Don’t forget, one service only this Sunday 5th February, at 9.30 am, followed by the Annual
Vestry meeting on the lower level in All Saints Hall. Coffee and muffins will be available!

Readings for Sunday 5th February, Epiphany 5
First reading: Isaiah 58.1-9
Psalm 112.1-9
Second reading: 1 Corinthians 12.1-12
Gospel: Matthew 5.13-20

Psalm 112 response: “Happy are they who have given to the poor, Alleluia!”

Here is the link for Sunday’s service:

Covid precautions
As of Sunday 5th February, Fr. Bill has decided that it is time to lift the mask mandate for St.
Jude’s, but wearing a mask is always your personal choice. However, if you are not feeling well,
have a cough, sore throat, runny nose, etc., please do not attend any event at St. Jude’s.
Coffee hours will also resume between the two Sunday services.

Office hours
The office is open from 9.00 am to 1.00 pm, Monday to Friday. Please wear a mask if you are

Prayer and Pastoral Care

Cycle of Prayer for February
Teach – Discipling
“To teach, baptize, and nurture new believers” and indeed all believers – by fostering Christian
development in new participant, long time members and everyone in between.
Lord, fill us with your welcoming spirit, that we may faithfully teach, baptize, and nurture those
who come to believe in you. Let your glory fill this place.
Let your glory fill this world!

We honour ministries in support of DISCIPLING: the Second Mark of Mission Music: Choirs, Musical solo
Knowledge: Christian Development – Bible and Book Studies, Education for Ministry,
Children and Youth: Sunday school, Huron Church camp, Youth activities exploration
Prayer: Prayer and Pastoral Care Team, Anglican Fellowship of Prayer (AFP) ,World Day of
Prayer, Devotional Booklet Resources, Touching Base Phone group
Communicating: Communications Team, Photography, Call Networks
Leadership: Wardens, Parish Council, Synod Reps, Deanery groups, Office and Administration
Staff, Hospitality and Fellowship: Welcome Team, Greeters, Women’s group
Fun and Funds: Coffee house, Trivia, Auctions, Pig Roast & Turkey take out meal team, garage
sale (many on Covid hold temporarily).

Rest in Peace
Tyre Nichols, Dr. Jamie Kissick, (friend of St Jude’s Keith and Cathy Ferguson), and Bernie
Wilson. May Tyre, Jamie and Bernie find rest eternal in the loving arms of the Divine and rise
in glory and friends, family and all that they knew find strength, support and peace as they

Let us pray for

Hayden, our student; for Bill our Priest; Todd our Bishop; Anne, our Metropolitan; Linda, our
Primate; Christopher, National Indigenous Archbishop-elect, and Marinez, Bishop of Amazonia ,
we pray for God’s support of their leadership and that they may be guided by your Holy Spirit.

Let us pray for

All the invisible people: the poor, the marginalized, the outcasts, the abused, those being
trafficked , those living on the streets, the forgotten. May we follow the great commandment and
love and care for all our neighbours those we see and those that we need to see; sharing resources
and offering support so all can flourish and feel a sense of dignity.

Let us pray for

All the victims of war and terrorism where guns, bombs and other instruments of destruction
cause death, heart ache, loss, pain and suffering. May oppressors, occupiers, perpetrators see the
error of their ways and move to meaningful dialogue and sustainable peace.

Let us pray for

The Archbishop of Canterbury, visiting South Sudan with Pope Francis, and the Rt. Rev’d. Dr
Iain Greenshields, 3rd to 5th February.


St. Paul’s Food Bank
Our next Food Bank Sunday is Sunday, 12th February. They would appreciate Cereals , Mac &
Cheese , Spaghetti Noodles , spaghetti Sauce , coffee and tea bags, and containers.

Breakfast Program
The program offers more than a take away breakfast on the first, third and fifth Saturday each
month. Friends are offered toiletries, gently used clothing and footwear, toilet paper and books.
Your generosity in providing these items is much appreciated. In particular this week, we are
looking for women’s outdoor footwear – size 11.
Our next breakfast is this Saturday February 4th from 9 – 10:30 am. All are welcome!

Fundscrip. Rick will take orders for your cards until the afternoon of Sunday 5th February, at
his house as usual.

Learning Together

Lenten Study
Lent begins on Ash Wednesday, which falls on February 22nd
this year. During the season of Lent we typically offer a faith formation program, but Fr. Bill is recommending we join, via Zoom, London Deanery’s study, focusing on a book by Amy-Jill Levine called “Entering the Passion of Jesus; A Beginner’s Guide to Holy Week.”
Fr. Bill has 10 copies of the book available for purchase at a cost of $25. If you would like one,
please email Fr. Bill at [email protected] , or speak to him on Sunday.
The series runs from 7.30 to 8.30 pm, every Monday, beginning on 27th
February, and concluding on April 2nd with a session with the author of the book.


ACW. First meeting of the year will be on February 8th, at noon in All Saints Hall.
All women of the church are welcome. Bring a bag lunch. Tea, coffee and dessert will be provided.
The craft group will meet as usual at 10. Come early and check out what they’re up to. After
lunch we will have a short meeting to review financials and what we might want to do in 2023.
Following the meeting everyone is welcome to stay and get to know or get caught up with other
ladies of the parish. All are welcome.

Let’s Celebrate

Happy Birthday!! This week to Liam Smith and Krystal Grignon (1st February – today!), Don
Norris and Sharon Frank (4th) . Hope you all celebrate well!!