
consider helping us now to meet our budget of $1100.00 per month. Next breakfast is this
Saturday October 1st from 9 – 10:30 am. All are welcome!


Golf ++ The Fund Raising and Social committee is hosting a golf evening, this Friday
September 30th. It will be Cobble Hills Golf course, and players and guests are welcome. Tee
time start at 4 pm. Dinner plans have changed and the group will now go to Kelseys instead.

Take out Turkey Dinner
The Fund Raising team is organizing a turkey dinner on Saturday October 22nd. The cost will
be $20.00, as before, and dinner will include Gravy, Dressing, Mixed Veggies, Cranberries,
Mashed Potatoes, and Homemade Pie. Please call the office to pre -book your dinner.

Indian Dinner. Come enjoy fellowship with other Anglicans at the First Dinner while
contributing to our worthy fundraising goals. The First Dinner is an Indian dinner experience
presented by the London Deanery in support of outreach ministries. In the past several years our
deanery has worked together to support many projects in the city of London, for example:

  • Luke’s Place ministries to Western University students
  • Indwell
  • Children and Youth ministries.
    The dinner is at St. Aidan’s Church on October 14th. Cocktails at 5:30 pm, Dinner at 6:30 pm
    Tickets: $50.00.
    Contact Kevin George by email, [email protected] or call 226-377-2334 for tickets

Season of Creation; Tips from the diocese regarding environmental protection:
– Learn how to read your energy bills and make your home more energy efficient.
– Explore the use of renewable energy in your home, business and school, parish
– There have been a number of government programs at the provincial and federal
level to offer rebates and other incentives to move towards efficiency. Keep your
eyes on these and use them when available.
– Good insulation, draft proofing and smart thermostats help reduce energy usage,
which helps wallets and the environment.
– Switch to LED lighting.