Readings for Sunday 23rd October, Pentecost 20
First reading: Joel 2.23-32
Psalm 65
Second reading: 2 Timothy 4.6-8, 16-18
Gospel: Luke 18.9-14
Sunday Services
The Common Cup is offered at Communion, but reception of this is optional, and receiving just
the Bread still constitutes a full Communion.
The 10.00 am service will be live streamed and recorded for the website, YouTube and Facebook pages.
Here is the livestream link for Sunday’s 10.00 am service:
From the Wardens
The Wardens strongly encourage the wearing of masks and hand sanitizing at our services and
gatherings, and especially urge that anyone who is not feeling well, has a cough, sore throat,
runny nose, etc., should not attend these events at St. Jude’s. Stay home until your symptoms
have resolved, and take part in the live-streamed service. This will ensure the best protection for
us all.
Prayer and Pastoral Care
Prayer does not begin with us. Whatever we pray, in whatever capacity, prayer is ultimately a
response to God. To know this is to rest in the faith that, whether we feel anything or not, God
has already initiated something within us whenever we pray. (Br. Sean Glenn, SSJE).
Please pray this week for
Pat; Sean; Brian; Mary, Barb; Dave and Marylynn; Nelson; Ruth; Precious; Laura; Stephanie;
Alex; Jamie and Cathie; David, Matt, Elizabeth, Diane, Dave and Joanne, Valerie, Lynda; Leigh
plus Keith and Karleen; Joseph and Erin plus John; Geoff plus Linda and Randy,
Kelly; Baby Caleb; Olivia and Wendy and Marlene.
Rest In Peace
Mr. David Meakin, (spouse to the Reverend Glenda Meakin-retired). May the soul of David
find rest eternal and rise in Glory and Glenda, family and friends find comfort as they grieve.
We Pray for
Some peace to be negotiated regarding the illegal invasion and occupation of Ukrainian
territory by Russia, especially for Ukrainians who are enduring relentless unmanned drone
attacks on civilian and basic utility infrastructures. For families separated and relocated behind
enemy lines. May the world work to support the dignity of all.
We Pray for
All the victims of horrendous weather patterns and events that have brought destruction and
loss to lives, livelihoods, and destabilization to the environment, and habitats. May human kind
wake up to the reality that climate justice action is needed, to address severe climate crises
throughout the whole world.
We Pray for
The poor, the vulnerable and marginalized, for those finding it difficult to pay the rent and put
food on the table. May all pull together for a simple life in which everyone has enough food,
clean water, affordable housing, appropriate clothing and the necessities of life to thrive.
Cycle of Prayer for October
Transformation – Transforming Society:
“To seek to transform unjust structures of society”, to challenge violence of every kind, and to
pursue peace and reconciliation, is a call to go beyond charitable giving and help change a world
that creates human needs. To join in God’s work in building the Kingdom by transforming
Lord, let the fire of your goodness and justice burn into us and through us, that we may seek to
transform the unjust structures of society. Let your glory fill this place,
Let your glory fill this world!
We honour ministries in support of TRANSFORMING SOCIETY: the Fourth Mark of Mission Support for: New Comers To Canada and LIRSA, North East Neighbourhood Group, Marriage
Inclusivity, Pride Walk, Crisis Response, Addiction Groups, PWRDF, London Food Coalition,
IJM (International Justice Mission) Prayer Partner, Food Bank distribution…
CHRISTMAS BALE: for years the ACW has been paying for the shipping costs to send
shipments of used clothing to the North. Currently we are sending things to a store in Kenora
called Twice is Nice, which is affiliated with St. Alban the Martyr, the cathedral in Kenora.
Early in November we send only new Christmas items to Kenora to distribute to those in need,
with guidance from the cathedral and social services. We have set aside a few new adult things
that have come in to the Nearly New Shop during the year. In October we would like to focus
on teen and children’s things. The woman who organizes this is very appreciative and has
suggested the following:
All ages: hoodies, pajamas, socks, underwear, toothbrushes and tooth paste, hats, mitts and
Children: crayons, coloured pencils, markers, colouring and activity books, comic books, smaller
child’s back packs, small stuffed animals, small toys and puzzles, playing cards, hockey pucks
and sunglasses.
Girls: Hair accessories, jewelry, jewelry kits, and dolls.
Boys: Wallets.
Cash Donations designated as “Christmas Bale” are also welcome. Cherie Laughlin and Marg
Bryant will do the shopping for you. (This is always fun)
Please have things to the church by October 31st.
Breakfast Program
This past Saturday, our St. Jude’s Breakfast team served 74 guests a hot ham and cheese or plain
cheese sandwich along with a few carrot and celery sticks. We continue to discuss the
possibilities about offering guests an option to eat in or take home the breakfast. Given the
feedback from our guests and the Covid numbers, we will continue with the take away option for
now and reassess on a week to week basis.
One thing we do hear consistently from other meal programs is that the numbers are
continuing to rise across the city and the need is not getting any less. Our guests offer their
thanks to all for your continued support of this vital ministry – please know your prayers and
positive thoughts are noticed and make a significant positive impact on the volunteers and guests
alike. With five Saturdays in October, we will do week to week breakfasts on October 29th
and November 5th. Thank you!
Our next breakfast is Saturday October 29th from 9 – 10:30.
St. Paul’s Food Bank
Our next Food Bank Sunday is Sunday, 11th November.
PWRDF. The Primate’s Fund is collecting gifts for aid to Ukraine and Pakistan and also now
for aid to those communities badly hit by hurricane Fiona. They also suggest that now is tthe
time to order your PWRDF Christmas cards! Go to [email protected].
The needs for aid continue to be great and urgent.
Take out Turkey Dinner
The Fund Raising team is organizing a turkey dinner this Saturday October 22nd. The cost will
be $20.00, as before, and dinner will include Gravy, Dressing, Mixed Veggies, Cranberries,
Mashed Potatoes, and Homemade Pie. Please call the office to pre -book your dinner.
It’s Bazaar Time once again!! on Saturday November 12th from 9 am -1 pm. There will be a
quilt draw, bake table, raffle, crafts and so much more. Donations of jewelry, raffle
items and baked goods are welcome. Linda Howard is once again coordinating this important
fund raising event. Check your mailbox for quilt tickets to buy or sell!
Victorian Tea. November 26th, at 1pm. Tickets for the tea are available between services or by
calling the church office. Ticket price is $25.00, $10.00 for children 12 and under.
2023 Anglican Church calendars. These are now available from any Chancel Guild member,
price unchanged at $10.00.
ACW Meets each Wednesday at 10.00 am to help with crafts in the St. Martha room. Everyone
welcome. Bring a bag lunch for the 12.00 noon break.
Pies. Thanks to all who purchased the meat, rhubarb and apple pies in the last couple of months.
The bakers will be back at it next week to make pies to sell at the Christmas Bazaar on
November 12th. If you missed out on the last sales, please try and get to the Bazaar early to
purchase the pies of your choice. Many thanks to the pie makers with a special thank you for the
gifts of Marjorie Leitch and Fran Webb who make all the pastry!
Let’s Celebrate
Happy Birthday! This week to Walter Harris (20th October). Hope you have a happy day!
And, congratulations to Cyndi and Wally Lockhart, who celebrate their wedding anniversary on
22nd October!